Fluxbox builds on Blackbox source but has different goals. For copyright see COPYING Compile and Install: # ./configure # make and then as root # make install for KDE slitsupport: ./configure --enable-kde To disable tabs and/or iconbar just change it in configure menu. To use your own configuration: Create a directorory, in your homedir, called .fluxbox and copy: init, titlebar and menu from fluxbox datapath. Dont forget to change session.menuFile and session.titlebarFile in the file init. You can use your old blackbox configuration file too. Just copy .blackboxrc to ~/.fluxbox/init . The same goes for menu file. The bbkeys config file can be selected in the file init: session.keyFile: <filename here> You can also use the Blackbox themes in Fluxbox. If there isn't any format for the tab in the theme then the tab will have the same theme as the titlebar. Thanks: Blackbox team #linux.se@dalnet, #linux.se@openproject.net skypher of openprojects for buggtesting and providing fluxbox with themes: Clean CleanColor Makro, Carbondioxide and MerleyKay. skarin, Perc, xfs, skypher and skywarper for buggtesting