News in 0.9.15:
    * Added styleOverlay resource 
       * session.styleOverlay: ~/.fluxbox/overlay
       Style settings in this file override any settings from a
       regular style
    * New theme item:
       * background: <texture option>
       * background.pixmap: <image filename>
       * background.color: <color>
       * background.colorTo: <color>
       The background.pixmap filename will be sent to "fbsetbg"
       which in turn sets the background.
       The following options will be available for the background.pixmap:
         - tiled 
         - centered
       For example:
         background: tiled
         background.pixmap: someimage.png
       and it can also generate a normal texture:
         background: gradient
         background.color: blue
         background.colorTo: green
       The rootCommand in the style is now obsolete and if the 
       "background" item is not found in the style then the default
       background will be green and with a warning text.
    * Added new resize mode: Center 
       session.screen0.resizeMode: Center
       This mode will move all corners at the same time with 
       equal distance.
    * Resources changes for titlebar:
      The titlebar is now configured by setting:
      * session.screen<num>.titlebar.left
      * session.screen<num>.titlebar.right
    * nls changes:
       * Updated ko_KR
       * Added zh_CN, nb_NO
Bug fixes:
    * #1409775 gcc4.1 problems
    * #1327878 Appending backslash to () and [] characters in the apps file
    * #1417688 remember apps keeps incrementing vertical dimension
    * #1307877 fbsetbg did not create ~/.fluxbox/lastwallpaper
    * #1335255 (Gentoo #110197) fbgm had some globbing related probs 
    * #1267076 cygwin link problems
    * Fix for stuck icons
    * Fixed memory leak when XCreateImage fails in XFontImp
    * _net_wm_state_hidden

See ChangeLog for more details