// TextureRender.cc for fluxbox // Copyright (c) 2002 - 2004 Henrik Kinnunen (fluxgen at users.sourceforge.net) // // from Image.cc for Blackbox - an X11 Window manager // Copyright (c) 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes (bhughes at tcac.net) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // $Id$ #include "TextureRender.hh" #include "ImageControl.hh" #include "App.hh" #include "FbPixmap.hh" #include "GContext.hh" #include "I18n.hh" #include <iostream> #include <string> #ifdef HAVE_CSTDIO #include <cstdio> #else #include <stdio.h> #endif using namespace std; // mipspro has no new(nothrow) #if defined sgi && ! defined GCC #define FB_new_nothrow new #else #define FB_new_nothrow new(std::nothrow) #endif namespace FbTk { TextureRender::TextureRender(ImageControl &imgctrl, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, XColor *_colors, size_t num_colors): control(imgctrl), colors(_colors), ncolors(ncolors), cpc(imgctrl.colorsPerChannel()), cpccpc(cpc * cpc), red(0), green(0), blue(0), width(static_cast<signed>((w > 0 ? w : 1))), height(static_cast<signed>(h > 0 ? h : 1)), xtable(0), ytable(0) { _FB_USES_NLS; // clamp to "normal" size if (width > 3200) { cerr<<"TextureRender: "<<_FBTKTEXT(Error, BigWidth, "Warning! Width > 3200 setting Width = 3200", "Image width seems too big, clamping")<<endl; width = 3200; } if (height > 3200) { cerr<<"TextureRender: "<<_FBTKTEXT(Error, BigHeight, "Warning! Height > 3200 setting Height = 3200", "Image height seems too big, clamping")<<endl; height = 3200; } imgctrl.colorTables(&red_table, &green_table, &blue_table, &red_offset, &green_offset, &blue_offset, &red_bits, &green_bits, &blue_bits); } TextureRender::~TextureRender() { if (red != 0) delete [] red; if (green != 0) delete [] green; if (blue != 0) delete [] blue; } Pixmap TextureRender::render(const FbTk::Texture &texture) { if (texture.pixmap().drawable() != 0) return renderPixmap(texture); else if (texture.type() & FbTk::Texture::PARENTRELATIVE) return ParentRelative; else if (texture.type() & FbTk::Texture::SOLID) return renderSolid(texture); else if (texture.type() & FbTk::Texture::GRADIENT) { allocateColorTables(); return renderGradient(texture); } return None; } void TextureRender::allocateColorTables() { _FB_USES_NLS; const size_t size = width * height; red = FB_new_nothrow unsigned char[size]; if (red == 0) { char sbuf[128]; sprintf(sbuf, "%ld", (long int) size); throw std::string("TextureRender::TextureRender(): " + std::string(_FBTKTEXT(Error, OutOfMemoryRed, "Out of memory while allocating red buffer.", "")) + string(sbuf)); } green = FB_new_nothrow unsigned char[size]; if (green == 0) { char sbuf[128]; sprintf(sbuf, "%ld", (long int) size); throw std::string("TextureRender::TextureRender(): " + std::string(_FBTKTEXT(Error, OutOfMemoryGreen, "Out of memory while allocating green buffer.", ""))+ string(sbuf)); } blue = FB_new_nothrow unsigned char[size]; if (blue == 0) { char sbuf[128]; sprintf(sbuf, "%ld", (long int) size); throw std::string("TextureRender::TextureRender(): " + std::string(_FBTKTEXT(Error, OutOfMemoryBlue, "Out of memory while allocating blue buffer.", ""))+ string(sbuf)); } } Pixmap TextureRender::renderSolid(const FbTk::Texture &texture) { FbPixmap pixmap(RootWindow(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), control.screenNumber()), width, height, control.depth()); if (pixmap.drawable() == None) { _FB_USES_NLS; cerr<<"FbTk::TextureRender::render_solid(): "<<_FBTKTEXT(Error, CreatePixmap, "Error creating pixmap", "Couldn't create a pixmap - image - for some reason")<<endl; return None; } FbTk::GContext gc(pixmap), hgc(pixmap), lgc(pixmap); gc.setForeground(texture.color()); gc.setFillStyle(FillSolid); hgc.setForeground(texture.hiColor()); pixmap.fillRectangle(gc.gc(), 0, 0, width, height); using namespace FbTk; if (texture.type() & Texture::INTERLACED) { lgc.setForeground(texture.colorTo()); register unsigned int i = 0; for (; i < height; i += 2) pixmap.drawLine(lgc.gc(), 0, i, width, i); } lgc.setForeground(texture.loColor()); if (texture.type() & Texture::BEVEL1) { if (texture.type() & Texture::RAISED) { pixmap.drawLine(lgc.gc(), 0, height - 1, width - 1, height - 1); pixmap.drawLine(lgc.gc(), width - 1, height - 1, width - 1, 0); pixmap.drawLine(hgc.gc(), 0, 0, width - 1, 0); pixmap.drawLine(hgc.gc(), 0, height - 1, 0, 0); } else if (texture.type() & Texture::SUNKEN) { pixmap.drawLine(hgc.gc(), 0, height - 1, width - 1, height - 1); pixmap.drawLine(hgc.gc(), width - 1, height - 1, width - 1, 0); pixmap.drawLine(lgc.gc(), 0, 0, width - 1, 0); pixmap.drawLine(lgc.gc(), 0, height - 1, 0, 0); } } else if (texture.type() & Texture::BEVEL2) { if (texture.type() & Texture::RAISED) { pixmap.drawLine(lgc.gc(), 1, height - 3, width - 3, height - 3); pixmap.drawLine(lgc.gc(), width - 3, height - 3, width - 3, 1); pixmap.drawLine(hgc.gc(), 1, 1, width - 3, 1); pixmap.drawLine(hgc.gc(), 1, height - 3, 1, 1); } else if (texture.type() & Texture::SUNKEN) { pixmap.drawLine(hgc.gc(), 1, height - 3, width - 3, height - 3); pixmap.drawLine(hgc.gc(), width - 3, height - 3, width - 3, 1); pixmap.drawLine(lgc.gc(), 1, 1, width - 3, 1); pixmap.drawLine(lgc.gc(), 1, height - 3, 1, 1); } } return pixmap.release(); } Pixmap TextureRender::renderGradient(const FbTk::Texture &texture) { bool inverted = false; using namespace FbTk; interlaced = texture.type() & Texture::INTERLACED; if (texture.type() & Texture::SUNKEN) { from = &(texture.colorTo()); to = &(texture.color()); if (! (texture.type() & Texture::INVERT)) inverted = true; } else { from = &(texture.color()); to = &(texture.colorTo()); if (texture.type() & Texture::INVERT) inverted = true; } control.getGradientBuffers(width, height, &xtable, &ytable); if (texture.type() & Texture::DIAGONAL) dgradient(); else if (texture.type() & Texture::ELLIPTIC) egradient(); else if (texture.type() & Texture::HORIZONTAL) hgradient(); else if (texture.type() & Texture::PYRAMID) pgradient(); else if (texture.type() & Texture::RECTANGLE) rgradient(); else if (texture.type() & Texture::VERTICAL) vgradient(); else if (texture.type() & Texture::CROSSDIAGONAL) cdgradient(); else if (texture.type() & Texture::PIPECROSS) pcgradient(); if (texture.type() & Texture::BEVEL1) bevel1(); else if (texture.type() & Texture::BEVEL2) bevel2(); if (inverted) invert(); return renderPixmap(); } Pixmap TextureRender::renderPixmap(const FbTk::Texture &src_texture) { if (width != src_texture.pixmap().width() || height != src_texture.pixmap().height()) { // copy src_texture's pixmap and // scale/tile to fit our size FbPixmap new_pm(src_texture.pixmap()); if ((src_texture.type() & Texture::TILED)) { new_pm.tile(width,height); } else { new_pm.scale(width, height); } return new_pm.release(); } // return copy of pixmap return FbPixmap(src_texture.pixmap()).release(); } XImage *TextureRender::renderXImage() { Display *disp = FbTk::App::instance()->display(); XImage *image = XCreateImage(disp, DefaultVisual(disp, control.screenNumber()), control.depth(), ZPixmap, 0, 0, width, height, 32, 0); if (! image) { _FB_USES_NLS; cerr<<"FbTk::TextureRender::renderXImage(): "<<_FBTKTEXT(Error, CreateXImage, "Error creating XImage", "Couldn't create an XImage")<<endl; return 0; } image->data = 0; unsigned char *d = new unsigned char[image->bytes_per_line * (height + 1)]; register unsigned int x, y, dithx, dithy, r, g, b, o, er, eg, eb, offset; unsigned char *pixel_data = d, *ppixel_data = d; unsigned long pixel; o = image->bits_per_pixel + ((image->byte_order == MSBFirst) ? 1 : 0); if (control.doDither()) { unsigned char dither4[4][4] = { {0, 4, 1, 5}, {6, 2, 7, 3}, {1, 5, 0, 4}, {7, 3, 6, 2} }; #ifdef ORDEREDPSEUDO unsigned char dither8[8][8] = { { 0, 32, 8, 40, 2, 34, 10, 42 }, { 48, 16, 56, 24, 50, 18, 58, 26 }, { 12, 44, 4, 36, 14, 46, 6, 38 }, { 60, 28, 52, 20, 62, 30, 54, 22 }, { 3, 35, 11, 43, 1, 33, 9, 41 }, { 51, 19, 59, 27, 49, 17, 57, 25 }, { 15, 47, 7, 39, 13, 45, 5, 37 }, { 63, 31, 55, 23, 61, 29, 53, 21 } }; #endif // ORDEREDPSEUDO switch (control.visual()->c_class) { case TrueColor: // algorithm: ordered dithering... many many thanks to rasterman // (raster@rasterman.com) for telling me about this... portions of this // code is based off of his code in Imlib for (y = 0, offset = 0; y < height; y++) { dithy = y & 0x3; for (x = 0; x < width; x++, offset++) { dithx = x & 0x3; r = red[offset]; g = green[offset]; b = blue[offset]; er = r & (red_bits - 1); eg = g & (green_bits - 1); eb = b & (blue_bits - 1); r = red_table[r]; g = green_table[g]; b = blue_table[b]; if ((dither4[dithy][dithx] < er) && (r < red_table[255])) r++; if ((dither4[dithy][dithx] < eg) && (g < green_table[255])) g++; if ((dither4[dithy][dithx] < eb) && (b < blue_table[255])) b++; pixel = (r << red_offset) | (g << green_offset) | (b << blue_offset); switch (o) { case 8: // 8bpp *pixel_data++ = pixel; break; case 16: // 16bpp LSB *pixel_data++ = pixel; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8; break; case 17: // 16bpp MSB *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8; *pixel_data++ = pixel; break; case 24: // 24bpp LSB *pixel_data++ = pixel; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16; break; case 25: // 24bpp MSB *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8; *pixel_data++ = pixel; break; case 32: // 32bpp LSB *pixel_data++ = pixel; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 24; break; case 33: // 32bpp MSB *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 24; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8; *pixel_data++ = pixel; break; } } pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line); } break; case StaticColor: case PseudoColor: { #ifndef ORDEREDPSEUDO short *terr, *rerr = new short[width + 2], *gerr = new short[width + 2], *berr = new short[width + 2], *nrerr = new short[width + 2], *ngerr = new short[width + 2], *nberr = new short[width + 2]; int rr, gg, bb, rer, ger, ber; int dd = 255 / control.colorsPerChannel(); for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(rerr + x) = *(red + x); *(gerr + x) = *(green + x); *(berr + x) = *(blue + x); } *(rerr + x) = *(gerr + x) = *(berr + x) = 0; #endif // ORDEREDPSEUDO for (y = 0, offset = 0; y < height; y++) { #ifdef ORDEREDPSEUDO dithy = y & 7; for (x = 0; x < width; x++, offset++) { dithx = x & 7; r = red[offset]; g = green[offset]; b = blue[offset]; er = r & (red_bits - 1); eg = g & (green_bits - 1); eb = b & (blue_bits - 1); r = red_table[r]; g = green_table[g]; b = blue_table[b]; if ((dither8[dithy][dithx] < er) && (r < red_table[255])) r++; if ((dither8[dithy][dithx] < eg) && (g < green_table[255])) g++; if ((dither8[dithy][dithx] < eb) && (b < blue_table[255])) b++; pixel = (r * cpccpc) + (g * cpc) + b; *(pixel_data++) = colors[pixel].pixel; } pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line); } #else // !ORDEREDPSEUDO if (y < (height - 1)) { int i = offset + width; for (x = 0; x < width; x++, i++) { *(nrerr + x) = *(red + i); *(ngerr + x) = *(green + i); *(nberr + x) = *(blue + i); } *(nrerr + x) = *(red + (--i)); *(ngerr + x) = *(green + i); *(nberr + x) = *(blue + i); } for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { rr = rerr[x]; gg = gerr[x]; bb = berr[x]; if (rr > 255) rr = 255; else if (rr < 0) rr = 0; if (gg > 255) gg = 255; else if (gg < 0) gg = 0; if (bb > 255) bb = 255; else if (bb < 0) bb = 0; r = red_table[rr]; g = green_table[gg]; b = blue_table[bb]; rer = rerr[x] - r*dd; ger = gerr[x] - g*dd; ber = berr[x] - b*dd; pixel = (r * cpccpc) + (g * cpc) + b; *pixel_data++ = colors[pixel].pixel; r = rer >> 1; g = ger >> 1; b = ber >> 1; rerr[x+1] += r; gerr[x+1] += g; berr[x+1] += b; nrerr[x] += r; ngerr[x] += g; nberr[x] += b; } offset += width; pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line); terr = rerr; rerr = nrerr; nrerr = terr; terr = gerr; gerr = ngerr; ngerr = terr; terr = berr; berr = nberr; nberr = terr; } delete [] rerr; delete [] gerr; delete [] berr; delete [] nrerr; delete [] ngerr; delete [] nberr; #endif // ORDEREDPSUEDO } break; /* case StaticGray: case GrayScale: for (y = 0, offset = 0; y < height; y++) { dithy = y & 0x3; for (x = 0; x < width; x++, offset++) { dithx = x & 0x3; r = *(red + offset); g = *(green + offset); b = *(blue + offset); er = r & 0x7; eg = g & 0x7; eb = b & 0x7; if ((dither[dithy][dithx] < er) && (r < (256 - 8))) r += 8; if ((dither[dithy][dithx] < (eg << 1)) && (g < (256 - 4))) g += 4; if ((dither[dithy][dithx] < eb) && (b < (256 - 8))) b += 8; r = *(red_table + r); g = *(green_table + g); b = *(blue_table + b); g = ((r * 30) + (g * 59) + (b * 11)) / 100; *pixel_data++ = colors[g].pixel; } pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line); } break; */ default: _FB_USES_NLS; cerr<<"TextureRender::renderXImage(): "<< _FBTKTEXT(Error, UnsupportedVisual, "unsupported visual", "A visual is a technical term in X")<<endl; delete [] d; XDestroyImage(image); return (XImage *) 0; } } else { // end do dither // no dither: switch (control.visual()->c_class) { case StaticColor: case PseudoColor: for (y = 0, offset = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++, offset++) { r = red_table[red[offset]]; g = green_table[green[offset]]; b = blue_table[blue[offset]]; pixel = (r * cpccpc) + (g * cpc) + b; *pixel_data++ = colors[pixel].pixel; } pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line); } break; case TrueColor: for (y = 0, offset = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++, offset++) { r = red_table[red[offset]]; g = green_table[green[offset]]; b = blue_table[blue[offset]]; pixel = (r << red_offset) | (g << green_offset) | (b << blue_offset); switch (o) { case 8: // 8bpp *pixel_data++ = pixel; break; case 16: // 16bpp LSB *pixel_data++ = pixel; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8; break; case 17: // 16bpp MSB *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8; *pixel_data++ = pixel; break; case 24: // 24bpp LSB *pixel_data++ = pixel; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16; break; case 25: // 24bpp MSB *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8; *pixel_data++ = pixel; break; case 32: // 32bpp LSB *pixel_data++ = pixel; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 24; break; case 33: // 32bpp MSB *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 24; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16; *pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8; *pixel_data++ = pixel; break; } } pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line); } break; case StaticGray: case GrayScale: for (y = 0, offset = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++, offset++) { r = *(red_table + *(red + offset)); g = *(green_table + *(green + offset)); b = *(blue_table + *(blue + offset)); g = ((r * 30) + (g * 59) + (b * 11)) / 100; *pixel_data++ = colors[g].pixel; } pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line); } break; default: _FB_USES_NLS; cerr<<"TextureRender::renderXImage(): "<< _FBTKTEXT(Error, UnsupportedVisual, "unsupported visual", "A visual is a technical term in X")<<endl; delete [] d; XDestroyImage(image); return (XImage *) 0; } } image->data = (char *) d; return image; } Pixmap TextureRender::renderPixmap() { Display *disp = FbTk::App::instance()->display(); FbPixmap pixmap(RootWindow(disp, control.screenNumber()), width, height, control.depth()); if (pixmap.drawable() == None) { _FB_USES_NLS; cerr<<"FbTk::TextureRender::renderPixmap(): "<<_FBTKTEXT(Error, CreatePixmap, "Error creating pixmap", "Couldn't create a pixmap - image - for some reason")<<endl; return None; } XImage *image = renderXImage(); if (! image) { return None; } else if (! image->data) { XDestroyImage(image); return None; } XPutImage(disp, pixmap.drawable(), DefaultGC(disp, control.screenNumber()), image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height); if (image->data != 0) { delete [] image->data; image->data = 0; } XDestroyImage(image); return pixmap.release(); } void TextureRender::bevel1() { if (! (width > 2 && height > 2)) return; unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue; register unsigned char r, g, b, rr ,gg ,bb; register unsigned int w = width, h = height - 1, wh = w * h; while (--w) { r = *pr; rr = r + (r >> 1); if (rr < r) rr = ~0; g = *pg; gg = g + (g >> 1); if (gg < g) gg = ~0; b = *pb; bb = b + (b >> 1); if (bb < b) bb = ~0; *pr = rr; *pg = gg; *pb = bb; r = *(pr + wh); rr = (r >> 2) + (r >> 1); if (rr > r) rr = 0; g = *(pg + wh); gg = (g >> 2) + (g >> 1); if (gg > g) gg = 0; b = *(pb + wh); bb = (b >> 2) + (b >> 1); if (bb > b) bb = 0; *((pr++) + wh) = rr; *((pg++) + wh) = gg; *((pb++) + wh) = bb; } r = *pr; rr = r + (r >> 1); if (rr < r) rr = ~0; g = *pg; gg = g + (g >> 1); if (gg < g) gg = ~0; b = *pb; bb = b + (b >> 1); if (bb < b) bb = ~0; *pr = rr; *pg = gg; *pb = bb; r = *(pr + wh); rr = (r >> 2) + (r >> 1); if (rr > r) rr = 0; g = *(pg + wh); gg = (g >> 2) + (g >> 1); if (gg > g) gg = 0; b = *(pb + wh); bb = (b >> 2) + (b >> 1); if (bb > b) bb = 0; *(pr + wh) = rr; *(pg + wh) = gg; *(pb + wh) = bb; pr = red + width; pg = green + width; pb = blue + width; while (--h) { r = *pr; rr = r + (r >> 1); if (rr < r) rr = ~0; g = *pg; gg = g + (g >> 1); if (gg < g) gg = ~0; b = *pb; bb = b + (b >> 1); if (bb < b) bb = ~0; *pr = rr; *pg = gg; *pb = bb; pr += width - 1; pg += width - 1; pb += width - 1; r = *pr; rr = (r >> 2) + (r >> 1); if (rr > r) rr = 0; g = *pg; gg = (g >> 2) + (g >> 1); if (gg > g) gg = 0; b = *pb; bb = (b >> 2) + (b >> 1); if (bb > b) bb = 0; *(pr++) = rr; *(pg++) = gg; *(pb++) = bb; } r = *pr; rr = r + (r >> 1); if (rr < r) rr = ~0; g = *pg; gg = g + (g >> 1); if (gg < g) gg = ~0; b = *pb; bb = b + (b >> 1); if (bb < b) bb = ~0; *pr = rr; *pg = gg; *pb = bb; pr += width - 1; pg += width - 1; pb += width - 1; r = *pr; rr = (r >> 2) + (r >> 1); if (rr > r) rr = 0; g = *pg; gg = (g >> 2) + (g >> 1); if (gg > g) gg = 0; b = *pb; bb = (b >> 2) + (b >> 1); if (bb > b) bb = 0; *pr = rr; *pg = gg; *pb = bb; } void TextureRender::bevel2() { if (! (width > 4 && height > 4)) return; unsigned char r, g, b, rr ,gg ,bb, *pr = red + width + 1, *pg = green + width + 1, *pb = blue + width + 1; unsigned int w = width - 2, h = height - 1, wh = width * (height - 3); while (--w) { r = *pr; rr = r + (r >> 1); if (rr < r) rr = ~0; g = *pg; gg = g + (g >> 1); if (gg < g) gg = ~0; b = *pb; bb = b + (b >> 1); if (bb < b) bb = ~0; *pr = rr; *pg = gg; *pb = bb; r = *(pr + wh); rr = (r >> 2) + (r >> 1); if (rr > r) rr = 0; g = *(pg + wh); gg = (g >> 2) + (g >> 1); if (gg > g) gg = 0; b = *(pb + wh); bb = (b >> 2) + (b >> 1); if (bb > b) bb = 0; *((pr++) + wh) = rr; *((pg++) + wh) = gg; *((pb++) + wh) = bb; } pr = red + width; pg = green + width; pb = blue + width; while (--h) { r = *pr; rr = r + (r >> 1); if (rr < r) rr = ~0; g = *pg; gg = g + (g >> 1); if (gg < g) gg = ~0; b = *pb; bb = b + (b >> 1); if (bb < b) bb = ~0; *(++pr) = rr; *(++pg) = gg; *(++pb) = bb; pr += width - 3; pg += width - 3; pb += width - 3; r = *pr; rr = (r >> 2) + (r >> 1); if (rr > r) rr = 0; g = *pg; gg = (g >> 2) + (g >> 1); if (gg > g) gg = 0; b = *pb; bb = (b >> 2) + (b >> 1); if (bb > b) bb = 0; *(pr++) = rr; *(pg++) = gg; *(pb++) = bb; pr++; pg++; pb++; } } void TextureRender::invert() { register unsigned int i, j, wh = (width * height) - 1; unsigned char tmp; for (i = 0, j = wh; j > i; j--, i++) { tmp = *(red + j); *(red + j) = *(red + i); *(red + i) = tmp; tmp = *(green + j); *(green + j) = *(green + i); *(green + i) = tmp; tmp = *(blue + j); *(blue + j) = *(blue + i); *(blue + i) = tmp; } } void TextureRender::dgradient() { // diagonal gradient code was written by Mike Cole <mike@mydot.com> // modified for interlacing by Brad Hughes float drx, dgx, dbx, dry, dgy, dby, yr = 0.0, yg = 0.0, yb = 0.0, xr = (float) from->red(), xg = (float) from->green(), xb = (float) from->blue(); unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue; unsigned int w = width * 2, h = height * 2; unsigned int *xt = xtable, *yt = ytable; register unsigned int x, y; dry = drx = (float) (to->red() - from->red()); dgy = dgx = (float) (to->green() - from->green()); dby = dbx = (float) (to->blue() - from->blue()); // Create X table drx /= w; dgx /= w; dbx /= w; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(xt++) = (unsigned char) (xr); *(xt++) = (unsigned char) (xg); *(xt++) = (unsigned char) (xb); xr += drx; xg += dgx; xb += dbx; } // Create Y table dry /= h; dgy /= h; dby /= h; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { *(yt++) = ((unsigned char) yr); *(yt++) = ((unsigned char) yg); *(yt++) = ((unsigned char) yb); yr += dry; yg += dgy; yb += dby; } // Combine tables to create gradient if (! interlaced) { // normal dgradient for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) { for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(pr++) = *(xt++) + *(yt); *(pg++) = *(xt++) + *(yt + 1); *(pb++) = *(xt++) + *(yt + 2); } } } else { // faked interlacing effect unsigned char channel, channel2; for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) { for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (y & 1) { channel = *(xt++) + *(yt); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pr++) = channel2; channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 1); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pg++) = channel2; channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 2); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pb++) = channel2; } else { channel = *(xt++) + *(yt); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pr++) = channel2; channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 1); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pg++) = channel2; channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 2); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pb++) = channel2; } } } } } void TextureRender::hgradient() { float drx, dgx, dbx, xr = (float) from->red(), xg = (float) from->green(), xb = (float) from->blue(); unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue; register unsigned int x, y; drx = (float) (to->red() - from->red()); dgx = (float) (to->green() - from->green()); dbx = (float) (to->blue() - from->blue()); drx /= width; dgx /= width; dbx /= width; if (interlaced && height > 2) { // faked interlacing effect unsigned char channel, channel2; for (x = 0; x < width; x++, pr++, pg++, pb++) { channel = (unsigned char) xr; channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *pr = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) xg; channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *pg = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) xb; channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *pb = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) xr; channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pr + width) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) xg; channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pg + width) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) xb; channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pb + width) = channel2; xr += drx; xg += dgx; xb += dbx; } pr += width; pg += width; pb += width; int offset; for (y = 2; y < height; y++, pr += width, pg += width, pb += width) { if (y & 1) offset = width; else offset = 0; memcpy(pr, (red + offset), width); memcpy(pg, (green + offset), width); memcpy(pb, (blue + offset), width); } } else { // normal hgradient for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(pr++) = (unsigned char) (xr); *(pg++) = (unsigned char) (xg); *(pb++) = (unsigned char) (xb); xr += drx; xg += dgx; xb += dbx; } for (y = 1; y < height; y++, pr += width, pg += width, pb += width) { memcpy(pr, red, width); memcpy(pg, green, width); memcpy(pb, blue, width); } } } void TextureRender::vgradient() { float dry, dgy, dby, yr = (float) from->red(), yg = (float) from->green(), yb = (float) from->blue(); unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue; register unsigned int y; dry = (float) (to->red() - from->red()); dgy = (float) (to->green() - from->green()); dby = (float) (to->blue() - from->blue()); dry /= height; dgy /= height; dby /= height; if (interlaced) { // faked interlacing effect unsigned char channel, channel2; for (y = 0; y < height; y++, pr += width, pg += width, pb += width) { if (y & 1) { channel = (unsigned char) yr; channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; memset(pr, channel2, width); channel = (unsigned char) yg; channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; memset(pg, channel2, width); channel = (unsigned char) yb; channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; memset(pb, channel2, width); } else { channel = (unsigned char) yr; channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; memset(pr, channel2, width); channel = (unsigned char) yg; channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; memset(pg, channel2, width); channel = (unsigned char) yb; channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; memset(pb, channel2, width); } yr += dry; yg += dgy; yb += dby; } } else { // normal vgradient for (y = 0; y < height; y++, pr += width, pg += width, pb += width) { memset(pr, (unsigned char) yr, width); memset(pg, (unsigned char) yg, width); memset(pb, (unsigned char) yb, width); yr += dry; yg += dgy; yb += dby; } } } void TextureRender::pgradient() { // pyramid gradient - based on original dgradient, written by // Mosfet (mosfet@kde.org) // adapted from kde sources for Blackbox by Brad Hughes float yr, yg, yb, drx, dgx, dbx, dry, dgy, dby, xr, xg, xb; int rsign, gsign, bsign; unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue; unsigned int tr = to->red(), tg = to->green(), tb = to->blue(); unsigned int *xt = xtable, *yt = ytable; register unsigned int x, y; dry = drx = (float) (to->red() - from->red()); dgy = dgx = (float) (to->green() - from->green()); dby = dbx = (float) (to->blue() - from->blue()); rsign = (drx < 0) ? -1 : 1; gsign = (dgx < 0) ? -1 : 1; bsign = (dbx < 0) ? -1 : 1; xr = yr = (drx / 2); xg = yg = (dgx / 2); xb = yb = (dbx / 2); // Create X table drx /= width; dgx /= width; dbx /= width; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xr < 0) ? -xr : xr); *(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xg < 0) ? -xg : xg); *(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xb < 0) ? -xb : xb); xr -= drx; xg -= dgx; xb -= dbx; } // Create Y table dry /= height; dgy /= height; dby /= height; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { *(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yr < 0) ? -yr : yr)); *(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yg < 0) ? -yg : yg)); *(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yb < 0) ? -yb : yb)); yr -= dry; yg -= dgy; yb -= dby; } // Combine tables to create gradient if (! interlaced) { // normal pgradient for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) { for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(pr++) = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt)))); *(pg++) = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt + 1)))); *(pb++) = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt + 2)))); } } } else { // faked interlacing effect unsigned char channel, channel2; for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) { for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (y & 1) { channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt)))); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pr++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt + 1)))); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pg++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt + 2)))); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pb++) = channel2; } else { channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt)))); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pr++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt + 1)))); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pg++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt + 2)))); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pb++) = channel2; } } } } } void TextureRender::rgradient() { // rectangle gradient - based on original dgradient, written by // Mosfet (mosfet@kde.org) // adapted from kde sources for Blackbox by Brad Hughes float drx, dgx, dbx, dry, dgy, dby, xr, xg, xb, yr, yg, yb; int rsign, gsign, bsign; unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue; unsigned int tr = to->red(), tg = to->green(), tb = to->blue(); unsigned int *xt = xtable, *yt = ytable; register unsigned int x, y; dry = drx = (float) (to->red() - from->red()); dgy = dgx = (float) (to->green() - from->green()); dby = dbx = (float) (to->blue() - from->blue()); rsign = (drx < 0) ? -2 : 2; gsign = (dgx < 0) ? -2 : 2; bsign = (dbx < 0) ? -2 : 2; xr = yr = (drx / 2); xg = yg = (dgx / 2); xb = yb = (dbx / 2); // Create X table drx /= width; dgx /= width; dbx /= width; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xr < 0) ? -xr : xr); *(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xg < 0) ? -xg : xg); *(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xb < 0) ? -xb : xb); xr -= drx; xg -= dgx; xb -= dbx; } // Create Y table dry /= height; dgy /= height; dby /= height; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { *(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yr < 0) ? -yr : yr)); *(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yg < 0) ? -yg : yg)); *(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yb < 0) ? -yb : yb)); yr -= dry; yg -= dgy; yb -= dby; } // Combine tables to create gradient if (! interlaced) { // normal rgradient for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) { for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(pr++) = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * std::max(*(xt++), *(yt)))); *(pg++) = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * std::max(*(xt++), *(yt + 1)))); *(pb++) = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * std::max(*(xt++), *(yt + 2)))); } } } else { // faked interlacing effect unsigned char channel, channel2; for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) { for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (y & 1) { channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * std::max(*(xt++), *(yt)))); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pr++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * std::max(*(xt++), *(yt + 1)))); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pg++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * std::max(*(xt++), *(yt + 2)))); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pb++) = channel2; } else { channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * std::max(*(xt++), *(yt)))); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pr++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * std::max(*(xt++), *(yt + 1)))); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pg++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * std::max(*(xt++), *(yt + 2)))); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pb++) = channel2; } } } } } void TextureRender::egradient() { // elliptic gradient - based on original dgradient, written by // Mosfet (mosfet@kde.org) // adapted from kde sources for Blackbox by Brad Hughes float drx, dgx, dbx, dry, dgy, dby, yr, yg, yb, xr, xg, xb; int rsign, gsign, bsign; unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue; unsigned int *xt = xtable, *yt = ytable; unsigned int tr = (unsigned long) to->red(), tg = (unsigned long) to->green(), tb = (unsigned long) to->blue(); register unsigned int x, y; dry = drx = (float) (to->red() - from->red()); dgy = dgx = (float) (to->green() - from->green()); dby = dbx = (float) (to->blue() - from->blue()); rsign = (drx < 0) ? -1 : 1; gsign = (dgx < 0) ? -1 : 1; bsign = (dbx < 0) ? -1 : 1; xr = yr = (drx / 2); xg = yg = (dgx / 2); xb = yb = (dbx / 2); // Create X table drx /= width; dgx /= width; dbx /= width; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(xt++) = (unsigned long) (xr * xr); *(xt++) = (unsigned long) (xg * xg); *(xt++) = (unsigned long) (xb * xb); xr -= drx; xg -= dgx; xb -= dbx; } // Create Y table dry /= height; dgy /= height; dby /= height; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { *(yt++) = (unsigned long) (yr * yr); *(yt++) = (unsigned long) (yg * yg); *(yt++) = (unsigned long) (yb * yb); yr -= dry; yg -= dgy; yb -= dby; } // Combine tables to create gradient if (! interlaced) { // normal egradient for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) { for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(pr++) = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * control.getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt)))); *(pg++) = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * control.getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt + 1)))); *(pb++) = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * control.getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt + 2)))); } } } else { // faked interlacing effect unsigned char channel, channel2; for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) { for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (y & 1) { channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * control.getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt)))); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pr++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * control.getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt + 1)))); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pg++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * control.getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt + 2)))); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pb++) = channel2; } else { channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * control.getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt)))); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pr++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * control.getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt + 1)))); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pg++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * control.getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt + 2)))); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pb++) = channel2; } } } } } void TextureRender::pcgradient() { // pipe cross gradient - based on original dgradient, written by // Mosfet (mosfet@kde.org) // adapted from kde sources for Blackbox by Brad Hughes float drx, dgx, dbx, dry, dgy, dby, xr, xg, xb, yr, yg, yb; int rsign, gsign, bsign; unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue; unsigned int *xt = xtable, *yt = ytable; unsigned int tr = to->red(), tg = to->green(), tb = to->blue(); register unsigned int x, y; dry = drx = (float) (to->red() - from->red()); dgy = dgx = (float) (to->green() - from->green()); dby = dbx = (float) (to->blue() - from->blue()); rsign = (drx < 0) ? -2 : 2; gsign = (dgx < 0) ? -2 : 2; bsign = (dbx < 0) ? -2 : 2; xr = yr = (drx / 2); xg = yg = (dgx / 2); xb = yb = (dbx / 2); // Create X table drx /= width; dgx /= width; dbx /= width; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xr < 0) ? -xr : xr); *(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xg < 0) ? -xg : xg); *(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xb < 0) ? -xb : xb); xr -= drx; xg -= dgx; xb -= dbx; } // Create Y table dry /= height; dgy /= height; dby /= height; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { *(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yr < 0) ? -yr : yr)); *(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yg < 0) ? -yg : yg)); *(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yb < 0) ? -yb : yb)); yr -= dry; yg -= dgy; yb -= dby; } // Combine tables to create gradient if (! interlaced) { // normal pcgradient for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) { for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(pr++) = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * std::min(*(xt++), *(yt)))); *(pg++) = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * std::min(*(xt++), *(yt + 1)))); *(pb++) = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * std::min(*(xt++), *(yt + 2)))); } } } else { // faked interlacing effect unsigned char channel, channel2; for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) { for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (y & 1) { channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * std::min(*(xt++), *(yt)))); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pr++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (bsign * std::min(*(xt++), *(yt + 1)))); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pg++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (gsign * std::min(*(xt++), *(yt + 2)))); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pb++) = channel2; } else { channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * std::min(*(xt++), *(yt)))); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pr++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * std::min(*(xt++), *(yt + 1)))); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pg++) = channel2; channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * std::min(*(xt++), *(yt + 2)))); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pb++) = channel2; } } } } } void TextureRender::cdgradient() { // cross diagonal gradient - based on original dgradient, written by // Mosfet (mosfet@kde.org) // adapted from kde sources for Blackbox by Brad Hughes float drx, dgx, dbx, dry, dgy, dby, yr = 0.0, yg = 0.0, yb = 0.0, xr = (float) from->red(), xg = (float) from->green(), xb = (float) from->blue(); unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue; unsigned int w = width * 2, h = height * 2, *xt, *yt; register unsigned int x, y; dry = drx = (float) (to->red() - from->red()); dgy = dgx = (float) (to->green() - from->green()); dby = dbx = (float) (to->blue() - from->blue()); // Create X table drx /= w; dgx /= w; dbx /= w; for (xt = (xtable + (width * 3) - 1), x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(xt--) = (unsigned char) xb; *(xt--) = (unsigned char) xg; *(xt--) = (unsigned char) xr; xr += drx; xg += dgx; xb += dbx; } // Create Y table dry /= h; dgy /= h; dby /= h; for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++) { *(yt++) = (unsigned char) yr; *(yt++) = (unsigned char) yg; *(yt++) = (unsigned char) yb; yr += dry; yg += dgy; yb += dby; } // Combine tables to create gradient if (! interlaced) { // normal cdgradient for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) { for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) { *(pr++) = *(xt++) + *(yt); *(pg++) = *(xt++) + *(yt + 1); *(pb++) = *(xt++) + *(yt + 2); } } } else { // faked interlacing effect unsigned char channel, channel2; for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) { for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (y & 1) { channel = *(xt++) + *(yt); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pr++) = channel2; channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 1); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pg++) = channel2; channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 2); channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2); if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0; *(pb++) = channel2; } else { channel = *(xt++) + *(yt); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pr++) = channel2; channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 1); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pg++) = channel2; channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 2); channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3); if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0; *(pb++) = channel2; } } } } } }; // end namespace FbTk