// ResTraits.hh // Copyright (c) 2011 Pavel Labath (pavelo at centrum dot sk) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #ifndef FBTK_RESTRAITS_HH #define FBTK_RESTRAITS_HH #include #include #include "FbString.hh" #include "Luamm.hh" #include "StringUtil.hh" namespace FbTk { struct ConversionError: public std::runtime_error { ConversionError(const std::string &msg) : std::runtime_error(msg) {} }; /* Classes that "know" how to convert from string and lua representations * into corresponding C++ types */ template struct IntTraits { typedef T Type; static std::string toString(T x) { return StringUtil::number2String(x); } static void toLua(T x, lua::state &l) { l.pushnumber(x); } static T fromString(const std::string &x) { T t; if(StringUtil::extractNumber(x, t)) return t; throw ConversionError("Cannot convert to integer from '" + x + "'"); } static T fromLua(lua::state &l) { lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); if(l.isnumber(-1)) return static_cast(l.tonumber(-1)); else if(l.isstring(-1)) return fromString(l.tostring(-1)); throw ConversionError( std::string("Cannot convert to integer from lua type ") + l.type_name(l.type(-1)) ); } }; struct StringTraits { typedef std::string Type; static const std::string &toString(const std::string &x) { return x; } static void toLua(const std::string &x, lua::state &l) { l.pushstring(x); } static const std::string &fromString(const std::string &x) { return x; } static std::string fromLua(lua::state &l) { lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); if(l.isstring(-1) || l.isnumber(-1)) return l.tostring(-1); throw ConversionError( std::string("Cannot convert to string from lua type ") + l.type_name(l.type(-1)) ); } }; struct FbStringTraits { typedef FbString Type; static std::string toString(const FbString &x) { return FbStringUtil::FbStrToLocale(x); } static void toLua(const FbString &x, lua::state &l) { l.pushstring(toString(x)); } static FbString fromString(const std::string &x) { return FbStringUtil::LocaleStrToFb(x); } static FbString fromLua(lua::state &l) { lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); if(l.isstring(-1) || l.isnumber(-1)) return fromString(l.tostring(-1)); throw ConversionError( std::string("Cannot convert to string from lua type ") + l.type_name(l.type(-1)) ); } }; struct BoolTraits { typedef bool Type; static std::string toString(bool x) { return x ? "true" : "false"; } static void toLua(bool x, lua::state &l) { l.pushboolean(x); } static bool fromString(const std::string &x) { return strcasecmp(x.c_str(), "true") == 0; } static bool fromLua(lua::state &l) { lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); if(l.isstring(-1)) return fromString(l.tostring(-1)); else if(l.isnumber(-1)) return l.tointeger(-1) != 0; else return l.toboolean(-1); } }; /** * To use this class, one must first define a mapping between enum values and their names using * the s_map array. A NULL value for name signals the end of the array. E.g., * * template<> * EnumTraits::Pair EnumTraits::s_map[] = { {"Bar", Bar}, {"Baz", Baz} {NULL, Baz} }; */ template struct EnumTraits { typedef T Type; struct Pair { const char *name; T value; }; static const Pair s_map[]; static std::string toString(T x) { for(const Pair *p = s_map; p->name; ++p) { if(p->value == x) return p->name; } throw ConversionError("Unknown value for enum"); } static void toLua(T x, lua::state &l) { l.pushstring(toString(x)); } static T fromString(const std::string &x) { for(const Pair *p = s_map; p->name; ++p) { if(strcasecmp(p->name, x.c_str()) == 0) return p->value; } throw ConversionError("Cannot convert to enum from '" + x + "'"); } static T fromLua(lua::state &l) { lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); if(l.isstring(-1) || l.isnumber(-1)) return fromString(l.tostring(-1)); throw ConversionError( std::string("Cannot convert to enum from lua type ") + l.type_name(l.type(-1)) ); } }; template struct VectorTraits { typedef std::vector Type; static std::string toString(const Type &x) { std::string retval; for(size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) { retval.append(Traits::toString(x[i])); retval.append(" "); } return retval; } static void toLua(const Type &x, lua::state &l) { l.checkstack(2); l.createtable(x.size()); lua::stack_sentry s(l); for(size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) { Traits::toLua(x[i], l); l.rawseti(-2, i+1); } } static Type fromString(const std::string &x) { std::vector val; StringUtil::stringtok(val, x); Type retval; for(size_t i = 0; i < val.size(); i++) { try { retval.push_back(Traits::fromString(val[i])); } catch(std::runtime_error &) { } } return retval; } static Type fromLua(lua::state &l) { l.checkstack(1); lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); Type retval; if(l.type(-1) == lua::TTABLE) { for(size_t i = 1; l.rawgeti(-1, i), !l.isnil(-1); ++i) { try { retval.push_back(Traits::fromLua(l)); } catch(std::runtime_error &) { } } return retval; } throw ConversionError( std::string("Cannot convert to vector from lua type ") + l.type_name(l.type(-1)) ); } }; } // end namespace FbTk #endif // FBTK_RESTRAITS_HH