Known bugs and missing features that will be fixed in future version:


* Window handle is invisible sometimes.
* Disabling full-maximize doesn't work.
* Some menus don't close when you click on items.
* Transparancy for the slit does not always work right.
* After startup the font of the toolbar is to big; reload config works 
  around this.
* Transient windows seem to not have a X border - is this right?
* toggle horz/vertical maximise should restore the orig value
* saving of number of workspaces on restart
* multiple transients -> in openoffice - focus jumps between until user 
                         does something
                      -> in mozilla - alt-tabbing does strange thigns with 
                         other transient layer-wise (other transient flashes)
* gaim (0.64) crashes when remembering dimensions... is this a gaim bug?

fixed bugs (or not-our-fault bugs):
* Some people get weird transparency behaviour.
  -> this appears to be a problem with nvidia drivers, try nv instead