// MenuItem.cc for FbTk - Fluxbox Toolkit // Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Henrik Kinnunen (fluxgen at users.sourceforge.net) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // $Id: MenuItem.cc,v 1.7 2004/09/01 07:53:45 akir Exp $ #include "MenuItem.hh" #include "Command.hh" #include "GContext.hh" #include "MenuTheme.hh" #include "PixmapWithMask.hh" #include "Image.hh" #include "App.hh" #include "StringUtil.hh" namespace FbTk { void MenuItem::click(int button, int time) { if (m_command.get() != 0) m_command->execute(); } void MenuItem::draw(FbDrawable &draw, const MenuTheme &theme, bool highlight, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) const { // // Icon // if (m_icon.get() != 0 && m_icon->pixmap.get() != 0) { // scale pixmap to right size if (height - 2*theme.bevelWidth() != m_icon->pixmap->height() && !m_icon->filename.empty()) { unsigned int scale_size = height - 2*theme.bevelWidth(); m_icon->pixmap->scale(scale_size, scale_size); } if (m_icon->pixmap->pixmap().drawable() != 0) { GC gc = theme.frameTextGC().gc(); int icon_x = x + theme.bevelWidth(); int icon_y = y + theme.bevelWidth(); // enable clip mask XSetClipMask(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), gc, m_icon->pixmap->mask().drawable()); XSetClipOrigin(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), gc, icon_x, icon_y); draw.copyArea(m_icon->pixmap->pixmap().drawable(), gc, 0, 0, icon_x, icon_y, m_icon->pixmap->width(), m_icon->pixmap->height()); // restore clip mask XSetClipMask(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), gc, None); } } if (label().empty()) return; const GContext &tgc = (highlight ? theme.hiliteTextGC() : (isEnabled() ? theme.frameTextGC() : theme.disableTextGC() ) ); // // Text // int text_y = y, text_x = x; int text_w = theme.frameFont().textWidth(label().c_str(), label().size()); int height_offset = theme.itemHeight() - (theme.frameFont().height() + 2*theme.bevelWidth()); text_y = y + theme.bevelWidth() + theme.frameFont().ascent() + height_offset/2; ///2 + height/2; switch(theme.frameFontJustify()) { case FbTk::LEFT: text_x = x + theme.bevelWidth() + height + 1; break; case FbTk::RIGHT: text_x = x + width - (height + theme.bevelWidth() + text_w); break; default: //center text_x = x + ((width + 1 - text_w) / 2); break; } theme.frameFont().drawText(draw.drawable(), // drawable theme.screenNum(), tgc.gc(), m_label.c_str(), m_label.size(), // text string and lenght text_x, text_y); // position GC gc = ((highlight || isSelected()) ? theme.hiliteTextGC().gc() : theme.frameTextGC().gc()); int sel_x = x + height/4; if (theme.bulletPos() == FbTk::RIGHT) sel_x += width - height - 2*theme.bevelWidth(); // // ToggleItem // if (isToggleItem() && theme.unselectedPixmap().pixmap().drawable() != 0) { XSetClipMask(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), gc, theme.unselectedPixmap().mask().drawable()); XSetClipOrigin(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), gc, sel_x, y); // copy bullet pixmap to drawable draw.copyArea(theme.unselectedPixmap().pixmap().drawable(), gc, 0, 0, sel_x, y, theme.unselectedPixmap().width(), theme.unselectedPixmap().height()); // disable clip mask XSetClipMask(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), gc, None); } // // Submenu // if (submenu()) { if (theme.bulletPixmap().pixmap().drawable() != 0) { // enable clip mask XSetClipMask(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), gc, theme.bulletPixmap().mask().drawable()); XSetClipOrigin(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), gc, sel_x, y); // copy bullet pixmap to frame draw.copyArea(theme.bulletPixmap().pixmap().drawable(), gc, 0, 0, sel_x, y, theme.bulletPixmap().width(), theme.bulletPixmap().height()); // disable clip mask XSetClipMask(FbTk::App::instance()->display(), gc, None); } else { unsigned int half_w = height / 2, quarter_w = height / 4; int sel_y = y + height/4; switch (theme.bullet()) { case MenuTheme::SQUARE: draw.drawRectangle(gc, sel_x, sel_y, half_w, half_w); break; case MenuTheme::TRIANGLE: XPoint tri[3]; if (theme.bulletPos() == FbTk::RIGHT) { tri[0].x = sel_x + quarter_w - 2; tri[0].y = sel_y + quarter_w - 2; tri[1].x = 4; tri[1].y = 2; tri[2].x = -4; tri[2].y = 2; } else { tri[0].x = sel_x + quarter_w - 2; tri[0].y = y + half_w; tri[1].x = 4; tri[1].y = 2; tri[2].x = 0; tri[2].y = -4; } draw.fillPolygon(gc, tri, 3, Convex, CoordModePrevious); break; case MenuTheme::DIAMOND: XPoint dia[4]; dia[0].x = sel_x + quarter_w - 3; dia[0].y = y + half_w; dia[1].x = 3; dia[1].y = -3; dia[2].x = 3; dia[2].y = 3; dia[3].x = -3; dia[3].y = 3; draw.fillPolygon(gc, dia, 4, Convex, CoordModePrevious); break; default: break; } } } } void MenuItem::setIcon(const std::string &filename, int screen_num) { if (filename.empty()) { if (m_icon.get() != 0) m_icon.reset(0); return; } if (m_icon.get() == 0) m_icon.reset(new Icon); m_icon->filename = FbTk::StringUtil::expandFilename(filename); m_icon->pixmap.reset(Image::load(m_icon->filename.c_str(), screen_num)); } unsigned int MenuItem::height(const MenuTheme &theme) const { return std::max(theme.frameFont().height() + theme.bevelWidth(), theme.itemHeight()); } unsigned int MenuItem::width(const MenuTheme &theme) const { // textwidth + bevel width on each side of the text int normal = theme.frameFont().textWidth(label().c_str(), label().size()) + 2*(theme.bevelWidth() + height(theme)); if (m_icon.get() == 0) return normal; else return normal + height(theme); } void MenuItem::updateTheme(const MenuTheme &theme) { if (m_icon.get() == 0) return; m_icon->pixmap.reset(Image::load(m_icon->filename.c_str(), theme.screenNum())); } }; // end namespace FbTk