// FbRun.hh // Copyright (c) 2002 Henrik Kinnunen (fluxgen@linuxmail.org) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // $Id: FbRun.cc,v 1.11 2003/04/27 02:26:21 rathnor Exp $ #include "FbRun.hh" #include "App.hh" #include "EventManager.hh" #include "Color.hh" #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/keysym.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/cursorfont.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cassert> using namespace std; FbRun::FbRun(int x, int y, size_t width): m_font("fixed"), m_win((int)0, x, y, //screen num and position width + m_bevel, m_font.height() + 2, // size KeyPressMask|ExposureMask), // eventmask m_display(FbTk::App::instance()->display()), m_bevel(4), m_gc(DefaultGC(m_display, DefaultScreen(m_display))), m_end(false), m_current_history_item(0), m_cursor(XCreateFontCursor(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), XC_xterm)), m_cursor_pos(0) { XDefineCursor(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), m_win.window(), m_cursor); // setting nomaximize in local resize resize(width, m_font.height()); FbTk::EventManager::instance()->registerEventHandler(*this, m_win.window()); } FbRun::~FbRun() { hide(); FbTk::EventManager::instance()->unregisterEventHandler(m_win.window()); } void FbRun::run(const std::string &command) { //fork and execute program if (!fork()) { setsid(); execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", command.c_str(), 0); exit(0); //exit child } hide(); // hide gui // save command history to file if (m_runtext.size() != 0) { // no need to save empty command // open file in append mode ofstream outfile(m_history_file.c_str(), ios::app); if (outfile) outfile<<m_runtext<<endl; else cerr<<"FbRun Warning: Can't write command history to file: "<<m_history_file<<endl; } FbTk::App::instance()->end(); // end application m_end = true; // mark end of processing } bool FbRun::loadHistory(const char *filename) { if (filename == 0) return false; ifstream infile(filename); if (!infile) { //even though we fail to load file, we should try save to it m_history_file = filename; return false; } // clear old history and load new one from file m_history.clear(); // each line is a command string line; while (!infile.eof()) { getline(infile, line); if (line.size()) // don't add empty lines m_history.push_back(line); } // set no current histor to display m_current_history_item = m_history.size(); // set history file m_history_file = filename; return true; } bool FbRun::loadFont(const string &fontname) { if (!m_font.load(fontname.c_str())) return false; // resize to fit new font height resize(m_win.width(), m_font.height() + m_bevel); return true; } void FbRun::setForeground(const FbTk::Color &color) { XSetForeground(m_display, m_gc, color.pixel()); redrawLabel(); } void FbRun::setBackground(const FbTk::Color &color) { m_win.setBackgroundColor(color); redrawLabel(); } void FbRun::setText(const string &text) { m_runtext = text; redrawLabel(); } void FbRun::setTitle(const string &title) { m_win.setName(title.c_str()); } void FbRun::move(int x, int y) { m_win.move(x, y); } void FbRun::resize(size_t width, size_t height) { m_win.resize(width, height); setNoMaximize(); } void FbRun::show() { m_win.show(); } void FbRun::hide() { m_win.hide(); } void FbRun::redrawLabel() { m_win.clear(); drawString(m_bevel/2, m_font.ascent() + m_bevel/2, m_runtext.c_str(), m_runtext.size()); } void FbRun::drawString(int x, int y, const char *text, size_t len) { assert(m_gc); // check right boundary and adjust text drawing size_t text_width = m_font.textWidth(text, len); size_t startpos = 0; if (text_width > m_win.width()) { for (; startpos < len; ++startpos) { if (m_font.textWidth(text+startpos, len-startpos) < m_win.width()) break; } } m_font.drawText(m_win.window(), DefaultScreen(m_display), m_gc, text + startpos, len-startpos, x, y - 2); int cursor_pos = m_font.textWidth(text + m_cursor_pos, len - startpos) + 1; // draw cursor position XDrawLine(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), m_win.window(), m_gc, cursor_pos, 0, cursor_pos, m_font.height()); } void FbRun::keyPressEvent(XKeyEvent &ke) { KeySym ks; char keychar[1]; XLookupString(&ke, keychar, 1, &ks, 0); if (ks == XK_Escape) { m_end = true; hide(); FbTk::App::instance()->end(); // end program } else if (ks == XK_Return) { run(m_runtext); m_runtext = ""; // clear text } else if (ks == XK_BackSpace) { if (m_runtext.size() != 0) { // we can't erase what we don't have ;) m_runtext.erase(m_runtext.size()-1); redrawLabel(); m_cursor_pos--; } } else if (! IsModifierKey(ks) && !IsCursorKey(ks)) { // insert normal character at cursor pos char in_char[2] = {keychar[0], 0}; m_runtext.insert(m_cursor_pos, in_char); m_cursor_pos++; redrawLabel(); } else if (IsCursorKey(ks)) { switch (ks) { case XK_Up: prevHistoryItem(); break; case XK_Down: nextHistoryItem(); break; case XK_Left: cursorLeft(); break; case XK_Right: cursorRight(); break; } redrawLabel(); } else if (ks == XK_End) { m_cursor_pos = m_runtext.size() - 1; } } void FbRun::exposeEvent(XExposeEvent &ev) { redrawLabel(); } void FbRun::setNoMaximize() { // we don't need to maximize this window XSizeHints sh; sh.flags = PMaxSize | PMinSize; sh.max_width = m_win.width(); sh.max_height = m_win.height(); sh.min_width = m_win.width(); sh.min_height = m_win.height(); XSetWMNormalHints(m_display, m_win.window(), &sh); } void FbRun::prevHistoryItem() { if (m_current_history_item > 0 && m_history.size() > 0) m_current_history_item--; if (m_current_history_item < m_history.size()) m_runtext = m_history[m_current_history_item]; } void FbRun::nextHistoryItem() { m_current_history_item++; if (m_current_history_item >= m_history.size()) { m_current_history_item = m_history.size(); m_runtext = ""; return; } else m_runtext = m_history[m_current_history_item]; } void FbRun::cursorLeft() { if (m_cursor_pos > 0) m_cursor_pos--; } void FbRun::cursorRight() { m_cursor_pos++; if (m_cursor_pos >= m_runtext.size()) m_cursor_pos = m_runtext.size() - 1; }