.\" .\" Man page for Fluxbox .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2000 by Wilbert Berendsen .\" Copyright (c) 2001 by Matthew Hawkins .\" .\" This manual page may be freely distributed and modified. .\" Parts of the text are taken from website and several README's .\" by His Great Hughesness himself. Why reinvent wheels? .\" .\" Created with NEdit, tested with ``man'' and ``tkman.'' .\" This manpage uses only standard groff and tmac.an macros. .\" To all translators who didn't do manpages earlier (like me ;-): .\" Read the Man-Page-Mini-HOWTO and the LDP manpage ``man 7 man'' .\" There's all I needed to know about these macros. .\" .\" Updated for bb 0.61 at Sat Sep 9 06:56:04 CEST 2000 .\" .\" Changed to fluxbox by Henrik Kinnunen (fluxgen@linuxmail.org) .\" .\" Updated for fluxbox 0.1.5 by Matthew Hawkins .\" .\" Updated for version 0.1.6 by Rando Christensen .\" .\" Updated for version by Stanislav Karchebny .\" .\" ..define sort of
.de EX
.ne 5
.if n .sp 1
.if t .sp .5
.in +.5i
.de EE
.in -.5i
.if n .sp 1
.if t .sp .5
.TH fluxbox 1 "December 10th, 2001" "0.5.1"
fluxbox \- a window manager for X11
.BR fluxbox " \-help | \-version"
.B fluxbox 
.RI "[ \-rc" " rcfile " "] [ \-display" " display " ]
.\" Phirst Phew ParagraPhs taken from blackbox.alug.org
Fluxbox is yet another addition to the list of window managers for the Open
Group's X Window System, Version 11 Release 6 and above.
Fluxbox is built with C++, based on the sources of Blackbox 0.61.0.
.BR fast .
Fluxbox provides configurable window decorations, a root menu to launch
applications and a toolbar that shows the current workspace name, the focused
application name and the current time.
There is also a workspace menu to add or remove workspaces. The `slit' can be
used to dock small applications, e.g. most of the bbtools can use the slit.
Fluxbox will iconify windows to the toolbar, in addition to adding the window
to the `Icons' submenu of the workspace menu.  One click and they reappear.
A double-click on the titlebar of a window will shade it (i.e. the window will
disappear, only the titlebar stays visible.)
Fluxbox uses its own graphics class to render its images on the fly.
By using style files, you can determine at a great level how your desktop looks
like.  Fluxbox styles are compatible with those of Blackbox, so users migrating
can still use their current favourite themes.
Currently KDE WM hints are not supported, but Fluxbox is already prepared to
support the new window manager specification that is now being developed for
both Gnome and KDE2.0.
Fluxbox supports the following commandline options:
.B \-help
Display command line options and compiled-in features, then exit.
.B \-version
Display version info and exit.
.BI \-rc \ rcfile
Use another rcfile than the default
.IR  "~/.fluxbox/init" .
.BI \-display \ display
Start Fluxbox on the specified display.
Programs started by Fluxbox will have the
environment variable set to this value, too.
This program is usually started by the user's startup script, most times called
.IR ~/.xinitrc .
To run fluxbox, modify the script by adding
.EX 0
exec fluxbox
as the last executed command of the script.
When Fluxbox terminates, the X session will terminate too.
When started, Fluxbox will try to find a default menufile in
.IR @pkgdatadir@/menu .
You can provide a system-wide menu for your users here.
On exit or restart, Fluxbox will save user defaults in the file
.I ~/.fluxbox/init
in the user's home directory.
Some resources in this file can be edited by hand.
Fluxbox includes keyboard handling.  0.1.4 integrated
.IR bbkeys (1)
however from version 0.1.5 the whole keyboard handling code was rewritten
from scratch. You can get a script to convert your bbkeys file into fluxbox
format at the fluxbox webpage, http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/.
.SS Root window (background):
Right click (button 3) will pop up the root menu.
With this you can launch your applications.
You can customize this menu for your needs.
A middle click (button 2) pops up the workspace menu.
You can add or remove a workspace, view
applications running on all workspace, inspect your icons, and jump directly to
any workspace or application.
Left clicking (button 1) on an application in the Workspaces menu will bring
you to that workspace and raise/focus that application;
middle clicking (button 2) will warp the application to the current workspace.
.SS Toolbar:
The toolbar consists of three fields: a workspace name, window name of the
window that has currently focus, and a clock.
A left click on the toolbar will bring it to the foreground, a
middle click will hide it behind other windows (if AlwaysOnTop is not set), and
the right button brings up a little menu.
Using this menu you can enter a name for the current workspace (when finished,
press Enter).
Also you can choose the toolbar's position, whether or not it
should be always on top (i.e. it cannot be obscured by other windows),
and whether it should hide itself when the mouse moves away.
.SS Window Titlebar and Borders:
A left click on any place of the window's border, will raise it.
Dragging then moves the window.
Dragging the resize grips at the left-bottom and right-bottom
corners resizes the window.
Middle clicking on any place will immediately lower the window.
Right clicking on border or titlebar pops up the window menu,
containing these commands:
.B Send To...
Send window to another workspace.
When you select the workspace with the middle button, Fluxbox will
send you along with the application to the selected workspace
.B Send Group To...
Sends a window, along with all windows currently grouped with it, to 
another workspace. Follows the same rules as Send To...
.B Shade
Shade the window (display titlebar only)
.B Iconify
Iconify window.
The `icon' can be found in the `Icons' submenu of the workspace menu
as well as in the toolbar.
.B Maximize
(Un)Maximize window.
When you click the middle button on this item, the
window will maximize only vertically
.B Raise
Raise window
.B Lower
Lower window
.B Stick
(Un)Stick window.
A stuck window will always be displayed in the current workspace
.B Kill Client
Kill (-SIGKILL) owner of window
.B Close
Close the application cleanly
When you doubleclick on the titlebar of a window, it will `shade', so
that only the titlebar stays visible.
Another double click will redisplay the window contents.
.SS Window Buttons:
In fluxbox, the window button's configuration is controlled by your 
.I ~/.fluxbox/titlebar
file, which specifies which buttons to put on the right of left side of
the title bar. The default is:
.EX 0
Right: minimize maximize close
Left: sticky
Clicking the minimize button with any button causes the window to be iconified.
Clicking the close button with any button closes the application.
The maximize button (if present) maximizes the window in three ways:
Button 1 causes full screen maximization, button 2 maximizes the window only
vertically, and button 3 only horizontally.
The Sticky button sets has the same meaning as the 
.I (Un)Stick window
menu option.
.SS Any menu:
Clicking button 3 in a menu will popdown the menu.
Clicking button 1 on the titlebar of any (sub)menu and then dragging it somewhere
else will cause the menu to stay visible and not disappear when you click on
a menu item.
.SS Miscellaneous:
When you want to drag a window, but cannot see either the bottom handle or its
titlebar, you can press Alt + button 1 anywhere in the window and then
drag it around.
You can also use Alt + button 1 to raise a partially visible window.
Finally, Alt + button 2 lowers a window, and Alt + button 3 resizes the window.
A default menu file is installed in
.IR @pkgdatadir@/menu .
Of course this system-wide menu can be customized for all users at once.
But it is also possible to create a personal menu.
It is a convention to create a directory
.IR "~/.fluxbox/" " (or " "~/fluxbox/" ")"
in your home directory, and to create a menu file, e.g.
.I menu
in this directory, or copy the system-wide menu file to this location.
Next, we have to tell Fluxbox to load our menu file instead of the default.
This is accomplished by adding (or changing) a resource value in the
.I ~/.fluxbox/init
file e.g.:
session.menuFile:       ~/.fluxbox/menu
For this change to take effect, Fluxbox has to be restarted.
Be sure that your menu is usable, then choose `Restart' from the default
Fluxbox root menu.
.SS Menu syntax
The menu syntax is very simple and very effective.
There are upto three fields in a menu line.
They are of the form:
[tag] (label or filename) {command or filename}
The supported tags are as follows:
.B [begin] (label for root menu)
This tells Fluxbox to start parsing the menu file.
This tag is required for Fluxbox to parse your menu file.
If it cannot find it, the system default menu is used instead.
.B [end]
This tells Fluxbox that it is at the end of a menu.
This can either be a submenu or the main root menu.
There must be at least one of these tags in your menu to correspond to the
required [begin] tag.
.B [exec] (label for command) {shell command}
Inserts a command item into the menu.
When you select the menu item from the menu, Fluxbox runs `shell command.'
.B [exit] (label for exit)
Inserts an item that shuts down and exits Fluxbox.
Any open windows are reparented to the root window before Fluxbox exits.
.B [include] (filename)
Parses the file specified by
.I filename
inline with the
current menu. The filename can be the full path to a file or it can begin with
.IR ~/ ,
which will be expanded into your home directory (e.g.
[include] (~/fluxbox/stylesmenu)
will include
.I /home/fluxgen/fluxbox/stylesmenu
in my menu).
.B [nop] (label - optional)
Insert a non-operational item into the current menu.
This can be used to help format the menu into blocks or sections
if so desired.
.B [nop]
does accept a label, but it is not required, and a blank item will be used
if none is supplied.
.B [style] (label) {filename}
This tells Fluxbox to insert an item that, when selected, reads style file
.I filename
and apply the new textures, colors and fonts to the current
running session.
.B [stylesdir] (directory name)
Reads all filenames from the specified directory, assuming that they are all
valid style files (directories are ignored), and creates menu items in the
current menu for every filename, that, when selected by the user, apply the
selected style file to the current session.
The labels that are created in the menu are the filenames of the style files.
.B [stylesmenu] (label) {directory name}
Creates a submenu entry with
.I label 
(that is also the title of the new submenu), and inserts in that submenu all
filenames in the specified directory, assuming that they are all valid style
files (directories are ignored) in the same way as the
.B [stylesdir]
command does.
.RB Both\  [stylesdir] \ and\  [stylesmenu]
commands make it possible to install style files without editing your menu file.
.B [submenu] (label) {title for menu - optional}
This tells Fluxbox to create and parse a new menu.
This menu is inserted as a submenu into the parent menu.
These menus are parsed recursively, so there is no limit to the number of levels
or nested submenus you can have.
The title for the new menu is optional, if none is supplied,
the new menu's title is the same as the item label.
.B [end]
tag is required to end the submenu.
.B [reconfig] (label)
When selected, this item rereads the current style and menu files and
apply any changes.
This is useful for creating a new style or theme, as you don't have to
constantly restart Fluxbox every time you save your style.
However, Fluxbox automagically rereads the menu whenever it changes.
.B [restart] (label) {shell command - optional}
This tells Fluxbox to restart.
If `shell command' is supplied, it shuts down and runs the command (which is
commonly the name of another window manager).
If the command is omitted, Fluxbox restarts itself.
.B [config] (label)
Inserts a Fluxbox native submenu item, containing numerous configuration
options concerning window placement, focus style, window moving style etc.
.B [workspaces] (label)
This tells Fluxbox to insert a link to the workspaces menu directly
into your menu.
This is handy for those users who can't access the
workspace menu directly (e.g. if you don't have a 3 button mouse, it's
rather hard to middle click to show the workspace menu).
Any line that starts with a `#' is considered a comment and ignored by Fluxbox.
Also, in the labels/commands/filenames fields,
you can escape any character like so:
[exec] (\\(my cool\\) \\{XTERM\\}) {xterm -T \\"cool XTERM\\"}
Using `\\\\' inserts a literal back-slash into the label/command/filename field.
.SS Menu example
Now let's put together some things.
Here is a short example of a menu file:
# Fluxbox menu file
[begin] (Fluxbox 0.5.1)
  [exec] (rxvt) {rxvt -ls}
  [exec] (netscape) {netscape -install}
  [exec] (The GIMP) {gimp}
  [exec] (XV) {xv}
  [exec] (Vim) {rxvt -geometry 132x60 -name VIM -e screen vim}
  [exec] (Mutt) {rxvt -name mutt -e mutt}
  [submenu] (mozilla)
    [exec] (browser) {mozilla -browser}
    [exec] (news) {mozilla -news}
    [exec] (mail) {mozilla -mail}
    [exec] (edit) {mozilla -edit}
    [exec] (compose) {mozilla -compose}
  [submenu] (Window Manager)
    [exec] (Edit Menus) {nedit ~/.fluxbox/menu}
    [submenu] (Style) {Which Style?}
      [stylesdir] (~/.fluxbox/styles)
      [stylesmenu] (Fluxbox Styles) {@pkgdatadir@/styles}
    [config] (Config Options)
    [reconfig] (Reconfigure)
    [restart] (Restart)
  [exit] (Log Out)
# end of menu file
Fluxbox enables you to use specialized files that contain
.IR X (1)
resources to specify colors, textures and fonts, and thus
the overall look of your window borders, menus and the toolbar.
The default installation of Fluxbox provides some of these style files.
Usually they are put in
.IR @pkgdatadir@/styles .
You can study or edit these files to grasp how the Fluxbox style mechanism
You can use the
.BR [style] ", " [stylesdir] " and " [stylesmenu]
menu commands in your menu file to be able to select and change between styles
on the fly.
But you can also create a directory named
.I ~/.fluxbox/styles
in your homedirectory and put your own style files here.
Of course you may choose any name for this directory, but many downloadable
themes will rely on the name
.I styles
(following the bb.themes.org naming scheme).
To understand how the style mechanism works, you should have a little knowledge
of how X resources work.
X resources consist of a key and a value.
The key is constructed of several smaller keys (sometimes referred to as
children), delimited by a period (`.').
Keys may also contain a star (`*') to serve as a wildcard, which means that one
line of typed text will match several keys.
This is useful for styles that are based on one or two colors.
Fluxbox allows you to configure it's three main components: the toolbar, the
menus and the window decorations.
The little window that shows the x-y position while dragging windows, borrows
ite style from the window's titlebar.
Here are some quick examples:
toolbar.clock.color:	green
This sets the color resource of the toolbar clock to `green.' Another example:
menu*color:	rgb:3/4/5
This sets the color resource of the menu
.I and all of its `children'
to `rgb:3/4/5'.
(For a description of color names, see
.IR X (1).)
So this one also applies to
.IR menu.title.color " and " menu.frame.color .
And with
*font:	-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-*
you set the font resource for all keys to this font name all at once.
(For information about the fonts installed on your system, you can use a program like
.IR xfontsel "(1), " gtkfontsel ", or " xlsfonts "(1).)"
Now, what makes Fluxbox just so spectacular, is its ability to render textures
on the fly.
Texture descriptions are specified directly to the key that they
should apply to, e.g.:
.ta \w'toolbar.clock.colorTo:\ 'u
toolbar.clock:	Raised Gradient Diagonal Bevel1
toolbar.clock.color:	rgb:8/6/4
toolbar.clock.colorTo:	rgb:4/3/2
Don't worry, we will explain right now!
A texture description consists of up to five fields, which are as follows:
.B Flat / Raised / Sunken
gives the component either a flat, raised or sunken appearance.
.B Gradient / Solid
tells Fluxbox to draw either a solid color or a gradiented texture.
.B Horizontal / Vertical / Diagonal / Crossdiagonal / Pipecross / Elliptic / Rectangle / Pyramid
Select one of these texture types. They only work when also
.B Gradient
is specified!
.B Interlaced
tells Fluxbox to interlace the texture (darken every other line).
This option is most commonly used with gradiented textures, but from Fluxbox
version 0.60.3 on, it also works in solid textures.
.B Bevel1 / Bevel2
tells Fluxbox which type of bevel to use.
Bevel1 is the default bevel.
The shading is placed on the edge of the image.
Bevel2 is an alternative.
The shading is placed one pixel in from the edge of the image.
Instead of a texture description, also the option
.B ParentRelative
is available, which makes the component appear as a part of its parent, e.g.
totally transparant.
All gradiented textures are composed of two color values: the
.IR color " and " colorTo " resources."
.B Interlaced 
is used in
.B Solid
mode, the
.I colorTo
resource is used to find the interlacing color.
Well, here is the complete component list, also all components together with
which kind of value they can contain.
Comments are preceded with an exclamation sign (!), which is also used for
comments in Fluxbox style c.q. X resource files.
.ta \w'window.button.unfocus.picColor:\ 'u 
.\" The comments also to be translated!
! The toolbar itself
toolbar:	Texture
toolbar.color:	Color
toolbar.colorTo:	Color

! The buttons on the toolbar
toolbar.button:	Texture or \fIParentRelative\fR
toolbar.button.color:	Color
toolbar.button.colorTo:	Color

! Color of the button arrows
toolbar.button.picColor:	Color

! Buttons in pressed state
toolbar.button.pressed:	Texture \fI(e.g. Sunken)\fR or \fIParentRelative\fR
toolbar.button.pressed.color:	Color
toolbar.button.pressed.colorTo:	Color

! Color of pressed button arrows
toolbar.button.pressed.picColor:	Color

! The toolbar workspace label
toolbar.label:	Texture or \fIParentRelative\fR
toolbar.label.color:	Color
toolbar.label.colorTo:	Color
toolbar.label.textColor:	Color

! The toolbar window label
toolbar.windowLabel:	Texture or \fIParentRelative\fR
toolbar.windowLabel.color:	Color
toolbar.windowLabel.colorTo:	Color
toolbar.windowLabel.textColor:	Color

! The toolbar clock
toolbar.clock:	Texture or \fIParentRelative\fR
toolbar.clock.color:	Color
toolbar.clock.colorTo:	Color
toolbar.clock.textColor:	Color

! How the toolbar's text should be justified.
toolbar.justify:	\fIcenter\fR, \fIleft\fR, or \fIright\fR

! Font to be used for all toolbar components
toolbar.font:	Font \fI(e.g. -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*)\fR

! The menu titlebar
menu.title:	Texture
menu.title.color:	Color
menu.title.colorTo:	Color
menu.title.textColor:	Color
menu.title.font:	Font
menu.title.justify:	\fIcenter\fR, \fIleft\fR, or \fIright\fR

! The menu frame
menu.frame:	Texture
menu.frame.color:	Color
menu.frame.colorTo:	Color
menu.frame.textColor:	Color
menu.frame.disableColor:	Color
menu.frame.font:	Font
menu.frame.justify:	\fIcenter\fR, \fIleft\fR, or \fIright\fR

! Bullets for submenu items
menu.bullet:	\fIempty\fR, \fItriangle\fR, \fIsquare\fR, or \fIdiamond\fR
menu.bullet.position:	\fIright\fR or \fIleft\fR

! The highlighted menu item
menu.hilite:	Texture (e.g. \fIRaised\fR)
menu.hilite.color:	Color
menu.hilite.colorTo:	Color
menu.hilite.textColor:	Color

! A focused window
window.title.focus:	Texture
window.title.focus.color:	Color
window.title.focus.colorTo:	Color

! An unfocused window
window.title.unfocus:	Texture
window.title.unfocus.color:	Color
window.title.unfocus.colorTo:	Color

! Window label
window.label.focus:	Texture or \fIParentRelative\fR
window.label.focus.color:	Color
window.label.focus.colorTo:	Color
window.label.focus.textColor:	Color

window.label.unfocus:	Texture or \fIParentRelative\fR
window.label.unfocus.color:	Color
window.label.unfocus.colorTo:	Color
window.label.unfocus.textColor:	Color

! Handlebar
window.handle.focus:	Texture
window.handle.focus.color:	Color
window.handle.focus.colorTo:	Color

window.handle.unfocus:	Texture
window.handle.unfocus.color:	Color
window.handle.unfocus.colorTo:	Color

! Resize grips
window.grip.focus:	Texture
window.grip.focus.color:	Color
window.grip.focus.colorTo:	Color

window.grip.unfocus:	Texture
window.grip.unfocus.color:	Color
window.grip.unfocus.colorTo:	Color

! Window buttons
window.button.focus:	Texture or \fIParentRelative\fR
window.button.focus.color:	Color
window.button.focus.colorTo:	Color
window.button.focus.picColor:	Color

window.button.unfocus:	Texture or \fIParentRelative\fR
window.button.unfocus.color:	Color
window.button.unfocus.colorTo:	Color
window.button.unfocus.picColor:	Color

window.button.pressed:	Texture (e.g. \fISunken\fR)
window.button.pressed.color:	Color
window.button.pressed.colorTo:	Color

! Frame around window
window.frame.focusColor:	Color
window.frame.unfocusColor:	Color

! Tab settings
! if these are unset, some reasonable defaults will be picked.
window.tab.justify:                     Right
window.tab.label.unfocus:               Texture
window.tab.label.unfocus.color:         Color
window.tab.label.unfocus.textColor:     Color
window.tab.label.focus:                 Texture
window.tab.label.focus.color:           Color
window.tab.label.focus.textColor:       Color
window.tab.borderWidth:                 1
window.tab.borderColor:                 Color
window.tab.font:                        fixed

! Font and justification for window labels
window.font:	Font
window.justify:	\fIcenter\fR, \fIleft\fR, or \fIright\fR

! Miscellaneous resources

! A border can be drawn round all components
borderWidth:	a number of pixels, e.g. \fI1\fR
borderColor:	Color

bevelWidth:	a number of pixels > 0
handleWidth:	a number of pixels > 0

! Width of the window frame
! When not specified, frameWidth defaults to the value of bevelWidth
frameWidth:	a number of pixels >= 0

! This command is executed whenever this style is selected.
! Typically it sets the root window to a nice picture.
rootCommand:	Shell command, e.g. \fIbsetroot -mod 4 4 -fg rgb:	5/6/6 -bg grey20\fR

! Some of the bbtools read these old 0.51 resources
menuFont:	Font
titleFont:	Font
Now, this seems a long list, but remember, when you create your own style, you
can easily set lots of keys with a single command, e.g.
.ta \w'*unfocus.textColor:\ 'u
*color:	slategrey
*colorTo:	darkslategrey
*unfocus.color:	darkslategrey
*unfocus.colorTo:	black
*textColor:	white
*unfocus.textColor:	lightgrey
*font:	lucidasans-10
This sets already nice defaults for many components.
Fluxbox 0.1.5 has new keybinding code, and you can customise it through the
.IR ~/.fluxbox/keys
file.  The file takes the format of :
  [...] :
In the example below, Mod1 is the 'Alt' key on the PC keyboard and Mod4 is
one of the three extra keys on a pc104 branded with a sickening corporate logo.
# Fluxbox keys file.
# Any line starting with a # is a comment.
Mod1 Tab :NextWindow 
Mod1 F1 :Workspace1 
Mod1 F2 :Workspace2 
Mod1 F3 :Workspace3 
Mod1 F4 :Workspace4 
Mod1 F5 :Workspace5 
Mod1 F6 :Workspace6 
Mod1 F7 :Workspace7 
Mod1 F8 :Workspace8 
Mod1 F9 :Workspace9 
Mod1 F10 :Workspace10 
Mod1 F11 :Workspace11 
Mod1 F12 :Workspace12 
Mod4 b :PrevWorkspace 
Mod4 c :Minimize 
Mod4 r :ExecCommand rxvt 
Mod4 v :NextWorkspace 
Mod4 x :Close 
Mod4 m :RootMenu 
Control n Mod1 n :NextTab
As you can see from the last line, keybinds can be chained in a fashion similar
to emacs keybindings.
Here is a list of possible Operations:
Workspace N (where N is positive integer)
Fluxbox lets you customise the button layout on the window titlebar.  This is
done by modifying the
.IR ~/.fluxbox/init
session.titlebar.right: minimize maximize close
session.titlebar.left: sticky
The slit is a special Fluxbox window frame that can contain dockable
applications, e.g. the `bbtools.'
When applications are run in the slit they have no window borders of their own;
instead they are framed in the slit, and they are always visible in the current
You can click button 3 on the edge of the slit window to get a menu to
determine its position, whether its contained applications should be grouped
horizontally or vertically and whether the slit should hide itself when the
mouse moves away.
Most dockable applications use the
.B -w
option to run in the slit.
For example, you could put in your
.IR ~/.xinitrc :
bbmail -w &
bbpager -w &
exec fluxbox
Of course to use the slit you must have slit support compiled in.
Fluxbox has a few options that are configured by a configure menu.
Most are self-explanatory, but here are a few notes:
.B Tab Placement
The Tabs can be placed almost anywhere on a window. Again, these are
mostly self-explanatory. however, using the
.I Relative
options will make the total width of all tabs be equal to the total width
of the window. The 
.I Rotate Vertical Tabs
option makes tabs that are placed on the Right or left side of the window 
be turned on their sides.
.B Sloppy Window Grouping
This option allows you to drop a tab anywhere on the target window to group it,
instead of only on the target window's tab.
.B Maximize Over Slit 
This option makes maximized windows cover the Slit when they get maximized.
Turn this option off if you want your slit to stay visible at all times.
Usually the
.I ~/.fluxbox/init
resource file is created and maintained by Fluxbox itself.
All options from the
.B [config]
menu, the last selected style file, your workspace names and
so on are saved into this file.
However, there are some resources in it you might want to edit yourself:
.B session.menuFile:
This tells Fluxbox where to look for its menu file.
session.menuFile: /home/myself/.fluxbox/menu
.B session.titlebarFile:
This tells Fluxbox where to find the file describing the layout of buttons
on each windows' titlebar.
session.titlebarFile: /home/myself/.fluxbox/titlebar
.B session.keyFile:
This tells Fluxbox where to find the file describing the keybindings.
session.keyFile: /home/myself/.fluxbox/keys
.B session.styleFile:
This tells Fluxbox where to find the style (theme) file for this session.
session.styleFile: @pkgdatadir@/styles/Flux
.B session.screen0.toolbar.widthPercent:
This determines the amount (in %) of space the toolbar will take.
Default value is:
.IR 66 .
.B session.screen0.strftimeFormat:
This adjusts the way the current time is displayed in the toolbar.
.IR strftime (3)
format is used.
The default value is:
.IR "%I:%M %p" .
.B session.screen0.rootCommand:
This overrides the style's rootCommand. When this value is set, it will keep
your background the same, regardless of what any style would like your 
background to be.
.B session.autoRaiseDelay:
Adjusts the delay (in ms) before focused windows will raise when using the
Autoraise option.
The default value is:
.IR 250 .
.B session.doubleClickInterval:
Adjust the delay (in ms) between mouse clicks for Fluxbox to consider a double click.
Default value is:
.IR 250 .
.B session.screen0.edgeSnapThreshold:
When moving a window across your screen, Fluxbox is able to have it `snap' to
the edges of the screen for easy placement.
This variable tells Fluxbox the distance (in pixels) at which the window will
jump to the egde.
Default value is:
.IR 0 .
.B session.cacheMax:
This tells Fluxbox how much memory (in Kb) it may use to store cached pixmaps on
the X server.
If your machine runs short of memory, you may lower this value.
Default value is
.IR 200 .
.B session.cacheLife:
This tells Fluxbox how long (in minutes) unused pixmaps may stay in the X
server's memory.
Default value is
.IR 5 .
.B session.opaqueMove:
When moving a window, setting this to
.IR True
will draw the window contents as it moves (nasty on slow systems), if 
.IR False
it will only draw an outline of the window border.
.B session.imageDither:
.IR True
.IR False
to, respectively, enable or disable dithering of images.  Only necessary
on systems with small colour depths (8bpp or less)
.B session.colorsPerChannel:
This tells Fluxbox how many colors to take from the X server on pseudocolor
displays.  A channel would be red, green, or blue.
Fluxbox will allocate this variable ^ 3 colors and make them always available.
Value must be between 2 and 6.
When you run Fluxbox on an 8-bit display, you must set this resource to 4.
Default value is
.IR 4.
.B session.iconbar:
.IR True
.IR False
to enable or disable Fluxbox using the toolbar to display iconified windows.
.B session.tabs:
.IR True
.IR False
to enable/disable Fluxbox's PWM-like window tabs.  Tabs let you group windows
together, they will take up identical desktop space (windows smaller or larger
than the existing group size get resized automatically) and can be moved as a
group around the desktop or to a different workspace.
Default value is
.IR True .
.B session.screen0.tab.placement:
Tells Fluxbox where to put the tab on the window.  This can be customised 
through Fluxbox's Configuration/Tab Placement menu.  Values are
.IR Top
.IR Bottom
.IR Left
.IR Right
.B session.screen0.tab.alignment:
Tells Fluxbox how to align tabs to the window.  Values are
.IR Top
.IR Bottom
.IR Left
.IR Right
.IR Center
.IR Relative
This should also be done via the Configuration/Tab Placement menu.
.B session.screen0.tab.rotatevertical:
If True, will rotate text on the tab so it is readable on vertically-
placed tabs.  Once again, use the Configuration/Tab Placement menu.
.B session.screen0.tab.width:
Width of window tabs in pixels.
.B session.screen0.tab.height:
Height of window tabs in pixels.
When running Fluxbox in a multiple desktop environment the
.B screen0
key can also be
.B screen1, 2
etc. for any appropriate desktop, and you can customise the behaviour of
Fluxbox on each desktop accordingly.  A favourite of the man page author
with a dual-head Matrox G450 was to autohide the slit and toolbar on
screen0 and set it alwaysontop and not autohidden on screen1, with a 
larger date format on screen1
session.screen0.toolbar.onTop: False
session.screen0.toolbar.autoHide: True
session.screen0.toolbar.placement: BottomCenter
session.screen0.toolbar.widthPercent: 42
session.screen0.slit.onTop: False
session.screen0.slit.autoHide: True
session.screen0.slit.placement: TopLeft
session.screen0.slit.direction: Vertical
session.screen0.strftimeFormat: %I:%M %p
session.screen1.toolbar.onTop: True
session.screen1.toolbar.autoHide: False
session.screen1.toolbar.placement: BottomCenter
session.screen1.toolbar.widthPercent: 69
session.screen1.slit.onTop: True
session.screen1.slit.autoHide: False
session.screen1.slit.placement: CenterRight
session.screen1.slit.direction: Vertical
session.screen1.strftimeFormat: %a %d %R [%s]
This way the main workspace (screen0) has the maximum amount of space available
and the secondary workspace could show the time and run some withrawn apps like
gkrellm in the slit, always visible yet out of the way of real work.
Fluxbox uses
to find its
.I .fluxbox/init
file, and to resolve stylefile and \-directory names.
When no other display was given on the command line, Fluxbox will start on the
display specified by this variable.
Blackbox was written and maintained by Brad Hughes
.nh \" hyphenation off

.hy \" on again
and Jeff Raven
Fluxbox is written and maintained by Henrik Kinnunen

with contributions and patches merged from
many individuals around the world.
The Official Fluxbox website:
.B http://fluxbox.sf.net/
Many compatible themes:
.B http://www.themes.org/themes/blackbox/
This manpage was put together by Matthew Hawkins

from the original Blackbox man page by Wilbert Berendsen
Numerous other languages will be available.
.IR bsetroot (1), \ bbkeys (1)  \" not there, yet ;-(