News for 0.1.9: * Improved fluxbox-generate_menu script. Which now installs itself so you can regenerate the menu any time, and with gnome and kde menus run: fluxbox-generate_menu -h for more information. * Default 24 hour clock format * Code cleaning * Compiles with no errors on Mac OS X * Now compiles with Intel Compiler 6.0 and GCC 3.1 * New keybindings: * FirstTab Go to first tab * LastTab Go to last tab * MoveTabPrev Move current tab left * MoveTabNext Move current tab right * "Allow Desktop MouseWheel Switching" runtime option * Configurable geometry show configure in init with: session.screen0.showwindowposition * Now saves resources when you change them in the menu and not when you exit Fluxbox. So you can edit the init file and the reconfigure/restart Fluxbox to activate changes. Bugfixes: * bug [ 552723 ] removing decorations while shaded. * shade bug while vertical rotated tabs and tabs off * bug [ 515483 ] "XMMS Problem" * Fixed transient bug which cause Fluxbox to crach ( the "acroread" bug )