$set 0x1 #Align 0x1 BottomCenter 0x2 Bottom Left 0x3 Bottom Right 0x4 Horizontal 0x5 Left 0x6 Left Bottom 0x7 Left Center 0x8 Left Top 0x9 Relative 0xa Right 0xb Right Bottom 0xc Right Center 0xd Right Top 0xe Top Center 0xf Top Left 0x10 Top Right 0x11 Vertical $set 0x2 #BaseDisplay 0x1 Aborting... dumping core\n 0x2 Shutting Down\n 0x3 %s: signal %d caught\n $set 0x3 #Common 0x1 Alpha 0x2 Auto hide 0x3 Compiled 0x4 Compiled options 0x5 Compiler 0x6 Compiler version 0x7 init 0x8 keys 0x9 menu 0xa style 0xb Defaults 0xc disabled 0xd Error 0xe Fluxbox version 0xf Maximize Over 0x10 Visible $set 0x4 #Configmenu 0x1 AntiAlias 0x2 Auto Raise 0x3 Click Raises 0x4 Click to Focus 0x5 Decorate Transient Windows 0x6 Desktop MouseWheel Switching 0x7 Focus Window on Workspace Change 0x8 Focus Model 0x9 Focus New Windows 0xa Full Maximization 0xb Image Dithering 0xc Opaque Window Moving 0xd Semi Sloppy Focus 0xe Sloppy Focus 0xf Workspace Warping $set 0x5 #Ewmh 0x1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for EWMH client list $set 0x6 #FbTkError 0x1 Warning! Height > 3200 setting Height = 3200 0x2 Warning! Width > 3200 setting Width = 3200 0x3 Warning: can't load fallback font 0x4 Allocation error. 0x5 Error creating pixmap 0x6 Cant create XImage 0x7 Failed to read 0x8 Warning: Failed to find valid format for alpha. 0x9 Warning: Failed to create alpha picture. 0xa Warning: Failed to create alpha pixmap. 0xb Failed to find format for screen(%d) 0xc Out of memory 0xd Out of memory while allocating blue buffer. 0xe Out of memory while allocating green buffer. 0xf Out of memory while allocating red buffer. 0x10 Failed to read theme item 0x11 unsupported visual 0x12 Setting default value $set 0x7 #Fluxbox 0x1 rc filename is invalid! 0x2 Failed to load groupfile 0x3 Failed to load database 0x4 Retrying with 0x5 Warning! Could not find screen to map window on! 0x6 Can't create %s directory 0x7 Couldn't find screens to manage.\nMake sure you don't have another window manager running. 0x8 Error parsing regular expression 0x9 Fatal! There can only one instance of fluxbox class. 0xa Can not connect to X server.\nMake sure you started X before you start Fluxbox. 0xb Warning: X server does not support locale 0xc Warning: cannot set locale modifiers $set 0x8 #Gnome 0x1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for GNOME client list $set 0x9 #Keys 0x1 Keys: Error on line 0x2 Keys: Failed to merge keytree! 0x3 Keys: Invalid key/modifier on line $set 0xa #Menu 0x1 Configuration 0x2 Fluxbox default menu 0x3 Exit 0x4 Icons 0x5 Layer... 0x6 On Head... 0x7 Placement 0x8 Reload Config 0x9 Restart 0xa xterm $set 0xb #Remember 0x1 Decorations 0x2 Dimensions 0x3 Jump to workspace 0x4 Layer 0x5 Remember... 0x6 Position 0x7 Save on close 0x8 Shaded 0x9 Sticky 0xa Unknown apps key 0xb Workspace $set 0xc #Screen 0x1 BScreen::BScreen: an error occured while querying the X server.\n another window manager already running on display 0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d 0x3 W: 0000 x H: 0000 0x4 BScreen::BScreen: managing screen %d using visual 0x%lx, depth %d\n 0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d 0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000 $set 0xd #Slit 0x1 Clients 0x2 Cycle Down 0x3 Cycle Up 0x4 Slit Direction 0x5 Slit Layer 0x6 Slit on Head 0x7 Slit Placement 0x8 Slit $set 0xe #Toolbar 0x1 Edit current workspace name 0x2 Iconbar Mode 0x3 All Windows 0x4 Icons 0x5 None 0x6 Workspace 0x7 WorkspaceIcons 0x8 Toolbar Layer 0x9 Toolbar on Head 0xa Toolbar Placement 0xb Toolbar 0xc Toolbar width percent $set 0xf #Window 0x1 Unnamed $set 0x10 #Windowmenu 0x1 Close 0x2 Iconify 0x3 Layer 0x4 Lower 0x5 Maximize 0x6 Raise 0x7 Send To ... 0x8 Shade 0x9 Stick $set 0x11 #Workspace 0x1 Workspace %d 0x2 Workspaces 0x3 New Workspace 0x4 Remove Last $set 0x12 #bsetroot 0x1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n 0x2 Couldn't create pixmap atoms, giving up! 0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\ -display display connection\n\ -mod modula pattern\n\ -foreground, -fg modula foreground color\n\ -background, -bg modula background color\n\n\ -gradient gradient texture\n\ -from gradient start color\n\ -to gradient end color\n\n\ -solid solid color\n\n\ -help print this help text and exit\n $set 0x13 #main 0x1 error: '-display' requires an argument\n 0x2 Bad Alloc 0x3 Bad cast 0x4 Out of range 0x5 Runtime error 0x6 Standard Exception 0x7 Unknown error 0x8 error: '-log' needs an argument 0x9 Log File 0xa Logging to 0xb error: '-rc' requires an argument\n 0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\ -display \t\tuse display connection.\n\ -rc \t\t\tuse alternate resource file.\n\ -version\t\t\tdisplay version and exit.\n\ -info\t\t\t\tdisplay some useful information.\n\ -log \t\t\tlog output to file.\n\ -help\t\t\t\tdisplay this help text and exit.\n\n $set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay $set 0x1 #Align 0x1 BottomCenter 0x2 Bottom Left 0x3 Bottom Right 0x4 Horizontal 0x5 Left 0x6 Left Bottom 0x7 Left Center 0x8 Left Top 0x9 Relative 0xa Right 0xb Right Bottom 0xc Right Center 0xd Right Top 0xe Top Center 0xf Top Left 0x10 Top Right 0x11 Vertical $set 0x2 #BaseDisplay 0x1 Aborting... dumping core\n 0x2 Shutting Down\n 0x3 %s: signal %d caught\n $set 0x3 #Common 0x1 Alpha 0x2 Auto hide 0x3 Compiled 0x4 Compiled options 0x5 Compiler 0x6 Compiler version 0x7 init 0x8 keys 0x9 menu 0xa style 0xb Defaults 0xc disabled 0xd Error 0xe Fluxbox version 0xf Maximize Over 0x10 Visible $set 0x4 #Configmenu 0x1 AntiAlias 0x2 Auto Raise 0x3 Click Raises 0x4 Click to Focus 0x5 Decorate Transient Windows 0x6 Desktop MouseWheel Switching 0x7 Focus Window on Workspace Change 0x8 Focus Model 0x9 Focus New Windows 0xa Full Maximization 0xb Image Dithering 0xc Opaque Window Moving 0xd Semi Sloppy Focus 0xe Sloppy Focus 0xf Workspace Warping $set 0x5 #Ewmh 0x1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for EWMH client list $set 0x6 #FbTkError 0x1 Warning! Height > 3200 setting Height = 3200 0x2 Warning! Width > 3200 setting Width = 3200 0x3 Warning: can't load fallback font 0x4 Allocation error. 0x5 Error creating pixmap 0x6 Cant create XImage 0x7 Failed to read 0x8 Warning: Failed to find valid format for alpha. 0x9 Warning: Failed to create alpha picture. 0xa Warning: Failed to create alpha pixmap. 0xb Failed to find format for screen(%d) 0xc Out of memory 0xd Out of memory while allocating blue buffer. 0xe Out of memory while allocating green buffer. 0xf Out of memory while allocating red buffer. 0x10 Failed to read theme item 0x11 unsupported visual 0x12 Setting default value $set 0x7 #Fluxbox 0x1 rc filename is invalid! 0x2 Failed to load groupfile 0x3 Failed to load database 0x4 Retrying with 0x5 Warning! Could not find screen to map window on! 0x6 Can't create %s directory 0x7 Couldn't find screens to manage.\nMake sure you don't have another window manager running. 0x8 Error parsing regular expression 0x9 Fatal! There can only one instance of fluxbox class. 0xa Can not connect to X server.\nMake sure you started X before you start Fluxbox. 0xb Warning: X server does not support locale 0xc Warning: cannot set locale modifiers $set 0x8 #Gnome 0x1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for GNOME client list $set 0x9 #Keys 0x1 Keys: Error on line 0x2 Keys: Failed to merge keytree! 0x3 Keys: Invalid key/modifier on line $set 0xa #Menu 0x1 Configuration 0x2 Fluxbox default menu 0x3 Exit 0x4 Icons 0x5 Layer... 0x6 On Head... 0x7 Placement 0x8 Reload Config 0x9 Restart 0xa xterm $set 0xb #Remember 0x1 Decorations 0x2 Dimensions 0x3 Jump to workspace 0x4 Layer 0x5 Remember... 0x6 Position 0x7 Save on close 0x8 Shaded 0x9 Sticky 0xa Unknown apps key 0xb Workspace $set 0xc #Screen 0x1 BScreen::BScreen: an error occured while querying the X server.\n another window manager already running on display 0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d 0x3 W: 0000 x H: 0000 0x4 BScreen::BScreen: managing screen %d using visual 0x%lx, depth %d\n 0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d 0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000 $set 0xd #Slit 0x1 Clients 0x2 Cycle Down 0x3 Cycle Up 0x4 Slit Direction 0x5 Slit Layer 0x6 Slit on Head 0x7 Slit Placement 0x8 Slit $set 0xe #Toolbar 0x1 Edit current workspace name 0x2 Iconbar Mode 0x3 All Windows 0x4 Icons 0x5 None 0x6 Workspace 0x7 WorkspaceIcons 0x8 Toolbar Layer 0x9 Toolbar on Head 0xa Toolbar Placement 0xb Toolbar 0xc Toolbar width percent $set 0xf #Window 0x1 Unnamed $set 0x10 #Windowmenu 0x1 Close 0x2 Iconify 0x3 Layer 0x4 Lower 0x5 Maximize 0x6 Raise 0x7 Send To ... 0x8 Shade 0x9 Stick $set 0x11 #Workspace 0x1 Workspace %d 0x2 Workspaces 0x3 New Workspace 0x4 Remove Last $set 0x12 #bsetroot 0x1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n 0x2 Couldn't create pixmap atoms, giving up! 0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\ -display display connection\n\ -mod modula pattern\n\ -foreground, -fg modula foreground color\n\ -background, -bg modula background color\n\n\ -gradient gradient texture\n\ -from gradient start color\n\ -to gradient end color\n\n\ -solid solid color\n\n\ -help print this help text and exit\n $set 0x13 #main 0x1 error: '-display' requires an argument\n 0x2 Bad Alloc 0x3 Bad cast 0x4 Out of range 0x5 Runtime error 0x6 Standard Exception 0x7 Unknown error 0x8 error: '-log' needs an argument 0x9 Log File 0xa Logging to 0xb error: '-rc' requires an argument\n 0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\ -display \t\tuse display connection.\n\ -rc \t\t\tuse alternate resource file.\n\ -version\t\t\tdisplay version and exit.\n\ -info\t\t\t\tdisplay some useful information.\n\ -log \t\t\tlog output to file.\n\ -help\t\t\t\tdisplay this help text and exit.\n\n $set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay