News in 0.9.13: * Massive speed- and memoryimprovements * Added new Buttons for the Titlebar: - Shade - just like the "Stick"-button Styleresources: window.shade.pixmap, window.shade.unfocus.pixmap, window.shade.pressed.pixmap window.unshade.pixmap, window.unshade.unfocus.pixmap, window.unshade.pressed.pixmap etc. - MenuIcon - click on it provides the windowmenu, if the app contains a pixmap (gvim, konqueror etc etc) the pixmap is displayed, a little menu otherwise. Styleresources: windowmenu.pixmap, windowmenu.unfocus.pixmap windowmenu.pressed.pixmap etc. Example ~/.fluxbox/init - entry: session.titlebar.left: MenuIcon Stick session.titlebar.right: Shade Minimize Maximize Close * Added more KeyActions to TextBoxes - Control + LeftArrow - Moves cursor to the left direction, up to next word. - Control + RightArrow - to the right direction. - Control + BackSpace - Removes everything from the cursor left side, up to next left word. - Control + Delete - like above but removes to the right direction. * Added some style-resources: - menu.hilite.submenu.pixmap: - menu.hilite.selected.pixmap: - menu.hilite.unselected.pixmap: * Added new IconbarModes: - NoIcons - all but iconified windows - WorkspaceNoIcons - all but iconified windows on the current Workspace * Added -screen <"all"|int[,int]> : $> fluxbox -screen 0,2 will run fluxbox on 0.0 and 0.2 so one can run any other wm on 0.1. $> fluxbox -screen all default, fluxbox manages all screens * fluxbox-generate_menu now can add pixmaps to the menuentries Bug fixes: * Mutiple keyboard layout (#1160244, #1099704, #1094107) * ArrangeWindows (#1086673) * Inconsistent behavior of Java dialogs (#1157361) * fbrun segfault (#1188690) * ShowDesktop (#1020399) * 64bit issues (#1107213, #1105041) See ChangeLog for more details