// Remember.cc for Fluxbox Window Manager // Copyright (c) 2003 - 2006 Henrik Kinnunen (fluxgen at fluxbox dot org) // and Simon Bowden (rathnor at users.sourceforge.net) // Copyright (c) 2002 Xavier Brouckaert // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // $Id$ #include "Remember.hh" #include "ClientPattern.hh" #include "Screen.hh" #include "Window.hh" #include "WinClient.hh" #include "FbMenu.hh" #include "FbCommands.hh" #include "fluxbox.hh" #include "WindowCmd.hh" #include "Layer.hh" #include "FbTk/I18n.hh" #include "FbTk/StringUtil.hh" #include "FbTk/FileUtil.hh" #include "FbTk/MenuItem.hh" #include "FbTk/App.hh" #include "FbTk/stringstream.hh" #include "FbTk/Transparent.hh" #include #ifdef HAVE_CSTRING #include #else #include #endif //use GNU extensions #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif // _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::list; using std::set; using std::make_pair; using std::ifstream; using std::ofstream; using std::hex; using std::dec; namespace { bool getuint(const char *val, unsigned int &ret) { return (sscanf(val, "%u", &ret) == 1); } class RememberMenuItem : public FbTk::MenuItem { public: RememberMenuItem(const FbTk::FbString &label, Remember::Attribute attrib) : FbTk::MenuItem(label), m_attrib(attrib) { setToggleItem(true); } bool isSelected() const { if (WindowCmd::window() == 0) return false; if (WindowCmd::window()->numClients()) // ensure it HAS clients return Remember::instance().isRemembered(WindowCmd::window()->winClient(), m_attrib); else return false; } bool isEnabled() const { if (WindowCmd::window() == 0) return false; if (m_attrib != Remember::REM_JUMPWORKSPACE) return true; else if (WindowCmd::window()->numClients()) return (Remember::instance().isRemembered(WindowCmd::window()->winClient(), Remember::REM_WORKSPACE)); else return false; } void click(int button, int time) { // reconfigure only does stuff if the apps file has changed Remember::instance().reconfigure(); if (WindowCmd::window() != 0) { if (isSelected()) { Remember::instance().forgetAttrib(WindowCmd::window()->winClient(), m_attrib); } else { Remember::instance().rememberAttrib(WindowCmd::window()->winClient(), m_attrib); } } Remember::instance().save(); FbTk::MenuItem::click(button, time); } private: Remember::Attribute m_attrib; }; FbTk::Menu *createRememberMenu(BScreen &screen) { // each fluxboxwindow has its own windowmenu // so we also create a remember menu just for it... FbTk::Menu *menu = screen.createMenu("Remember"); // if enabled, then we want this to be a unavailable menu /* if (!enabled) { FbTk::MenuItem *item = new FbTk::MenuItem("unavailable"); item->setEnabled(false); menu->insert(item); menu->updateMenu(); return menu; } */ _FB_USES_NLS; menu->insert(new RememberMenuItem(_FB_XTEXT(Remember, Workspace, "Workspace", "Remember Workspace"), Remember::REM_WORKSPACE)); menu->insert(new RememberMenuItem(_FB_XTEXT(Remember, JumpToWorkspace, "Jump to workspace", "Change active workspace to remembered one on open"), Remember::REM_JUMPWORKSPACE)); menu->insert(new RememberMenuItem(_FB_XTEXT(Remember, Head, "Head", "Remember Head"), Remember::REM_HEAD)); menu->insert(new RememberMenuItem(_FB_XTEXT(Remember, Dimensions, "Dimensions", "Remember Dimensions - with width and height"), Remember::REM_DIMENSIONS)); menu->insert(new RememberMenuItem(_FB_XTEXT(Remember, Position, "Position", "Remember position - window co-ordinates"), Remember::REM_POSITION)); menu->insert(new RememberMenuItem(_FB_XTEXT(Remember, Sticky, "Sticky", "Remember Sticky"), Remember::REM_STUCKSTATE)); menu->insert(new RememberMenuItem(_FB_XTEXT(Remember, Decorations, "Decorations", "Remember window decorations"), Remember::REM_DECOSTATE)); menu->insert(new RememberMenuItem(_FB_XTEXT(Remember, Shaded, "Shaded", "Remember shaded"), Remember::REM_SHADEDSTATE)); if (FbTk::Transparent::haveComposite() || FbTk::Transparent::haveRender()) menu->insert(new RememberMenuItem(_FB_XTEXT(Remember, Alpha, "Transparency", "Remember window tranparency settings"), Remember::REM_ALPHA)); menu->insert(new RememberMenuItem(_FB_XTEXT(Remember, Layer, "Layer", "Remember Layer"), Remember::REM_LAYER)); menu->insert(new RememberMenuItem(_FB_XTEXT(Remember, SaveOnClose, "Save on close", "Save remembered attributes on close"), Remember::REM_SAVEONCLOSE)); menu->updateMenu(); return menu; }; // offset is the offset in the string that we start looking from // return true if all ok, false on error bool handleStartupItem(const string &line, int offset) { int next = 0; string str; unsigned int screen = Fluxbox::instance()->keyScreen()->screenNumber(); // accept some options, for now only "screen=NN" // these option are given in parentheses before the command next = FbTk::StringUtil::getStringBetween(str, line.c_str() + offset, '(', ')'); if (next > 0) { // there are some options string option; int pos = str.find('='); bool error = false; if (pos > 0) { option = str.substr(0, pos); if (strcasecmp(option.c_str(), "screen") == 0) { error = getuint(str.c_str() + pos + 1, screen); } else { error = true; } } else { error = true; } if (error) { cerr<<"Error parsing startup options."<findScreen(screen)->isRestart()) // the line was successfully read; we just didn't use it return true; FbCommands::ExecuteCmd *tmp_exec_cmd = new FbCommands::ExecuteCmd(str, screen); #ifdef DEBUG cerr<<"Executing startup command '"<execute(); delete tmp_exec_cmd; return true; }; }; // end anonymous namespace Application::Application(int grouped) : is_grouped(grouped) { decostate_remember = dimensions_remember = focushiddenstate_remember = iconhiddenstate_remember = jumpworkspace_remember = layer_remember = position_remember = shadedstate_remember = stuckstate_remember = tabstate_remember = workspace_remember = head_remember = alpha_remember = save_on_close_remember = false; } /************ * Remember * ************/ Remember *Remember::s_instance = 0; Remember::Remember(): m_pats(new Patterns()), m_last_timestamp(0) { if (s_instance != 0) throw string("Can not create more than one instance of Remember"); s_instance = this; enableUpdate(); reconfigure(); } Remember::~Remember() { // free our resources // the patterns free the "Application"s // the client mapping shouldn't need cleaning Patterns::iterator it; set all_apps; // no duplicates while (!m_pats->empty()) { it = m_pats->begin(); delete it->first; // ClientPattern all_apps.insert(it->second); // Application, not necessarily unique m_pats->erase(it); } set::iterator ait = all_apps.begin(); // no duplicates for (; ait != all_apps.end(); ++ait) { delete (*ait); } s_instance = 0; } Application* Remember::find(WinClient &winclient) { // if it is already associated with a application, return that one // otherwise, check it against every pattern that we've got Clients::iterator wc_it = m_clients.find(&winclient); if (wc_it != m_clients.end()) return wc_it->second; else { Patterns::iterator it = m_pats->begin(); for (; it != m_pats->end(); it++) if (it->first->match(winclient)) { it->first->addMatch(); m_clients[&winclient] = it->second; return it->second; } } // oh well, no matches return 0; } Application * Remember::add(WinClient &winclient) { ClientPattern *p = new ClientPattern(); Application *app = new Application(0); // by default, we match against the WMClass of a window (instance and class strings) string win_name = p->getProperty(ClientPattern::NAME, winclient); string win_class = p->getProperty(ClientPattern::CLASS, winclient); // replace special chars like ( ) and [ ] with \( \) and \[ \] win_name = FbTk::StringUtil::replaceString(win_name, "(", "\\("); win_name = FbTk::StringUtil::replaceString(win_name, ")", "\\)"); win_name = FbTk::StringUtil::replaceString(win_name, "[", "\\["); win_name = FbTk::StringUtil::replaceString(win_name, "]", "\\]"); win_class = FbTk::StringUtil::replaceString(win_class, "(", "\\("); win_class = FbTk::StringUtil::replaceString(win_class, ")", "\\)"); win_class = FbTk::StringUtil::replaceString(win_class, "[", "\\["); win_class = FbTk::StringUtil::replaceString(win_class, "]", "\\]"); p->addTerm(win_name, ClientPattern::NAME); p->addTerm(win_class, ClientPattern::CLASS); m_clients[&winclient] = app; p->addMatch(); m_pats->push_back(make_pair(p, app)); return app; } int Remember::parseApp(ifstream &file, Application &app, string *first_line) { string line; _FB_USES_NLS; int row = 0; while (! file.eof()) { if (first_line || getline(file, line)) { if (first_line) { line = *first_line; first_line = 0; } row++; FbTk::StringUtil::removeFirstWhitespace(line); FbTk::StringUtil::removeTrailingWhitespace(line); if (line.size() == 0 || line[0] == '#') continue; //the line is commented or blank int parse_pos = 0, err = 0; string str_key, str_option, str_label; err = FbTk::StringUtil::getStringBetween(str_key, line.c_str(), '[', ']'); if (err > 0) { int tmp; tmp= FbTk::StringUtil::getStringBetween(str_option, line.c_str() + err, '(', ')'); if (tmp>0) err += tmp; } if (err > 0 ) { parse_pos += err; err = FbTk::StringUtil::getStringBetween(str_label, line.c_str() + parse_pos, '{', '}'); if (err>0) { parse_pos += err; } } else continue; //read next line bool had_error = false; if (!str_key.size()) continue; //read next line if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Workspace") == 0) { unsigned int w; if (getuint(str_label.c_str(), w)) app.rememberWorkspace(w); else had_error = true; } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Head") == 0) { unsigned int h; if (getuint(str_label.c_str(), h)) app.rememberHead(h); else had_error = true; } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Layer") == 0) { unsigned int l; if (strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "DESKTOP") == 0) { l = Layer::DESKTOP; } else if (strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "BOTTOM") == 0) { l = Layer::BOTTOM; } else if (strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "NORMAL") == 0) { l = Layer::NORMAL; } else if (strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "TOP") == 0) { l = Layer::TOP; } else if (strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "DOCK") == 0) { l = Layer::DOCK; } else if (strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "ABOVEDOCK") == 0) { l = Layer::ABOVE_DOCK; } else if (strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "MENU") == 0) { l = Layer::MENU; } else if (!getuint(str_label.c_str(), l)) { had_error = true; } if (!had_error) app.rememberLayer(l); } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Dimensions") == 0) { unsigned int h,w; if (sscanf(str_label.c_str(), "%u %u", &w, &h) == 2) app.rememberDimensions(w, h); else had_error = true; } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Position") == 0) { unsigned int r= 0; unsigned int x= 0; unsigned int y= 0; // more info about the parameter // in ::rememberPosition if ( str_option.length() ) { if (strcasecmp(str_option.c_str(), "UPPERLEFT") == 0) r= POS_UPPERLEFT; else if (strcasecmp(str_option.c_str(), "UPPERRIGHT") == 0) r= POS_UPPERRIGHT; else if (strcasecmp(str_option.c_str(), "LOWERLEFT") == 0) r= POS_LOWERLEFT; else if (strcasecmp(str_option.c_str(), "LOWERRIGHT") == 0) r= POS_LOWERRIGHT; else if (strcasecmp(str_option.c_str(), "CENTER") == 0) r= POS_CENTER; else if (strcasecmp(str_option.c_str(), "WINCENTER") == 0) r= POS_WINCENTER; else if (!getuint(str_option.c_str(), r)) { had_error = 1; } } if (!had_error && sscanf(str_label.c_str(), "%u %u", &x, &y) == 2) app.rememberPosition(x, y, r); else had_error = true; } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Shaded") == 0) { app.rememberShadedstate((strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "yes") == 0)); } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Tab") == 0) { app.rememberTabstate((strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "yes") == 0)); } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "FocusHidden") == 0) { app.rememberFocusHiddenstate((strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "yes") == 0)); } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "IconHidden") == 0) { app.rememberIconHiddenstate((strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "yes") == 0)); } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Hidden") == 0) { app.rememberIconHiddenstate((strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "yes") == 0)); app.rememberFocusHiddenstate((strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "yes") == 0)); } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Deco") == 0) { int deco = FluxboxWindow::getDecoMaskFromString(str_label); if (deco == -1) had_error = 1; else app.rememberDecostate((unsigned int)deco); } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Alpha") == 0) { int focused_a, unfocused_a; if (sscanf(str_label.c_str(), "%i %i", &focused_a, &unfocused_a) == 2) { // clamp; if (focused_a > 255) focused_a = 255; if (unfocused_a > 255) unfocused_a = 255; if (focused_a <= 0) focused_a = 0; if (unfocused_a <= 0) unfocused_a = 0; app.rememberAlpha(focused_a, unfocused_a); } else if (sscanf(str_label.c_str(), "%i", &focused_a) == 1) { if (focused_a > 255) focused_a = 255; if (focused_a <= 0) focused_a = 0; app.rememberAlpha(focused_a, focused_a); } else had_error = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Sticky") == 0) { app.rememberStuckstate((strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "yes") == 0)); } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Jump") == 0) { app.rememberJumpworkspace((strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "yes") == 0)); } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "Close") == 0) { app.rememberSaveOnClose((strcasecmp(str_label.c_str(), "yes") == 0)); } else if (strcasecmp(str_key.c_str(), "end") == 0) { return row; } else { cerr << _FB_CONSOLETEXT(Remember, Unknown, "Unknown apps key", "apps entry type not known")<<" = " << str_key << endl; } if (had_error) { cerr<<"Error parsing apps entry: ("<begin(); Patterns::iterator it_end = patlist->end(); for (; it != it_end; ++it) { if (it->first->equals(*pat) && is_group == it->second->is_grouped) { Application *ret = it->second; // find any previous or subsequent matching ones and delete // rewind Patterns::iterator tmpit = it; while (tmpit != patlist->begin()) { --tmpit; if (tmpit->second == ret) it = tmpit; else break; } // forward for(; it != it_end && it->second == ret; ++it) { delete it->first; } patlist->erase(patlist->begin(), it); return ret; } } return 0; } void Remember::reconfigure() { string apps_string = FbTk::StringUtil::expandFilename(Fluxbox::instance()->getAppsFilename()); time_t timestamp = FbTk::FileUtil::getLastStatusChangeTimestamp(apps_string.c_str()); if (m_last_timestamp > 0 && m_last_timestamp == timestamp) return; #ifdef DEBUG cerr<<__FILE__<<"("<<__FUNCTION__<<"): Loading apps file ["< grouped_pats; while (getline(apps_file, line) && ! apps_file.eof()) { row++; FbTk::StringUtil::removeFirstWhitespace(line); FbTk::StringUtil::removeTrailingWhitespace(line); if (line.size() == 0 || line[0] == '#') continue; string key; int err=0; int pos = FbTk::StringUtil::getStringBetween(key, line.c_str(), '[', ']'); if (pos > 0 && strcasecmp(key.c_str(), "app") == 0) { ClientPattern *pat = new ClientPattern(line.c_str() + pos); if (in_group == 0) { if ((err = pat->error()) == 0) { Application *app = findMatchingPatterns(pat, old_pats, 0); if (!app) app = new Application(0); m_pats->push_back(make_pair(pat, app)); row += parseApp(apps_file, *app); } else { cerr<<"Error reading apps file at line "< 0 && strcasecmp(key.c_str(), "startup") == 0 && Fluxbox::instance()->isStartup()) { if (!handleStartupItem(line, pos)) { cerr<<"Error reading apps file at line "< 0 && strcasecmp(key.c_str(), "group") == 0) { in_group = Application::IS_GROUPED; pos = FbTk::StringUtil::getStringBetween(key, line.c_str() + pos, '(', ')'); if (pos > 0 && strcasecmp(key.c_str(), "workspace") == 0) in_group |= Application::MATCH_WORKSPACE; } else if (in_group) { // otherwise assume that it is the start of the attributes Application *app = 0; // search for a matching app list::iterator it = grouped_pats.begin(); list::iterator it_end = grouped_pats.end(); while (!app && it != it_end) { app = findMatchingPatterns(*it, old_pats, in_group); ++it; } if (!app) app = new Application(in_group); while (!grouped_pats.empty()) { // associate all the patterns with this app m_pats->push_back(make_pair(grouped_pats.front(), app)); grouped_pats.pop_front(); } // we hit end... probably don't have attribs for the group // so finish it off with an empty application // otherwise parse the app if (!(pos>0 && strcasecmp(key.c_str(), "end") == 0)) { row += parseApp(apps_file, *app, &line); } in_group = 0; } else cerr<<"Error in apps file on line "< old_apps; // no duplicates while (!old_pats->empty()) { it = old_pats->begin(); delete it->first; // ClientPattern old_apps.insert(it->second); // Application, not necessarily unique old_pats->erase(it); } // now remove any client entries for the old apps Clients::iterator cit = m_clients.begin(); Clients::iterator cit_end = m_clients.end(); while (cit != cit_end) { if (old_apps.find(cit->second) != old_apps.end()) { Clients::iterator tmpit = cit; ++cit; m_clients.erase(tmpit); } else { ++cit; } } set::iterator ait = old_apps.begin(); // no duplicates for (; ait != old_apps.end(); ++ait) { delete (*ait); } delete old_pats; } void Remember::save() { string apps_string = FbTk::StringUtil::expandFilename(Fluxbox::instance()->getAppsFilename()); #ifdef DEBUG cerr<<__FILE__<<"("<<__FUNCTION__<<"): Saving apps file ["<begin(); Patterns::iterator it_end = m_pats->end(); set grouped_apps; // no duplicates for (; it != it_end; ++it) { Application &a = *it->second; if (a.is_grouped) { // if already processed if (grouped_apps.find(&a) != grouped_apps.end()) continue; grouped_apps.insert(&a); // otherwise output this whole group apps_file << "[group]"; if (a.is_grouped & Application::MATCH_WORKSPACE) apps_file << " (workspace)"; apps_file << endl; Patterns::iterator git = m_pats->begin(); Patterns::iterator git_end = m_pats->end(); for (; git != git_end; git++) { if (git->second == &a) { apps_file << " [app]"<first->toString()<first->toString()< 0) m_last_timestamp = timestamp; } bool Remember::isRemembered(WinClient &winclient, Attribute attrib) { Application *app = find(winclient); if (!app) return false; switch (attrib) { case REM_WORKSPACE: return app->workspace_remember; break; case REM_HEAD: return app->head_remember; break; case REM_DIMENSIONS: return app->dimensions_remember; break; case REM_POSITION: return app->position_remember; break; case REM_FOCUSHIDDENSTATE: return app->focushiddenstate_remember; break; case REM_ICONHIDDENSTATE: return app->iconhiddenstate_remember; break; case REM_STUCKSTATE: return app->stuckstate_remember; break; case REM_DECOSTATE: return app->decostate_remember; break; case REM_SHADEDSTATE: return app->shadedstate_remember; break; // case REM_TABSTATE: // return app->tabstate_remember; // break; case REM_JUMPWORKSPACE: return app->jumpworkspace_remember; break; case REM_LAYER: return app->layer_remember; break; case REM_SAVEONCLOSE: return app->save_on_close_remember; break; case REM_ALPHA: return app->alpha_remember; case REM_LASTATTRIB: default: return false; // should never get here } } void Remember::rememberAttrib(WinClient &winclient, Attribute attrib) { FluxboxWindow *win = winclient.fbwindow(); if (!win) return; Application *app = find(winclient); if (!app) { app = add(winclient); if (!app) return; } switch (attrib) { case REM_WORKSPACE: app->rememberWorkspace(win->workspaceNumber()); break; case REM_HEAD: app->rememberHead(win->screen().getHead(win->fbWindow())); break; case REM_DIMENSIONS: //!! Note: This is odd, why dont we need to substract border width on win->width() ? app->rememberDimensions(win->normalWidth(), win->normalHeight() - 2 * win->fbWindow().borderWidth()); break; case REM_POSITION: { int head = win->screen().getHead(win->fbWindow()); int head_x = win->screen().getHeadX(head); int head_y = win->screen().getHeadY(head); app->rememberPosition(win->normalX() - head_x, win->normalY() - head_y); break; } case REM_FOCUSHIDDENSTATE: app->rememberFocusHiddenstate(win->isFocusHidden()); break; case REM_ICONHIDDENSTATE: app->rememberIconHiddenstate(win->isIconHidden()); break; case REM_SHADEDSTATE: app->rememberShadedstate(win->isShaded()); break; case REM_DECOSTATE: app->rememberDecostate(win->decorationMask()); break; case REM_STUCKSTATE: app->rememberStuckstate(win->isStuck()); break; case REM_ALPHA: app->rememberAlpha(win->frame().getAlpha(true), win->frame().getAlpha(false)); break; // case REM_TABSTATE: // break; case REM_JUMPWORKSPACE: app->rememberJumpworkspace(true); break; case REM_LAYER: app->rememberLayer(win->layerNum()); break; case REM_SAVEONCLOSE: app->rememberSaveOnClose(true); break; case REM_LASTATTRIB: default: // nothing break; } } void Remember::forgetAttrib(WinClient &winclient, Attribute attrib) { FluxboxWindow *win = winclient.fbwindow(); if (!win) return; Application *app = find(winclient); if (!app) { app = add(winclient); if (!app) return; } switch (attrib) { case REM_WORKSPACE: app->forgetWorkspace(); break; case REM_HEAD: app->forgetHead(); break; case REM_DIMENSIONS: app->forgetDimensions(); break; case REM_POSITION: app->forgetPosition(); break; case REM_FOCUSHIDDENSTATE: app->forgetFocusHiddenstate(); break; case REM_ICONHIDDENSTATE: app->forgetIconHiddenstate(); break; case REM_STUCKSTATE: app->forgetStuckstate(); break; case REM_DECOSTATE: app->forgetDecostate(); break; case REM_SHADEDSTATE: app->forgetShadedstate(); break; case REM_ALPHA: app->forgetAlpha(); break; // case REM_TABSTATE: // break; case REM_JUMPWORKSPACE: app->forgetJumpworkspace(); break; case REM_LAYER: app->forgetLayer(); break; case REM_SAVEONCLOSE: app->forgetSaveOnClose(); break; case REM_LASTATTRIB: default: // nothing break; } } void Remember::setupFrame(FluxboxWindow &win) { WinClient &winclient = win.winClient(); // we don't touch the window if it is a transient // of something else if (winclient.transientFor()) return; Application *app = find(winclient); if (app == 0) return; // nothing to do // first, set the options that aren't preserved as window properties on // restart, then return if fluxbox is restarting -- we want restart to // disturb the current window state as little as possible if (app->focushiddenstate_remember) win.setFocusHidden(app->focushiddenstate); if (app->iconhiddenstate_remember) win.setIconHidden(app->iconhiddenstate); if (app->layer_remember) win.moveToLayer(app->layer); if (app->decostate_remember) win.setDecorationMask(app->decostate); if (app->alpha_remember) { win.frame().setUseDefaultAlpha(false); win.frame().setAlpha(true,app->focused_alpha); win.frame().setAlpha(false,app->unfocused_alpha); } BScreen &screen = winclient.screen(); // now check if fluxbox is restarting if (screen.isRestart()) return; if (app->workspace_remember) { // we use setWorkspace and not reassoc because we're still initialising win.setWorkspace(app->workspace); if (app->jumpworkspace_remember && app->jumpworkspace) screen.changeWorkspaceID(app->workspace); } if (app->head_remember) { win.screen().setOnHead(win, app->head); } if (app->dimensions_remember) win.resize(app->w, app->h); int head = screen.getHead(win.fbWindow()); if (app->position_remember) { switch (app->refc) { default: case POS_UPPERLEFT: // upperleft corner win.move(screen.getHeadX(head) + app->x, screen.getHeadY(head) + app->y); break; case POS_UPPERRIGHT: // upperright corner win.move(screen.getHeadX(head) + screen.getHeadWidth(head) - win.width() - app->x, screen.getHeadY(head) + app->y); break; case POS_LOWERLEFT: // lowerleft corner win.move(screen.getHeadX(head) + app->x, screen.getHeadHeight(head) - win.height() - app->y); break; case POS_LOWERRIGHT: // lowerright corner win.move(screen.getHeadWidth(head) - win.width() - app->x, screen.getHeadHeight(head) - win.height() - app->y); break; case POS_CENTER: // center of the screen, windows topleft corner is on the center win.move((screen.getHeadWidth(head) / 2) + app->x, (screen.getHeadHeight(head) / 2) + app->y); break; case POS_WINCENTER: // the window is centered REALLY upon the center win.move((screen.getHeadWidth(head) / 2) - ( win.width() / 2 ) + app->x, (screen.getHeadHeight(head) / 2) - ( win.height() / 2 ) + app->y); break; }; } if (app->shadedstate_remember) // if inconsistent... if (win.isShaded() && !app->shadedstate || !win.isShaded() && app->shadedstate) win.shade(); // toggles // external tabs aren't available atm... //if (app->tabstate_remember) ... if (app->stuckstate_remember) // if inconsistent... if (win.isStuck() && !app->stuckstate || !win.isStuck() && app->stuckstate) win.stick(); // toggles } void Remember::setupClient(WinClient &winclient) { // leave windows alone on restart // don't apply settings to transient windows if (winclient.screen().isRestart() || winclient.transientFor()) return; Application *app = find(winclient); if (app == 0) return; // nothing to do FluxboxWindow *group; if (winclient.fbwindow() == 0 && app->is_grouped && (group = findGroup(app, winclient.screen()))) { group->attachClient(winclient); if (app->jumpworkspace_remember && app->jumpworkspace) // jump to window, not saved workspace winclient.screen().changeWorkspaceID(group->workspaceNumber()); } } FluxboxWindow *Remember::findGroup(Application *app, BScreen &screen) { if (!app || !app->is_grouped) return 0; // find the first client associated with the app and return its fbwindow Clients::iterator it = m_clients.begin(); Clients::iterator it_end = m_clients.end(); for (; it != it_end; ++it) { if (it->second == app && it->first->fbwindow() && &screen == &it->first->screen() && (!(app->is_grouped & Application::MATCH_WORKSPACE) || it->first->fbwindow()->workspaceNumber() == screen.currentWorkspaceID())) return it->first->fbwindow(); } // there weren't any open, but that's ok return 0; } void Remember::updateClientClose(WinClient &winclient) { reconfigure(); // reload if it's changed Application *app = find(winclient); if (app && (app->save_on_close_remember && app->save_on_close)) { for (int attrib = 0; attrib < REM_LASTATTRIB; attrib++) { if (isRemembered(winclient, (Attribute) attrib)) { rememberAttrib(winclient, (Attribute) attrib); } } save(); } // we need to get rid of references to this client Clients::iterator wc_it = m_clients.find(&winclient); if (wc_it != m_clients.end()) { m_clients.erase(wc_it); } } void Remember::initForScreen(BScreen &screen) { // All windows get the remember menu. _FB_USES_NLS; screen.addExtraWindowMenu(_FB_XTEXT(Remember, MenuItemName, "Remember...", "Remember item in menu"), createRememberMenu(screen)); }