From 18684d3c5d65888ea00b5afb30f6c74997f1a9a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rathnor <rathnor>
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 14:21:23 +0000
Subject: whoops, messed up the numbering :-/

 nls/C/Translation.m     | 1147 +++++++++--------------------------------------
 nls/bg_BG/Translation.m |  156 +++----
 nls/da_DK/Translation.m |  156 +++----
 nls/de_DE/Translation.m |  156 +++----
 nls/es_ES/Translation.m |  156 +++----
 nls/et_EE/Translation.m |  152 +++----
 nls/fr_FR/Translation.m |  156 +++----
 nls/it_IT/Translation.m |  154 +++----
 nls/ja_JP/Translation.m |  160 +++----
 nls/lv_LV/Translation.m |  154 +++----
 nls/nl_NL/Translation.m |  158 +++----
 nls/pl_PL/Translation.m |  158 +++----
 nls/pt_BR/Translation.m |  156 +++----
 nls/pt_PT/Translation.m |  156 +++----
 nls/ru_RU/Translation.m |  156 +++----
 nls/sl_SI/Translation.m |  158 +++----
 nls/sv_SE/Translation.m |  158 +++----
 nls/tr_TR/Translation.m |  156 +++----
 18 files changed, 1546 insertions(+), 2257 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nls/C/Translation.m b/nls/C/Translation.m
index 55a23ba..f3ecbbb 100644
--- a/nls/C/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/C/Translation.m
@@ -1,207 +1,207 @@
-$set 0x1 #Align
-0x1 BottomCenter
-0x2 Bottom Left
-0x3 Bottom Right
-0x4 Horizontal
-0x5 Left
-0x6 Left Bottom
-0x7 Left Center
-0x8 Left Top
-0x9 Relative
-0xa Right
-0xb Right Bottom
-0xc Right Center
-0xd Right Top
-0xe Top Center
-0xf Top Left
-0x10 Top Right
-0x11 Vertical
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
-0x1 Aborting... dumping core\n
-0x2 Shutting Down\n
-0x3 %s:      signal %d caught\n
-$set 0x3 #Common
-0x1 Alpha
-0x2 Auto hide
-0x3 Compiled
-0x4 Compiled options
-0x5 Compiler
-0x6 Compiler version
-0x7 init
-0x8 keys
-0x9 menu
-0xa style
-0xb Defaults
-0xc disabled
-0xd Error
-0xe Fluxbox version
-0xf Maximize Over
-0x10 Visible
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
-0x1 AntiAlias
-0x2 Auto Raise
-0x3 Click Raises
-0x4 Click to Focus
-0x5 Decorate Transient Windows
-0x6 Desktop MouseWheel Switching
-0x7 Focus Window on Workspace Change
-0x8 Focus Model
-0x9 Focus New Windows
-0xa Full Maximization
-0xb Image Dithering
-0xc Opaque Window Moving
-0xd Semi Sloppy Focus
-0xe Sloppy Focus
-0xf Workspace Warping
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
-0x1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for EWMH client list
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
-0x1 Warning! Height > 3200 setting Height = 3200
-0x2 Warning! Width > 3200 setting Width = 3200
-0x3 Warning: can't load fallback font
-0x4 Allocation error.
-0x5 Error creating pixmap
-0x6 Cant create XImage
-0x7 Failed to read
-0x8 Warning: Failed to find valid format for alpha.
-0x9 Warning: Failed to create alpha picture.
-0xa Warning: Failed to create alpha pixmap.
-0xb Failed to find format for screen(%d)
-0xc Out of memory
-0xd Out of memory while allocating blue buffer.
-0xe Out of memory while allocating green buffer.
-0xf Out of memory while allocating red buffer.
-0x10 Failed to read theme item
-0x11 unsupported visual
-0x12 Setting default value
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
-0x1 rc filename is invalid!
-0x2 Failed to load groupfile
-0x3 Failed to load database
-0x4 Retrying with
-0x5 Warning! Could not find screen to map window on!
-0x6 Can't create %s directory
-0x7 Couldn't find screens to manage.\nMake sure you don't have another window manager running.
-0x8 Error parsing regular expression
-0x9 Fatal! There can only one instance of fluxbox class.
-0xa Can not connect to X server.\nMake sure you started X before you start Fluxbox.
-0xb Warning: X server does not support locale
-0xc Warning: cannot set locale modifiers
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
-0x1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for GNOME client list
-$set 0x9 #Keys
-0x1 Keys: Error on line
-0x2 Keys: Failed to merge keytree!
-0x3 Keys: Invalid key/modifier on line
-$set 0xa #Menu
-0x1 Configuration
-0x2 Fluxbox default menu
-0x3 Exit
-0x4 Icons
-0x5 Layer...
-0x6 On Head...
-0x7 Placement
-0x8 Reload Config
-0x9 Restart
-0xa xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
-0x1 Decorations
-0x2 Dimensions
-0x3 Jump to workspace
-0x4 Layer
-0x5 Remember...
-0x6 Position
-0x7 Save on close
-0x8 Shaded
-0x9 Sticky
-0xa Unknown apps key
-0xb Workspace
-$set 0xc #Screen
-0x1 BScreen::BScreen: an error occured while querying the X server.\n	another window manager already running on display
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x3 W: 0000 x H: 0000
-0x4 BScreen::BScreen: managing screen %d using visual 0x%lx, depth %d\n
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
-0x1 Clients
-0x2 Cycle Down
-0x3 Cycle Up
-0x4 Slit Direction
-0x5 Slit Layer
-0x6 Slit on Head
-0x7 Slit Placement
-0x8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
-0x1 Edit current workspace name
-0x2 Iconbar Mode
-0x3 All Windows
-0x4 Icons
-0x5 None
-0x6 Workspace
-0x7 WorkspaceIcons
-0x8 Toolbar Layer
-0x9 Toolbar on Head
-0xa Toolbar Placement
-0xb Toolbar
-0xc Toolbar width percent
-$set 0xf #Window
-0x1 Unnamed
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Close
-0x2 Iconify
-0x3 Layer
-0x4 Lower
-0x5 Maximize
-0x6 Raise
-0x7 Send To ...
-0x8 Shade
-0x9 Stick
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
-0x1 Workspace %d
-0x2 Workspaces
-0x3 New Workspace
-0x4 Remove Last
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x2 Couldn't create pixmap atoms, giving up!
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+$set 1 #Align
+1 BottomCenter
+2 Bottom Left
+3 Bottom Right
+4 Horizontal
+5 Left
+6 Left Bottom
+7 Left Center
+8 Left Top
+9 Relative
+10 Right
+11 Right Bottom
+12 Right Center
+13 Right Top
+14 Top Center
+15 Top Left
+16 Top Right
+17 Vertical
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
+1 Aborting... dumping core\n
+2 Shutting Down\n
+3 %s:      signal %d caught\n
+$set 3 #Common
+1 Alpha
+2 Auto hide
+3 Compiled
+4 Compiled options
+5 Compiler
+6 Compiler version
+7 init
+8 keys
+9 menu
+10 style
+11 Defaults
+12 disabled
+13 Error
+14 Fluxbox version
+15 Maximize Over
+16 Visible
+$set 4 #Configmenu
+1 AntiAlias
+2 Auto Raise
+3 Click Raises
+4 Click to Focus
+5 Decorate Transient Windows
+6 Desktop MouseWheel Switching
+7 Focus Window on Workspace Change
+8 Focus Model
+9 Focus New Windows
+10 Full Maximization
+11 Image Dithering
+12 Opaque Window Moving
+13 Semi Sloppy Focus
+14 Sloppy Focus
+15 Workspace Warping
+$set 5 #Ewmh
+1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for EWMH client list
+$set 6 #FbTkError
+1 Warning! Height > 3200 setting Height = 3200
+2 Warning! Width > 3200 setting Width = 3200
+3 Warning: can't load fallback font
+4 Allocation error.
+5 Error creating pixmap
+6 Cant create XImage
+7 Failed to read
+8 Warning: Failed to find valid format for alpha.
+9 Warning: Failed to create alpha picture.
+10 Warning: Failed to create alpha pixmap.
+11 Failed to find format for screen(%d)
+12 Out of memory
+13 Out of memory while allocating blue buffer.
+14 Out of memory while allocating green buffer.
+15 Out of memory while allocating red buffer.
+16 Failed to read theme item
+17 unsupported visual
+18 Setting default value
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
+1 rc filename is invalid!
+2 Failed to load groupfile
+3 Failed to load database
+4 Retrying with
+5 Warning! Could not find screen to map window on!
+6 Can't create %s directory
+7 Couldn't find screens to manage.\nMake sure you don't have another window manager running.
+8 Error parsing regular expression
+9 Fatal! There can only one instance of fluxbox class.
+10 Can not connect to X server.\nMake sure you started X before you start Fluxbox.
+11 Warning: X server does not support locale
+12 Warning: cannot set locale modifiers
+$set 8 #Gnome
+1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for GNOME client list
+$set 9 #Keys
+1 Keys: Error on line
+2 Keys: Failed to merge keytree!
+3 Keys: Invalid key/modifier on line
+$set 10 #Menu
+1 Configuration
+2 Fluxbox default menu
+3 Exit
+4 Icons
+5 Layer...
+6 On Head...
+7 Placement
+8 Reload Config
+9 Restart
+10 xterm
+$set 11 #Remember
+1 Decorations
+2 Dimensions
+3 Jump to workspace
+4 Layer
+5 Remember...
+6 Position
+7 Save on close
+8 Shaded
+9 Sticky
+10 Unknown apps key
+11 Workspace
+$set 12 #Screen
+1 BScreen::BScreen: an error occured while querying the X server.\n	another window manager already running on display
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+3 W: 0000 x H: 0000
+4 BScreen::BScreen: managing screen %d using visual 0x%lx, depth %d\n
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+$set 13 #Slit
+1 Clients
+2 Cycle Down
+3 Cycle Up
+4 Slit Direction
+5 Slit Layer
+6 Slit on Head
+7 Slit Placement
+8 Slit
+$set 14 #Toolbar
+1 Edit current workspace name
+2 Iconbar Mode
+3 All Windows
+4 Icons
+5 None
+6 Workspace
+7 WorkspaceIcons
+8 Toolbar Layer
+9 Toolbar on Head
+10 Toolbar Placement
+11 Toolbar
+12 Toolbar width percent
+$set 15 #Window
+1 Unnamed
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
+1 Close
+2 Iconify
+3 Layer
+4 Lower
+5 Maximize
+6 Raise
+7 Send To ...
+8 Shade
+9 Stick
+$set 17 #Workspace
+1 Workspace %d
+2 Workspaces
+3 New Workspace
+4 Remove Last
+$set 18 #bsetroot
+1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+2 Couldn't create pixmap atoms, giving up!
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        display connection\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             modula pattern\n\
 -foreground, -fg <color> modula foreground color\n\
@@ -212,20 +212,20 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           solid color\n\n\
 -help                    print this help text and exit\n
-$set 0x13 #main
-0x1 error: '-display' requires an argument\n
-0x2 Bad Alloc
-0x3 Bad cast
-0x4 Out of range
-0x5 Runtime error
-0x6 Standard Exception
-0x7 Unknown error
-0x8 error: '-log' needs an argument
-0x9 Log File
-0xa Logging to
-0xb error: '-rc' requires an argument\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+$set 19 #main
+1 error: '-display' requires an argument\n
+2 Bad Alloc
+3 Bad cast
+4 Out of range
+5 Runtime error
+6 Standard Exception
+7 Unknown error
+8 error: '-log' needs an argument
+9 Log File
+10 Logging to
+11 error: '-rc' requires an argument\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string>\t\tuse display connection.\n\
 -rc <string>\t\t\tuse alternate resource file.\n\
 -version\t\t\tdisplay version and exit.\n\
@@ -233,716 +233,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\tdisplay this help text and exit.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
-$set 0x1 #Align
-0x1 BottomCenter
-0x2 Bottom Left
-0x3 Bottom Right
-0x4 Horizontal
-0x5 Left
-0x6 Left Bottom
-0x7 Left Center
-0x8 Left Top
-0x9 Relative
-0xa Right
-0xb Right Bottom
-0xc Right Center
-0xd Right Top
-0xe Top Center
-0xf Top Left
-0x10 Top Right
-0x11 Vertical
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
-0x1 Aborting... dumping core\n
-0x2 Shutting Down\n
-0x3 %s:      signal %d caught\n
-$set 0x3 #Common
-0x1 Alpha
-0x2 Auto hide
-0x3 Compiled
-0x4 Compiled options
-0x5 Compiler
-0x6 Compiler version
-0x7 init
-0x8 keys
-0x9 menu
-0xa style
-0xb Defaults
-0xc disabled
-0xd Error
-0xe Fluxbox version
-0xf Maximize Over
-0x10 Visible
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
-0x1 AntiAlias
-0x2 Auto Raise
-0x3 Click Raises
-0x4 Click to Focus
-0x5 Decorate Transient Windows
-0x6 Desktop MouseWheel Switching
-0x7 Focus Window on Workspace Change
-0x8 Focus Model
-0x9 Focus New Windows
-0xa Full Maximization
-0xb Image Dithering
-0xc Opaque Window Moving
-0xd Semi Sloppy Focus
-0xe Sloppy Focus
-0xf Workspace Warping
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
-0x1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for EWMH client list
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
-0x1 Warning! Height > 3200 setting Height = 3200
-0x2 Warning! Width > 3200 setting Width = 3200
-0x3 Warning: can't load fallback font
-0x4 Allocation error.
-0x5 Error creating pixmap
-0x6 Cant create XImage
-0x7 Failed to read
-0x8 Warning: Failed to find valid format for alpha.
-0x9 Warning: Failed to create alpha picture.
-0xa Warning: Failed to create alpha pixmap.
-0xb Failed to find format for screen(%d)
-0xc Out of memory
-0xd Out of memory while allocating blue buffer.
-0xe Out of memory while allocating green buffer.
-0xf Out of memory while allocating red buffer.
-0x10 Failed to read theme item
-0x11 unsupported visual
-0x12 Setting default value
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
-0x1 rc filename is invalid!
-0x2 Failed to load groupfile
-0x3 Failed to load database
-0x4 Retrying with
-0x5 Warning! Could not find screen to map window on!
-0x6 Can't create %s directory
-0x7 Couldn't find screens to manage.\nMake sure you don't have another window manager running.
-0x8 Error parsing regular expression
-0x9 Fatal! There can only one instance of fluxbox class.
-0xa Can not connect to X server.\nMake sure you started X before you start Fluxbox.
-0xb Warning: X server does not support locale
-0xc Warning: cannot set locale modifiers
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
-0x1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for GNOME client list
-$set 0x9 #Keys
-0x1 Keys: Error on line
-0x2 Keys: Failed to merge keytree!
-0x3 Keys: Invalid key/modifier on line
-$set 0xa #Menu
-0x1 Configuration
-0x2 Fluxbox default menu
-0x3 Exit
-0x4 Icons
-0x5 Layer...
-0x6 On Head...
-0x7 Placement
-0x8 Reload Config
-0x9 Restart
-0xa xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
-0x1 Decorations
-0x2 Dimensions
-0x3 Jump to workspace
-0x4 Layer
-0x5 Remember...
-0x6 Position
-0x7 Save on close
-0x8 Shaded
-0x9 Sticky
-0xa Unknown apps key
-0xb Workspace
-$set 0xc #Screen
-0x1 BScreen::BScreen: an error occured while querying the X server.\n	another window manager already running on display
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x3 W: 0000 x H: 0000
-0x4 BScreen::BScreen: managing screen %d using visual 0x%lx, depth %d\n
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
-0x1 Clients
-0x2 Cycle Down
-0x3 Cycle Up
-0x4 Slit Direction
-0x5 Slit Layer
-0x6 Slit on Head
-0x7 Slit Placement
-0x8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
-0x1 Edit current workspace name
-0x2 Iconbar Mode
-0x3 All Windows
-0x4 Icons
-0x5 None
-0x6 Workspace
-0x7 WorkspaceIcons
-0x8 Toolbar Layer
-0x9 Toolbar on Head
-0xa Toolbar Placement
-0xb Toolbar
-0xc Toolbar width percent
-$set 0xf #Window
-0x1 Unnamed
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Close
-0x2 Iconify
-0x3 Layer
-0x4 Lower
-0x5 Maximize
-0x6 Raise
-0x7 Send To ...
-0x8 Shade
-0x9 Stick
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
-0x1 Workspace %d
-0x2 Workspaces
-0x3 New Workspace
-0x4 Remove Last
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x2 Couldn't create pixmap atoms, giving up!
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
--display <string>        display connection\n\
--mod <x> <y>             modula pattern\n\
--foreground, -fg <color> modula foreground color\n\
--background, -bg <color> modula background color\n\n\
--gradient <texture>      gradient texture\n\
--from <color>            gradient start color\n\
--to <color>              gradient end color\n\n\
--solid <color>           solid color\n\n\
--help                    print this help text and exit\n
-$set 0x13 #main
-0x1 error: '-display' requires an argument\n
-0x2 Bad Alloc
-0x3 Bad cast
-0x4 Out of range
-0x5 Runtime error
-0x6 Standard Exception
-0x7 Unknown error
-0x8 error: '-log' needs an argument
-0x9 Log File
-0xa Logging to
-0xb error: '-rc' requires an argument\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
--display <string>\t\tuse display connection.\n\
--rc <string>\t\t\tuse alternate resource file.\n\
--version\t\t\tdisplay version and exit.\n\
--info\t\t\t\tdisplay some useful information.\n\
--log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
--help\t\t\t\tdisplay this help text and exit.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
-$set 0x1 #Align
-0x1 BottomCenter
-0x2 Bottom Left
-0x3 Bottom Right
-0x4 Horizontal
-0x5 Left
-0x6 Left Bottom
-0x7 Left Center
-0x8 Left Top
-0x9 Relative
-0xa Right
-0xb Right Bottom
-0xc Right Center
-0xd Right Top
-0xe Top Center
-0xf Top Left
-0x10 Top Right
-0x11 Vertical
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
-0x1 Aborting... dumping core\n
-0x2 Shutting Down\n
-0x3 %s:      signal %d caught\n
-$set 0x3 #Common
-0x1 Alpha
-0x2 Auto hide
-0x3 Compiled
-0x4 Compiled options
-0x5 Compiler
-0x6 Compiler version
-0x7 init
-0x8 keys
-0x9 menu
-0xa style
-0xb Defaults
-0xc disabled
-0xd Error
-0xe Fluxbox version
-0xf Maximize Over
-0x10 Visible
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
-0x1 AntiAlias
-0x2 Auto Raise
-0x3 Click Raises
-0x4 Click to Focus
-0x5 Decorate Transient Windows
-0x6 Desktop MouseWheel Switching
-0x7 Focus Window on Workspace Change
-0x8 Focus Model
-0x9 Focus New Windows
-0xa Full Maximization
-0xb Image Dithering
-0xc Opaque Window Moving
-0xd Semi Sloppy Focus
-0xe Sloppy Focus
-0xf Workspace Warping
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
-0x1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for EWMH client list
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
-0x1 Warning! Height > 3200 setting Height = 3200
-0x2 Warning! Width > 3200 setting Width = 3200
-0x3 Warning: can't load fallback font
-0x4 Allocation error.
-0x5 Error creating pixmap
-0x6 Cant create XImage
-0x7 Failed to read
-0x8 Warning: Failed to find valid format for alpha.
-0x9 Warning: Failed to create alpha picture.
-0xa Warning: Failed to create alpha pixmap.
-0xb Failed to find format for screen(%d)
-0xc Out of memory
-0xd Out of memory while allocating blue buffer.
-0xe Out of memory while allocating green buffer.
-0xf Out of memory while allocating red buffer.
-0x10 Failed to read theme item
-0x11 unsupported visual
-0x12 Setting default value
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
-0x1 rc filename is invalid!
-0x2 Failed to load groupfile
-0x3 Failed to load database
-0x4 Retrying with
-0x5 Warning! Could not find screen to map window on!
-0x6 Can't create %s directory
-0x7 Couldn't find screens to manage.\nMake sure you don't have another window manager running.
-0x8 Error parsing regular expression
-0x9 Fatal! There can only one instance of fluxbox class.
-0xa Can not connect to X server.\nMake sure you started X before you start Fluxbox.
-0xb Warning: X server does not support locale
-0xc Warning: cannot set locale modifiers
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
-0x1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for GNOME client list
-$set 0x9 #Keys
-0x1 Keys: Error on line
-0x2 Keys: Failed to merge keytree!
-0x3 Keys: Invalid key/modifier on line
-$set 0xa #Menu
-0x1 Configuration
-0x2 Fluxbox default menu
-0x3 Exit
-0x4 Icons
-0x5 Layer...
-0x6 On Head...
-0x7 Placement
-0x8 Reload Config
-0x9 Restart
-0xa xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
-0x1 Decorations
-0x2 Dimensions
-0x3 Jump to workspace
-0x4 Layer
-0x5 Remember...
-0x6 Position
-0x7 Save on close
-0x8 Shaded
-0x9 Sticky
-0xa Unknown apps key
-0xb Workspace
-$set 0xc #Screen
-0x1 BScreen::BScreen: an error occured while querying the X server.\n	another window manager already running on display
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x3 W: 0000 x H: 0000
-0x4 BScreen::BScreen: managing screen %d using visual 0x%lx, depth %d\n
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
-0x1 Clients
-0x2 Cycle Down
-0x3 Cycle Up
-0x4 Slit Direction
-0x5 Slit Layer
-0x6 Slit on Head
-0x7 Slit Placement
-0x8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
-0x1 Edit current workspace name
-0x2 Iconbar Mode
-0x3 All Windows
-0x4 Icons
-0x5 None
-0x6 Workspace
-0x7 WorkspaceIcons
-0x8 Toolbar Layer
-0x9 Toolbar on Head
-0xa Toolbar Placement
-0xb Toolbar
-0xc Toolbar width percent
-$set 0xf #Window
-0x1 Unnamed
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Close
-0x2 Iconify
-0x3 Layer
-0x4 Lower
-0x5 Maximize
-0x6 Raise
-0x7 Send To ...
-0x8 Shade
-0x9 Stick
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
-0x1 Workspace %d
-0x2 Workspaces
-0x3 New Workspace
-0x4 Remove Last
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x2 Couldn't create pixmap atoms, giving up!
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
--display <string>        display connection\n\
--mod <x> <y>             modula pattern\n\
--foreground, -fg <color> modula foreground color\n\
--background, -bg <color> modula background color\n\n\
--gradient <texture>      gradient texture\n\
--from <color>            gradient start color\n\
--to <color>              gradient end color\n\n\
--solid <color>           solid color\n\n\
--help                    print this help text and exit\n
-$set 0x13 #main
-0x1 error: '-display' requires an argument\n
-0x2 Bad Alloc
-0x3 Bad cast
-0x4 Out of range
-0x5 Runtime error
-0x6 Standard Exception
-0x7 Unknown error
-0x8 error: '-log' needs an argument
-0x9 Log File
-0xa Logging to
-0xb error: '-rc' requires an argument\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
--display <string>\t\tuse display connection.\n\
--rc <string>\t\t\tuse alternate resource file.\n\
--version\t\t\tdisplay version and exit.\n\
--info\t\t\t\tdisplay some useful information.\n\
--log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
--help\t\t\t\tdisplay this help text and exit.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
-$set 0x1 #Align
-0x1 BottomCenter
-0x2 Bottom Left
-0x3 Bottom Right
-0x4 Horizontal
-0x5 Left
-0x6 Left Bottom
-0x7 Left Center
-0x8 Left Top
-0x9 Relative
-0xa Right
-0xb Right Bottom
-0xc Right Center
-0xd Right Top
-0xe Top Center
-0xf Top Left
-0x10 Top Right
-0x11 Vertical
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
-0x1 Aborting... dumping core\n
-0x2 Shutting Down\n
-0x3 %s:      signal %d caught\n
-$set 0x3 #Common
-0x1 Alpha
-0x2 Auto hide
-0x3 Compiled
-0x4 Compiled options
-0x5 Compiler
-0x6 Compiler version
-0x7 init
-0x8 keys
-0x9 menu
-0xa style
-0xb Defaults
-0xc disabled
-0xd Error
-0xe Fluxbox version
-0xf Maximize Over
-0x10 Visible
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
-0x1 AntiAlias
-0x2 Auto Raise
-0x3 Click Raises
-0x4 Click to Focus
-0x5 Decorate Transient Windows
-0x6 Desktop MouseWheel Switching
-0x7 Focus Window on Workspace Change
-0x8 Focus Model
-0x9 Focus New Windows
-0xa Full Maximization
-0xb Image Dithering
-0xc Opaque Window Moving
-0xd Semi Sloppy Focus
-0xe Sloppy Focus
-0xf Workspace Warping
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
-0x1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for EWMH client list
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
-0x1 Warning! Height > 3200 setting Height = 3200
-0x2 Warning! Width > 3200 setting Width = 3200
-0x3 Warning: can't load fallback font
-0x4 Allocation error.
-0x5 Error creating pixmap
-0x6 Cant create XImage
-0x7 Failed to read
-0x8 Warning: Failed to find valid format for alpha.
-0x9 Warning: Failed to create alpha picture.
-0xa Warning: Failed to create alpha pixmap.
-0xb Failed to find format for screen(%d)
-0xc Out of memory
-0xd Out of memory while allocating blue buffer.
-0xe Out of memory while allocating green buffer.
-0xf Out of memory while allocating red buffer.
-0x10 Failed to read theme item
-0x11 unsupported visual
-0x12 Setting default value
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
-0x1 rc filename is invalid!
-0x2 Failed to load groupfile
-0x3 Failed to load database
-0x4 Retrying with
-0x5 Warning! Could not find screen to map window on!
-0x6 Can't create %s directory
-0x7 Couldn't find screens to manage.\nMake sure you don't have another window manager running.
-0x8 Error parsing regular expression
-0x9 Fatal! There can only one instance of fluxbox class.
-0xa Can not connect to X server.\nMake sure you started X before you start Fluxbox.
-0xb Warning: X server does not support locale
-0xc Warning: cannot set locale modifiers
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
-0x1 Fatal: Out of memory, can't allocate for GNOME client list
-$set 0x9 #Keys
-0x1 Keys: Error on line
-0x2 Keys: Failed to merge keytree!
-0x3 Keys: Invalid key/modifier on line
-$set 0xa #Menu
-0x1 Configuration
-0x2 Fluxbox default menu
-0x3 Exit
-0x4 Icons
-0x5 Layer...
-0x6 On Head...
-0x7 Placement
-0x8 Reload Config
-0x9 Restart
-0xa xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
-0x1 Decorations
-0x2 Dimensions
-0x3 Jump to workspace
-0x4 Layer
-0x5 Remember...
-0x6 Position
-0x7 Save on close
-0x8 Shaded
-0x9 Sticky
-0xa Unknown apps key
-0xb Workspace
-$set 0xc #Screen
-0x1 BScreen::BScreen: an error occured while querying the X server.\n	another window manager already running on display
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x3 W: 0000 x H: 0000
-0x4 BScreen::BScreen: managing screen %d using visual 0x%lx, depth %d\n
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
-0x1 Clients
-0x2 Cycle Down
-0x3 Cycle Up
-0x4 Slit Direction
-0x5 Slit Layer
-0x6 Slit on Head
-0x7 Slit Placement
-0x8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
-0x1 Edit current workspace name
-0x2 Iconbar Mode
-0x3 All Windows
-0x4 Icons
-0x5 None
-0x6 Workspace
-0x7 WorkspaceIcons
-0x8 Toolbar Layer
-0x9 Toolbar on Head
-0xa Toolbar Placement
-0xb Toolbar
-0xc Toolbar width percent
-$set 0xf #Window
-0x1 Unnamed
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Close
-0x2 Iconify
-0x3 Layer
-0x4 Lower
-0x5 Maximize
-0x6 Raise
-0x7 Send To ...
-0x8 Shade
-0x9 Stick
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
-0x1 Workspace %d
-0x2 Workspaces
-0x3 New Workspace
-0x4 Remove Last
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x2 Couldn't create pixmap atoms, giving up!
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
--display <string>        display connection\n\
--mod <x> <y>             modula pattern\n\
--foreground, -fg <color> modula foreground color\n\
--background, -bg <color> modula background color\n\n\
--gradient <texture>      gradient texture\n\
--from <color>            gradient start color\n\
--to <color>              gradient end color\n\n\
--solid <color>           solid color\n\n\
--help                    print this help text and exit\n
-$set 0x13 #main
-0x1 error: '-display' requires an argument\n
-0x2 Bad Alloc
-0x3 Bad cast
-0x4 Out of range
-0x5 Runtime error
-0x6 Standard Exception
-0x7 Unknown error
-0x8 error: '-log' needs an argument
-0x9 Log File
-0xa Logging to
-0xb error: '-rc' requires an argument\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
--display <string>\t\tuse display connection.\n\
--rc <string>\t\t\tuse alternate resource file.\n\
--version\t\t\tdisplay version and exit.\n\
--info\t\t\t\tdisplay some useful information.\n\
--log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
--help\t\t\t\tdisplay this help text and exit.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/bg_BG/Translation.m b/nls/bg_BG/Translation.m
index b9b75ad..46cfb12 100644
--- a/nls/bg_BG/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/bg_BG/Translation.m
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-1
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 ���� � �������
-0x2 ���� � ����
-0x3 ���� � �����
-0x4 ������������
-0x6 ���� � ����
-0x7 ���� � �������
-0x8 ���� � ����
-0xb ���� � �����
-0xc ����� � �������
-0xd ���� � �����
-0xe ���� � �������
-0xf ���� � ����
-0x10 ���� � �����
-0x11 ���������
+1 ���� � �������
+2 ���� � ����
+3 ���� � �����
+4 ������������
+6 ���� � ����
+7 ���� � �������
+8 ���� � ����
+11 ���� � �����
+12 ����� � �������
+13 ���� � �����
+14 ���� � �������
+15 ���� � ����
+16 ���� � �����
+17 ���������
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 ����������� ��������
+2 ����������� ��������
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x2 ����������� ���������
-0x4 ������ �� �����
-0x7 ��������� �������� ��� ����� �� ��������� �����
-0x8 ��� �����
-0x9 ��������� ������ ��������
-0xa ����� �����������
-0xb Image Dithering
-0xc ����������� ������� �� ����������
-0xd ���� Sloppy �����
-0xe Sloppy �����
-0xf Workspace Warping
+2 ����������� ���������
+4 ������ �� �����
+7 ��������� �������� ��� ����� �� ��������� �����
+8 ��� �����
+9 ��������� ������ ��������
+10 ����� �����������
+11 Image Dithering
+12 ����������� ������� �� ����������
+13 ���� Sloppy �����
+14 Sloppy �����
+15 Workspace Warping
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 �����
-0x4 �����
-0x7 ������������
-0x9 ������������
-0xa xterm
+3 �����
+4 �����
+7 ������������
+9 ������������
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Posoka na Slit -a
-0x7 ������������ �� Slit -�
-0x8 Slit
+4 Posoka na Slit -a
+7 ������������ �� Slit -�
+8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 ���������� ����� �� �������� ������� �����
-0xa ������������ �� Toolbar -�
-0xb Toolbar
+1 ���������� ����� �� �������� ������� �����
+10 ������������ �� Toolbar -�
+11 Toolbar
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 ������
+1 ������
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 �������
-0x2 ����������
-0x4 �����
-0x5 �������
-0x6 ��������
-0x7 ����� �� ...
-0x8 �������
-0x9 ������
+1 �������
+2 ����������
+4 �����
+5 �������
+6 ��������
+7 ����� �� ...
+8 �������
+9 ������
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 ������� ����� %d
-0x2 ������� �����
-0x3 ���� ������� �����
-0x4 ����� ����������
+1 ������� ����� %d
+2 ������� �����
+3 ���� ������� �����
+4 ����� ����������
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        display connection\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             modula pattern\n\
 -foreground, -fg <color> modula foreground color\n\
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           solid color\n\n\
 -help                    print this help text and exit\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 ������: '-display' ������� ��������\n
-0xb ������: '-rc' ������� ��������\n
-0xc Fluxkbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 ������: '-display' ������� ��������\n
+11 ������: '-rc' ������� ��������\n
+12 Fluxkbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string>\t\tuse display connection.\n\
 -rc <string>\t\t\t������� ��������� �������� ����.\n\
 -version\t\t\t������ �������� � �����.\n\
@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\t������ ���� ������� ����� � �����.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/da_DK/Translation.m b/nls/da_DK/Translation.m
index 5081e4a..f4f6909 100644
--- a/nls/da_DK/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/da_DK/Translation.m
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-1
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 Bunden i midten
-0x2 Bunden til venstre
-0x3 Til h�jre i bunden
-0x4 Horisontal
-0x6 Left Bottom
-0x7 Left Center
-0x8 Left Top
-0xb Right Bottom
-0xc Right Center
-0xd Right Top
-0xe Toppen i midten
-0xf �verste venstre hj�rne
-0x10 �verst til h�jre
-0x11 Vertikal
+1 Bunden i midten
+2 Bunden til venstre
+3 Til h�jre i bunden
+4 Horisontal
+6 Left Bottom
+7 Left Center
+8 Left Top
+11 Right Bottom
+12 Right Center
+13 Right Top
+14 Toppen i midten
+15 �verste venstre hj�rne
+16 �verst til h�jre
+17 Vertikal
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 Gem automatisk
+2 Gem automatisk
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x2 H�v automatisk
-0x4 Klik for fokus
-0x7 Fokus vindue ved skrivebords �ndring
-0x8 Fokus Model
-0x9 Fokus nyt vindue
-0xa Fuld maximering
-0xb Billede Dithering
-0xc Uklar vinduesflytning
-0xd Semi Sloppy Focus
-0xe Dovent fokus
-0xf Workspace Warping
+2 H�v automatisk
+4 Klik for fokus
+7 Fokus vindue ved skrivebords �ndring
+8 Fokus Model
+9 Fokus nyt vindue
+10 Fuld maximering
+11 Billede Dithering
+12 Uklar vinduesflytning
+13 Semi Sloppy Focus
+14 Dovent fokus
+15 Workspace Warping
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 Afslut
-0x4 Ikoner
-0x7 Placering
-0x9 Genstart
-0xa xterm
+3 Afslut
+4 Ikoner
+7 Placering
+9 Genstart
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Slit retning
-0x7 Slit placering
-0x8 Slit
+4 Slit retning
+7 Slit placering
+8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 Andring af skrivebordets navn
-0xa V�rkt�jsbj�lkens placering
-0xb V�rkt�jsbj�lke
+1 Andring af skrivebordets navn
+10 V�rkt�jsbj�lkens placering
+11 V�rkt�jsbj�lke
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Intet navn
+1 Intet navn
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Luk
-0x2 Iconificeret
-0x4 S�nk
-0x5 Maksimer
-0x6 H�v
-0x7 Send til ...
-0x8 Skygge
-0x9 Kl�brig
+1 Luk
+2 Iconificeret
+4 S�nk
+5 Maksimer
+6 H�v
+7 Send til ...
+8 Skygge
+9 Kl�brig
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Skrivebord %d
-0x2 Skriveborde
-0x3 Nyt skrivebord
-0x4 Fjern sidste
+1 Skrivebord %d
+2 Skriveborde
+3 Nyt skrivebord
+4 Fjern sidste
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: fejl: specific�r en af f�lgende: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: fejl: specific�r en af f�lgende: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        sk�rmtilslutning\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             modula m�nster\n\
 -foreground, -fg <color> modula foregrundsfarve\n\
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           fast farve\n\n\
 -help                    hvis denne hj�lp og afslut\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 fjel: '-display' kr�ver et argument\n
-0xb fejl: '-rc' kr�ver et argument\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 fjel: '-display' kr�ver et argument\n
+11 fejl: '-rc' kr�ver et argument\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string>\t\tbrug sk�rm tilslutning.\n\
 -rc <string>\t\t\tbrug alternativ resource fil.\n\
 -version\t\t\tvis versionsnummer og afslut.\n\
@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\tvis denne hj�lp og afslut.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/de_DE/Translation.m b/nls/de_DE/Translation.m
index b0e9665..731be38 100644
--- a/nls/de_DE/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/de_DE/Translation.m
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-1
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 Unten mitte
-0x2 Unten links
-0x3 Unten rechts
-0x4 Horizontal
-0x6 Links unten
-0x7 Links mitte
-0x8 Links oben
-0xb Rechts unten
-0xc Rechts mitte
-0xd Rechts oben
-0xe Oben mitte
-0xf Oben links
-0x10 Oben rechts
-0x11 Vertikal
+1 Unten mitte
+2 Unten links
+3 Unten rechts
+4 Horizontal
+6 Links unten
+7 Links mitte
+8 Links oben
+11 Rechts unten
+12 Rechts mitte
+13 Rechts oben
+14 Oben mitte
+15 Oben links
+16 Oben rechts
+17 Vertikal
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 Automatisch Verstecken
+2 Automatisch Verstecken
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x2 Automatisches Vorheben
-0x4 Klicken um zu Fokusieren
-0x7 Fenster nach einem Desktopwechsel fokusieren
-0x8 Fokustyp
-0x9 Neue Fenster fokusieren
-0xa Vollstaendig Maximieren
-0xb Bild-Dithering
-0xc Fenster undurchsichtig  bewegen
-0xd Halbmatschiger Fokus
-0xe "Matschiger" Fokus
-0xf Arbeitsflaechen-Warping
+2 Automatisches Vorheben
+4 Klicken um zu Fokusieren
+7 Fenster nach einem Desktopwechsel fokusieren
+8 Fokustyp
+9 Neue Fenster fokusieren
+10 Vollstaendig Maximieren
+11 Bild-Dithering
+12 Fenster undurchsichtig  bewegen
+13 Halbmatschiger Fokus
+14 "Matschiger" Fokus
+15 Arbeitsflaechen-Warping
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 Beenden
-0x4 Icons
-0x7 Platzierung
-0x9 Neustarten
-0xa xterm
+3 Beenden
+4 Icons
+7 Platzierung
+9 Neustarten
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Slit-Ausrichtung
-0x7 Slit-Platzierung
-0x8 Slit
+4 Slit-Ausrichtung
+7 Slit-Platzierung
+8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 Momentanen Arbeitsflaechennamen bearbeiten
-0xa Werkzeugleistenplatziung
-0xb Werkzeugleiste
+1 Momentanen Arbeitsflaechennamen bearbeiten
+10 Werkzeugleistenplatziung
+11 Werkzeugleiste
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Unbenannt
+1 Unbenannt
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Schliessen
-0x2 Minimieren
-0x4 Nach Hinten
-0x5 Maximieren
-0x6 Nach Vorne
-0x7 Senden an ...
-0x8 Aufrollen
-0x9 Klebrig
+1 Schliessen
+2 Minimieren
+4 Nach Hinten
+5 Maximieren
+6 Nach Vorne
+7 Senden an ...
+8 Aufrollen
+9 Klebrig
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Workspace %d
-0x2 Workspaces
-0x3 New Workspace
-0x4 Remove Last
+1 Workspace %d
+2 Workspaces
+3 New Workspace
+4 Remove Last
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        display connection\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             modula pattern\n\
 -foreground, -fg <color> modula foreground color\n\
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           solid color\n\n\
 -help                    print this help text and exit\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 error: '-display' requires an argument\n
-0xb error: '-rc' requires an argument\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 error: '-display' requires an argument\n
+11 error: '-rc' requires an argument\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string>\t\tuse display connection.\n\
 -rc <string>\t\t\tuse alternate resource file.\n\
 -version\t\t\tdisplay version and exit.\n\
@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\tdisplay this help text and exit.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/es_ES/Translation.m b/nls/es_ES/Translation.m
index 76b11ca..2bfd47b 100644
--- a/nls/es_ES/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/es_ES/Translation.m
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-15
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 Abajo al centro
-0x2 Abajo a la izquierda
-0x3 Abajo a la derecha
-0x4 Horizontal
-0x6 Left Bottom
-0x7 Left Center
-0x8 Left Top
-0xb Right Bottom
-0xc Right Center
-0xd Right Top
-0xe Arriba al centro
-0xf Arriba a la izquierda
-0x10 Arriba a la derecha
-0x11 Vertical
+1 Abajo al centro
+2 Abajo a la izquierda
+3 Abajo a la derecha
+4 Horizontal
+6 Left Bottom
+7 Left Center
+8 Left Top
+11 Right Bottom
+12 Right Center
+13 Right Top
+14 Arriba al centro
+15 Arriba a la izquierda
+16 Arriba a la derecha
+17 Vertical
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 Auto hide
+2 Auto hide
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x2 Elevar autom�ticamente las ventanas
-0x4 Seleccionar para enfocar
-0x7 Enfocar la �ltima ventana en el escritorio
-0x8 Modelo de enfoque
-0x9 Enfocar ventanas nuevas
-0xa Maximizaci�n total
-0xb Simulaci�n de colores en im�genes
-0xc Movimiento opaco de ventanas
-0xd Semi Sloppy Focus
-0xe Enfocar sin forma estricta
-0xf Workspace Warping
+2 Elevar autom�ticamente las ventanas
+4 Seleccionar para enfocar
+7 Enfocar la �ltima ventana en el escritorio
+8 Modelo de enfoque
+9 Enfocar ventanas nuevas
+10 Maximizaci�n total
+11 Simulaci�n de colores en im�genes
+12 Movimiento opaco de ventanas
+13 Semi Sloppy Focus
+14 Enfocar sin forma estricta
+15 Workspace Warping
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 Salir
-0x4 Iconos
-0x7 Ubicaci�n
-0x9 Reiniciar
-0xa xterm
+3 Salir
+4 Iconos
+7 Ubicaci�n
+9 Reiniciar
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Direcci�n de slit
-0x7 Ubicaci�n de slit
-0x8 Slit
+4 Direcci�n de slit
+7 Ubicaci�n de slit
+8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 Cambiar el nombre del escritorio actual
-0xa Ubicaci�n de la barra de herramientas
-0xb Escritorio
+1 Cambiar el nombre del escritorio actual
+10 Ubicaci�n de la barra de herramientas
+11 Escritorio
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Sin nombre
+1 Sin nombre
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Cerrar
-0x2 Convertir en icono
-0x4 Bajar
-0x5 Maximizar
-0x6 Elevar
-0x7 Enviar a ...
-0x8 Enrollar
-0x9 Fijar
+1 Cerrar
+2 Convertir en icono
+4 Bajar
+5 Maximizar
+6 Elevar
+7 Enviar a ...
+8 Enrollar
+9 Fijar
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Escritorio %d
-0x2 Escritorios
-0x3 Escritorio nuevo
-0x4 Quitar el �ltimo escritorio
+1 Escritorio %d
+2 Escritorios
+3 Escritorio nuevo
+4 Quitar el �ltimo escritorio
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: error: es necesario especifiar uno de: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: error: es necesario especifiar uno de: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        conexi�n de despliegue\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             dise�o de modula\n\
 -foreground, -fg <color> color del primer plano de modula\n\
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           color s�lido\n\n\
 -help                    mostrar este texto de ayuda y salir\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 error: '-display' requiere un argumento
-0xb error: '-rc' requiere un argumento
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 error: '-display' requiere un argumento
+11 error: '-rc' requiere un argumento
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string> conexi�n de despliegue.\n\
 -rc <string>      archivo alternativo de recuros.\n\
 -version          mostrar la versi�n y cerrar.\n\
@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help             mostrar este texto de ayuda y cerrar.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/et_EE/Translation.m b/nls/et_EE/Translation.m
index 34de268..de9d30b 100644
--- a/nls/et_EE/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/et_EE/Translation.m
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-15
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 All keskel
-0x2 All vasakul
-0x3 All paremal
-0x4 Horisontaalne
-0x6 Left Bottom
-0x7 Left Center
-0x8 Left Top
-0xd Right Top
-0xe �leval keskel
-0xf �leval vasakul
-0x10 �leval paremal
-0x11 Vertikaalne
+1 All keskel
+2 All vasakul
+3 All paremal
+4 Horisontaalne
+6 Left Bottom
+7 Left Center
+8 Left Top
+13 Right Top
+14 �leval keskel
+15 �leval vasakul
+16 �leval paremal
+17 Vertikaalne
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 Auto hide
+2 Auto hide
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x2 Akende esiletoomine
-0x4 Klikka fookuse saamiseks
-0x7 Fokusseeri viimane aken
-0x8 Fookusmood
-0x9 Fookus uutele akendele
-0xa �le-ekraani suurendus
-0xb Piltide teravustamine
-0xc N�htav akende liigutamine
-0xd Semi Sloppy Focus
-0xe Kaasask�iv fookus
-0xf Workspace Warping
+2 Akende esiletoomine
+4 Klikka fookuse saamiseks
+7 Fokusseeri viimane aken
+8 Fookusmood
+9 Fookus uutele akendele
+10 �le-ekraani suurendus
+11 Piltide teravustamine
+12 N�htav akende liigutamine
+13 Semi Sloppy Focus
+14 Kaasask�iv fookus
+15 Workspace Warping
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 V�lju
-0x4 Ikoonid
-0x7 Right Bottom
-0x9 Restart
-0xa xterm
+3 V�lju
+4 Ikoonid
+7 Right Bottom
+9 Restart
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Prao suund
-0x7 Prao asukoht
-0x8 Pragu
+4 Prao suund
+7 Prao asukoht
+8 Pragu
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 Muuda t��laua nime
-0xa Tegumiriba asukoht
-0xb Tegumiriba
+1 Muuda t��laua nime
+10 Tegumiriba asukoht
+11 Tegumiriba
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Nimeta
+1 Nimeta
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Sulge
-0x2 Ikoniseeri
-0x4 Tahaplaanile
-0x5 Suurenda
-0x6 Esiplaanile
-0x7 Saada...
-0x8 Varjuta
-0x9 Kleebi
+1 Sulge
+2 Ikoniseeri
+4 Tahaplaanile
+5 Suurenda
+6 Esiplaanile
+7 Saada...
+8 Varjuta
+9 Kleebi
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 T��laud %d
-0x2 T��lauad
-0x3 Uus t��laud
-0x4 Eemalda viimane
+1 T��laud %d
+2 T��lauad
+3 Uus t��laud
+4 Eemalda viimane
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: viga: pead m��ratlema �he j�rgnevaist: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: viga: pead m��ratlema �he j�rgnevaist: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        displei �hendus\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             moodula tapeet\n\
 -foreground, -fg <color> esiplaani v�rvi moodula\n\
@@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           �htne v�rv\n\n\
 -help                    n�ida seda abiteksti ja v�lju\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 viga: '-display' vajab argumenti\n
-0xb viga: '-rc' vajab argumenti\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 viga: '-display' vajab argumenti\n
+11 viga: '-rc' vajab argumenti\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string>\t\tkasuta displei �hendust.\n\
 -rc <string>\t\t\tkasuta alternatiivseid resursse.\n\
 -version\t\t\tn�ita versiooninumber ja v�lju.\n\
@@ -128,5 +128,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\tn�ita seda abiteksti ja v�lju.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/fr_FR/Translation.m b/nls/fr_FR/Translation.m
index 4c71dae..3c5b57e 100644
--- a/nls/fr_FR/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/fr_FR/Translation.m
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-15
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 En bas au centre
-0x2 En bas � gauche
-0x3 En bas � droite
-0x4 Horizontal
-0x6 A gauche en bas
-0x7 A gauche au centre
-0x8 A gauche en Haut
-0xb A droite en bas
-0xc A droite au centre
-0xd A droite en haut
-0xe En haut au centre
-0xf En haut � gauche
-0x10 En haut � droite
-0x11 Vertical
+1 En bas au centre
+2 En bas � gauche
+3 En bas � droite
+4 Horizontal
+6 A gauche en bas
+7 A gauche au centre
+8 A gauche en Haut
+11 A droite en bas
+12 A droite au centre
+13 A droite en haut
+14 En haut au centre
+15 En haut � gauche
+16 En haut � droite
+17 Vertical
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 Masquer automatiquement
+2 Masquer automatiquement
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x2 Premier plan automatique
-0x4 Cliquer pour converger
-0x7 Convergence de la derni�re fen�tre
-0x8 Mode de convergence
-0x9 Convergence de la nouvelle fen�tre
-0xa Maximization compl�te
-0xb Lissage d'images
-0xc D�placement opaque des fen�tres
-0xd Focus semi-stupide
-0xe Convergence souple
-0xf Workspace Warping
+2 Premier plan automatique
+4 Cliquer pour converger
+7 Convergence de la derni�re fen�tre
+8 Mode de convergence
+9 Convergence de la nouvelle fen�tre
+10 Maximization compl�te
+11 Lissage d'images
+12 D�placement opaque des fen�tres
+13 Focus semi-stupide
+14 Convergence souple
+15 Workspace Warping
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 Sortie
-0x4 Icones
-0x7 Disposition
-0x9 Red�marrer
-0xa xterm
+3 Sortie
+4 Icones
+7 Disposition
+9 Red�marrer
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 L: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 L: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Orientation du Slit
-0x7 Disposition du Slit
-0x8 Slit
+4 Orientation du Slit
+7 Disposition du Slit
+8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 B�pt�me du bureau courant
-0xa Disposition de la barre d'outils
-0xb Barre d'outils
+1 B�pt�me du bureau courant
+10 Disposition de la barre d'outils
+11 Barre d'outils
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Inconnu
+1 Inconnu
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Fermer
-0x2 Iconifier
-0x4 Baisser
-0x5 Maximiser
-0x6 Lever
-0x7 Envoyer vers ...
-0x8 Ombrer
-0x9 Coller
+1 Fermer
+2 Iconifier
+4 Baisser
+5 Maximiser
+6 Lever
+7 Envoyer vers ...
+8 Ombrer
+9 Coller
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Bureau %d
-0x2 Bureaux
-0x3 Nouveau bureau
-0x4 Supprimer le dernier
+1 Bureau %d
+2 Bureaux
+3 Nouveau bureau
+4 Supprimer le dernier
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: Erreur: il faut pr�ciser: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: Erreur: il faut pr�ciser: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <cha�ne>        	connexion � l'�cran\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             	sch�ma\n\
 -foreground, -fg <couleur> 	couleur au premier plan\n\
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <couleur>           	couleur pleine\n\n\
 -help                    	affiche ce texte d'aide et quitte\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 Erreur: '-display' n�cessite un argument\n
-0xb Erreur: '-rc' n�cessite un argument\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 Erreur: '-display' n�cessite un argument\n
+11 Erreur: '-rc' n�cessite un argument\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <cha�ne>\t\tutilise la connexion � l'affichage.\n\
 -rc <cha�ne>\t\t\tutilise un autre fichier de configuration.\n\
 -version\t\t\taffiche la version et quitte.\n\
@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\taffiche ce texte d'aide et quitte.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/it_IT/Translation.m b/nls/it_IT/Translation.m
index a2e6efe..2316473 100644
--- a/nls/it_IT/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/it_IT/Translation.m
@@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-1
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 In basso al centro
-0x2 In basso a sinistra
-0x3 In basso a destra
-0x4 Orizzontale
-0x6 A sinistra in basso
-0x7 A sinistra al centro
-0x8 A sinistra in alto
-0xb A destra in basso
-0xc A destra al centro
-0xd A destra in alto
-0xe In alto al centro
-0xf In alto a sinistra
-0x10 In alto a destra
-0x11 Verticale
+1 In basso al centro
+2 In basso a sinistra
+3 In basso a destra
+4 Orizzontale
+6 A sinistra in basso
+7 A sinistra al centro
+8 A sinistra in alto
+11 A destra in basso
+12 A destra al centro
+13 A destra in alto
+14 In alto al centro
+15 In alto a sinistra
+16 In alto a destra
+17 Verticale
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x2 In primo piano automaticamente
-0x4 Clicca per focalizzare
-0x7 Focalizza l'ultima finestra nell'area di lavoro
-0x8 Tipo di focalizzazione
-0x9 Focalizza le nuove finestre
-0xa Massimo ingrandimento
-0xb Simulazione di colore nelle immagini
-0xc Mostra il contenuto spostando le finestre
-0xd Focalizzazione semiautomatica
-0xe Focalizzazione automatica
-0xf Cambia area di lavoro trascinando le finestre
+2 In primo piano automaticamente
+4 Clicca per focalizzare
+7 Focalizza l'ultima finestra nell'area di lavoro
+8 Tipo di focalizzazione
+9 Focalizza le nuove finestre
+10 Massimo ingrandimento
+11 Simulazione di colore nelle immagini
+12 Mostra il contenuto spostando le finestre
+13 Focalizzazione semiautomatica
+14 Focalizzazione automatica
+15 Cambia area di lavoro trascinando le finestre
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 Uscita
-0x4 Icone
-0x7 Posizionamento
-0x9 Riavvio
-0xa xterm
+3 Uscita
+4 Icone
+7 Posizionamento
+9 Riavvio
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Direzione dello slit
-0x7 Posizionamento dello slit
-0x8 Slit
+4 Direzione dello slit
+7 Posizionamento dello slit
+8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 Cambia nome a questa area di lavoro
-0xa Posizionamento della Toolbar
-0xb Toolbar
+1 Cambia nome a questa area di lavoro
+10 Posizionamento della Toolbar
+11 Toolbar
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Senza nome
+1 Senza nome
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Chiudi
-0x2 Riduci a icona
-0x4 Sullo sfondo
-0x5 Ingrandisci
-0x6 In primo piano
-0x7 Manda a ...
-0x8 Riduci a barra
-0x9 Su tutte le aree di lavoro
+1 Chiudi
+2 Riduci a icona
+4 Sullo sfondo
+5 Ingrandisci
+6 In primo piano
+7 Manda a ...
+8 Riduci a barra
+9 Su tutte le aree di lavoro
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Area di lavoro %d
-0x2 Aree di lavoro
-0x3 Crea una nuova
-0x4 Elimina l'ultima
+1 Area di lavoro %d
+2 Aree di lavoro
+3 Crea una nuova
+4 Elimina l'ultima
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: errore: specicare una delle opzioni : -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: errore: specicare una delle opzioni : -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <stringa>        connessione al display\n\
 -mod <x> <y>              schema\n\
 -foreground, -fg <colore> colore di primo piano nello schema\n\
@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <colore>           colore semplice\n\n\
 -help                     mostra questo messaggio ed esci\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 errore: '-display' richiede un argomento\n
-0xb errore: '-rc' richiede un argomento\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 errore: '-display' richiede un argomento\n
+11 errore: '-rc' richiede un argomento\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <stringa>\t\tusa la connessione al display.\n\
 -rc <stringa>\t\t\tusa un file di configurazione alternativo.\n\
 -version\t\t\tmostra la versione ed esci.\n\
@@ -129,5 +129,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\tmostra questo messaggio di aiuto ed esci.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/ja_JP/Translation.m b/nls/ja_JP/Translation.m
index 6e30a69..f185881 100644
--- a/nls/ja_JP/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/ja_JP/Translation.m
@@ -1,115 +1,115 @@
 $ codeset=eucJP
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 ��¦-���
-0x2 ��¦-��
-0x3 ��¦-��
-0x4 ��ʿ(H)
-0x6 ��¦-��
-0x7 ��¦-���
-0x8 ��¦-��
-0xb ��¦-��
-0xc ��¦-���
-0xd ��¦-��
-0xe ��¦-���
-0xf ��¦-��
-0x10 ��¦-��
-0x11 ��ľ(V)
+1 ��¦-���
+2 ��¦-��
+3 ��¦-��
+4 ��ʿ(H)
+6 ��¦-��
+7 ��¦-���
+8 ��¦-��
+11 ��¦-��
+12 ��¦-���
+13 ��¦-��
+14 ��¦-���
+15 ��¦-��
+16 ��¦-��
+17 ��ľ(V)
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 ��ưŪ�˱���
+2 ��ưŪ�˱���
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x1 ����������ꥢ��
-0x2 �ե������������Ƥ��Ȥ��˺����̤˰�ư
-0x4 ����å��ǥե�������
-0x7 ������ڡ�����ư���˺Ǹ�Υ�����ɥ��˥ե�������
-0x8 �ե���������ǥ�
-0x9 ����������ɥ��˥ե�������
-0xa �������粽(�������С�̵��)
-0xb �����ǥ���
-0xc ������ɥ������Ƥ�ɽ�������ޤް�ư
-0xd �������륪���С��ǥե�������(SemiSloppy)
-0xe �������륪���С��ǥե�������
-0xf ������ɥ��ɥ�å��ǥ�����ڡ������ư
+1 ����������ꥢ��
+2 �ե������������Ƥ��Ȥ��˺����̤˰�ư
+4 ����å��ǥե�������
+7 ������ڡ�����ư���˺Ǹ�Υ�����ɥ��˥ե�������
+8 �ե���������ǥ�
+9 ����������ɥ��˥ե�������
+10 �������粽(�������С�̵��)
+11 �����ǥ���
+12 ������ɥ������Ƥ�ɽ�������ޤް�ư
+13 �������륪���С��ǥե�������(SemiSloppy)
+14 �������륪���С��ǥե�������
+15 ������ɥ��ɥ�å��ǥ�����ڡ������ư
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 ��λ
-0x4 ��������
-0x7 ����
-0x9 �Ƶ�ư
-0xa �ؤ�����
+3 ��λ
+4 ��������
+7 ����
+9 �Ƶ�ư
+10 �ؤ�����
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 ��: %4d x ��: %4d
-0x3 ��: 0000 x ��: 0000
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 ��: %4d x ��: %4d
+3 ��: 0000 x ��: 0000
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Slit ������
-0x7 Slit ������
-0x8 Slit
+4 Slit ������
+7 Slit ������
+8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 ���ߤΥ�����ڡ���̾���Խ�
-0xa �ġ���С�������
-0xb �ġ���С�
+1 ���ߤΥ�����ڡ���̾���Խ�
+10 �ġ���С�������
+11 �ġ���С�
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 ̾���ʤ�
+1 ̾���ʤ�
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 �Ĥ���
-0x2 �������󲽡ʥ����ȥ�С��˳�Ǽ��
-0x4 �����̤˻��äƤ���
-0x5 ���粽
-0x6 �����̤˻��äƤ���
-0x7 ���� ...
-0x8 �С��˳�Ǽ
-0x9 ���٤ƤΥ�����ڡ�����ɽ��
+1 �Ĥ���
+2 �������󲽡ʥ����ȥ�С��˳�Ǽ��
+4 �����̤˻��äƤ���
+5 ���粽
+6 �����̤˻��äƤ���
+7 ���� ...
+8 �С��˳�Ǽ
+9 ���٤ƤΥ�����ڡ�����ɽ��
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 ������ڡ��� %d
-0x2 ������ڡ���
-0x3 ����������ڡ�������
-0x4 �����Υ�����ڡ�������
+1 ������ڡ��� %d
+2 ������ڡ���
+3 ����������ڡ�������
+4 �����Υ�����ڡ�������
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: error: �����椫���Ĥ����򤷤ʤ���Фʤ�ޤ���: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: error: �����椫���Ĥ����򤷤ʤ���Фʤ�ޤ���: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        ����ǥ����ץ쥤����³\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             �ʻҤΥѥ�����ֳ�\n\
 -foreground, -fg <color> �ʻ����ͤ����ʿ�\n\
@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           ñ��\n\n\
 -help                    ���Υإ�פ�ɽ�����ƽ�λ\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 error: '-display' ���ץ����ϰ�����ɬ�פȤ��ޤ�\n
-0xb error: '-rc' ���ץ����ϰ�����ɬ�פȤ��ޤ�\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 error: '-display' ���ץ����ϰ�����ɬ�פȤ��ޤ�\n
+11 error: '-rc' ���ץ����ϰ�����ɬ�פȤ��ޤ�\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string>\t\t ����ǥ����ץ쥤����³.\n\
 -rc <string>\t\t\t ����Υ꥽�����ե���������.\n\
 -version\t\t\t �С����������ɽ�����ƽ�λ.\n\
@@ -132,5 +132,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\t ���Υإ�פ�ɽ�����ƽ�λ.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/lv_LV/Translation.m b/nls/lv_LV/Translation.m
index 67c5c6c..6d8890e 100644
--- a/nls/lv_LV/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/lv_LV/Translation.m
@@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-13
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 Apak�� Centr�
-0x2 Apak�� pa Kreisi
-0x3 Apak�� pa Labi
-0x4 Horizont�ls
-0x6 Pa Kreisi Apak��
-0x7 Pa Kreisi Centr�
-0x8 Pa Kreisi Aug��
-0xb Pa Labi Apak��
-0xc Pa Labi Centr�
-0xd Pa Labi Aug��
-0xe Aug�� Centr�
-0xf Aug�� pa Kreisi
-0x10 Aug�� pa Labi
-0x11 Vertik�ls
+1 Apak�� Centr�
+2 Apak�� pa Kreisi
+3 Apak�� pa Labi
+4 Horizont�ls
+6 Pa Kreisi Apak��
+7 Pa Kreisi Centr�
+8 Pa Kreisi Aug��
+11 Pa Labi Apak��
+12 Pa Labi Centr�
+13 Pa Labi Aug��
+14 Aug�� Centr�
+15 Aug�� pa Kreisi
+16 Aug�� pa Labi
+17 Vertik�ls
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 Auto pasl�pt
+2 Auto pasl�pt
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x2 Auto Pacel�ana
-0x4 Klik��is, lai Fokus�tu
-0x7 Fokus�t Logu pie Darba vietas mai�as
-0x8 Fokus��an�s Modelis
-0x9 Fokus�t Jaunos Logus
-0xa Pilna Maksimiz�cija
-0xb Att�la Ton��ana
-0xc Necaurredzama Loga P�rvieto�ana
-0xd Pusnev���ga Fokus��ana
-0xe Nev���ga Fokus��ana
-0xf P�rvilk�ana uz Darba vietu
+2 Auto Pacel�ana
+4 Klik��is, lai Fokus�tu
+7 Fokus�t Logu pie Darba vietas mai�as
+8 Fokus��an�s Modelis
+9 Fokus�t Jaunos Logus
+10 Pilna Maksimiz�cija
+11 Att�la Ton��ana
+12 Necaurredzama Loga P�rvieto�ana
+13 Pusnev���ga Fokus��ana
+14 Nev���ga Fokus��ana
+15 P�rvilk�ana uz Darba vietu
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 Iziet
-0x4 Ikonas
-0x7 Novieto�ana
-0x9 Restart�t
-0xa xterm
+3 Iziet
+4 Ikonas
+7 Novieto�ana
+9 Restart�t
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 P: %4d x A: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 P: %4d x A: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 ���luma Virziens
-0x7 ���luma Novietojums
-0x8 ���lums
+4 ���luma Virziens
+7 ���luma Novietojums
+8 ���lums
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 Redi��t pa�reiz�j�s darba vietas nosaukumu
-0xb R�kjosla
+1 Redi��t pa�reiz�j�s darba vietas nosaukumu
+11 R�kjosla
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Nenosaukts
+1 Nenosaukts
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Aizv�rt
-0x2 Ikonific�t
-0x4 Pazemin�t
-0x5 Maksimiz�t
-0x6 Pacelt
-0x7 S�t�t Uz ...
-0x8 �not
-0x9 Sti��t
+1 Aizv�rt
+2 Ikonific�t
+4 Pazemin�t
+5 Maksimiz�t
+6 Pacelt
+7 S�t�t Uz ...
+8 �not
+9 Sti��t
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Darba vieta %d
-0x2 Darba vietas
-0x3 Jauna Darba vieta
-0x4 No�emt P�d�jo
+1 Darba vieta %d
+2 Darba vietas
+3 Jauna Darba vieta
+4 No�emt P�d�jo
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: k��da: j�nosaka viens no: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: k��da: j�nosaka viens no: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <virkne>        displeja savienojums\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             modu�a raksts\n\
 -foreground, -fg <kr�sa> modu�a priek�pl�na kr�sa\n\
@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <kr�sa>           viendab�ga kr�sa\n\n\
 -help                    par�d�t �o pal�dz�bu un iziet\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 k��da: '-display' nepiecie�ams arguments\n
-0xb k��da: '-rc' nepiecie�ams arguments\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 k��da: '-display' nepiecie�ams arguments\n
+11 k��da: '-rc' nepiecie�ams arguments\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <virkne>\t\tlietot displeja savienojumu.\n\
 -rc <virkne>\t\t\tlietot citu resersu failu.\n\
 -version\t\t\tpar�d�t versiju un iziet.\n\
@@ -129,5 +129,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\tpar�d�t �o pal�dz�bas tekstu un iziet.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/nl_NL/Translation.m b/nls/nl_NL/Translation.m
index ec62df5..5314474 100644
--- a/nls/nl_NL/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/nl_NL/Translation.m
@@ -1,114 +1,114 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-1
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 Onder midden
-0x2 Onder links
-0x3 Onder rechts
-0x4 Horizontaal
-0x6 Links onder
-0x7 Links midden
-0x8 Links boven
-0xb Rechts onder
-0xc Rechts midden
-0xd Rechts boven
-0xe Boven midden
-0xf Boven links
-0x10 Boven rechts
-0x11 Vertikaal
+1 Onder midden
+2 Onder links
+3 Onder rechts
+4 Horizontaal
+6 Links onder
+7 Links midden
+8 Links boven
+11 Rechts onder
+12 Rechts midden
+13 Rechts boven
+14 Boven midden
+15 Boven links
+16 Boven rechts
+17 Vertikaal
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 Automatisch verbergen
+2 Automatisch verbergen
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x1 Lettertypes bijwerken
-0x2 Automatisch verhogen
-0x4 Klik om Focus te krijgen
-0x7 Focus Vensters na Werkveldwissel
-0x8 Focussoort
-0x9 Nieuwe vensters focussen
-0xa Volledig maximaliseren
-0xb Plaatjes-afvlakking
-0xc Venster ondoorzichtig verplaatsen
-0xd Bijna altijd muis focus
-0xe Muis focus
-0xf Werkveld springen
+1 Lettertypes bijwerken
+2 Automatisch verhogen
+4 Klik om Focus te krijgen
+7 Focus Vensters na Werkveldwissel
+8 Focussoort
+9 Nieuwe vensters focussen
+10 Volledig maximaliseren
+11 Plaatjes-afvlakking
+12 Venster ondoorzichtig verplaatsen
+13 Bijna altijd muis focus
+14 Muis focus
+15 Werkveld springen
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 Exit
-0x4 Iconen
-0x7 Plaats
-0x9 Restart
-0xa xterm
+3 Exit
+4 Iconen
+7 Plaats
+9 Restart
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Slit-Richting
-0x7 Slit-Plaatsing
-0x8 Slit
+4 Slit-Richting
+7 Slit-Plaatsing
+8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 Werkveldnaam veranderen
-0xa Werkbalkplaatsing
-0xb Werkbalklijst
+1 Werkveldnaam veranderen
+10 Werkbalkplaatsing
+11 Werkbalklijst
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Unbenannt
+1 Unbenannt
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Sluiten
-0x2 Minimalizeren
-0x4 Onderop leggen
-0x5 Maximalizeren
-0x6 Bovenop leggen
-0x7 Stuur naar
-0x8 Oprollen
-0x9 Plakkerig
+1 Sluiten
+2 Minimalizeren
+4 Onderop leggen
+5 Maximalizeren
+6 Bovenop leggen
+7 Stuur naar
+8 Oprollen
+9 Plakkerig
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Werkveld %d
-0x2 Werkvelden
-0x3 Nieuw werkveld
-0x4 Verwijder laatste
+1 Werkveld %d
+2 Werkvelden
+3 Nieuw werkveld
+4 Verwijder laatste
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        display connection\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             modula pattern\n\
 -foreground, -fg <color> modula foreground color\n\
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           solid color\n\n\
 -help                    print this help text and exit\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 error: '-display' heeft een argument nodig\n
-0xb error: '-rc' heeft een argument nodig\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 error: '-display' heeft een argument nodig\n
+11 error: '-rc' heeft een argument nodig\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string>\t\tkies ander scherm.\n\
 -rc <string>\t\t\tgebruik alternatieve configuratie.\n\
 -version\t\t\ttoon versienummer.\n\
@@ -131,5 +131,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog uitvoer naar bestand.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\ttoon alleen deze helptext.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/pl_PL/Translation.m b/nls/pl_PL/Translation.m
index bed62a4..b992467 100644
--- a/nls/pl_PL/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/pl_PL/Translation.m
@@ -1,114 +1,114 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-1
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 Dolny �rodkowy
-0x2 Dolny Lewy
-0x3 Dolny Prawy
-0x4 Poziomo
-0x6 Dolny Lewy
-0x7 �rodkowy Lewy
-0x8 G�rny Lewy
-0xb Dolny Prawy
-0xc �rodkowy Prawy
-0xd G�rny Prawy
-0xe G�rny �rodkowy
-0xf G�rny Lewy
-0x10 G�rny Prawy
-0x11 Pionowo
+1 Dolny �rodkowy
+2 Dolny Lewy
+3 Dolny Prawy
+4 Poziomo
+6 Dolny Lewy
+7 �rodkowy Lewy
+8 G�rny Lewy
+11 Dolny Prawy
+12 �rodkowy Prawy
+13 G�rny Prawy
+14 G�rny �rodkowy
+15 G�rny Lewy
+16 G�rny Prawy
+17 Pionowo
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 Auto Ukrywanie
+2 Auto Ukrywanie
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x1 AnyiAlias
-0x2 Automatyczne podnoszenie
-0x4 Kliknij by uaktywni�
-0x7 Zmie� aktywne okno przy zmianie pulpit�w
-0x8 Spos�b aktywacji okien
-0x9 Ustawiaj nowe okna jako aktywne
-0xa Pe�na maksymalizacja
-0xb Rastrowanie Oobrazu
-0xc Wy�wietlaj zawarto�� przesuwanego okna
-0xd Semi Sloppy Focus
-0xe Poka� kursorem by uaktywni�
-0xf Workspace Warping
+1 AnyiAlias
+2 Automatyczne podnoszenie
+4 Kliknij by uaktywni�
+7 Zmie� aktywne okno przy zmianie pulpit�w
+8 Spos�b aktywacji okien
+9 Ustawiaj nowe okna jako aktywne
+10 Pe�na maksymalizacja
+11 Rastrowanie Oobrazu
+12 Wy�wietlaj zawarto�� przesuwanego okna
+13 Semi Sloppy Focus
+14 Poka� kursorem by uaktywni�
+15 Workspace Warping
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 Wyj�cie
-0x4 Ikonki
-0x7 Umiejscowienie
-0x9 Restart
-0xa xterm
+3 Wyj�cie
+4 Ikonki
+7 Umiejscowienie
+9 Restart
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 S: %4d x W: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 S: %4d x W: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Kierunek Tacki
-0x7 Po�o�enie Tacki
-0x8 Tacka
+4 Kierunek Tacki
+7 Po�o�enie Tacki
+8 Tacka
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 Zmie� nazw� aktywnego pulpitu
-0xa Po�o�enie
-0xb Pasek Narz�dzi
+1 Zmie� nazw� aktywnego pulpitu
+10 Po�o�enie
+11 Pasek Narz�dzi
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Bez nazwy
+1 Bez nazwy
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Zamknij
-0x2 Do ikonki
-0x4 Pod sp�d
-0x5 Maksymalizuj
-0x6 Na wierzch
-0x7 Wy�lij do ...
-0x8 Zwi�
-0x9 Przyklej
+1 Zamknij
+2 Do ikonki
+4 Pod sp�d
+5 Maksymalizuj
+6 Na wierzch
+7 Wy�lij do ...
+8 Zwi�
+9 Przyklej
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Pulpit %d
-0x2 Pulpity
-0x3 Nowy Pulpit
-0x4 Usu� Ostatni
+1 Pulpit %d
+2 Pulpity
+3 Nowy Pulpit
+4 Usu� Ostatni
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: b��d: musisz okre�li� jedno z: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: b��d: musisz okre�li� jedno z: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        wy�wietlam po��czenia\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             wz�r modu�u\n\
 -foreground, -fg <kolor> kolor pierwszego planu modu�u\n\
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <kolor>           sta�y kolor\n\n\
 -help                    drukuj� t� pomoc i wychodz�\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 b��d: '-display' wymaga argumentu\n
-0xb b��d: '-rc' wymaga argumentu\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 b��d: '-display' wymaga argumentu\n
+11 b��d: '-rc' wymaga argumentu\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string>\t\tu�yj po��czenia ekranu.\n\
 -rc <string>\t\t\tu�yj innego pliku zasob�w.\n\
 -version\t\t\twy�wietlam wersj� i wychodz�.\n\
@@ -131,5 +131,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlogi przesy�am do pliku.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\twy�wietlam t� pomoc i wychodz�.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/pt_BR/Translation.m b/nls/pt_BR/Translation.m
index 70ee956..688e7ec 100644
--- a/nls/pt_BR/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/pt_BR/Translation.m
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-1
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 Em Baixo e no Centro
-0x2 Em Baixo a Esquerda
-0x3 Em Baixo a Direita
-0x4 Horizontal
-0x6 Left Bottom
-0x7 Left Center
-0x8 Left Top
-0xb Right Bottom
-0xc Right Center
-0xd Right Top
-0xe No Alto e no Centro
-0xf No Alto a Esquerda
-0x10 No Alto a Direita
-0x11 Vertical
+1 Em Baixo e no Centro
+2 Em Baixo a Esquerda
+3 Em Baixo a Direita
+4 Horizontal
+6 Left Bottom
+7 Left Center
+8 Left Top
+11 Right Bottom
+12 Right Center
+13 Right Top
+14 No Alto e no Centro
+15 No Alto a Esquerda
+16 No Alto a Direita
+17 Vertical
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 Auto hide
+2 Auto hide
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x2 Sobrepor Janela Quando Ativa
-0x4 Foco na Janela Quando Clicada
-0x7 Foco na Ultima Janela Da Area de Trabalho
-0x8 Modelo de Foco
-0x9 Foco em Novas Janelas
-0xa Maximiza��o Total
-0xb Simula��o de Cores em Imagens
-0xc Movimento Opaco de Janelas
-0xd Semi Sloppy Focus
-0xe Foco na Janela Quando Apontada
-0xf Workspace Warping
+2 Sobrepor Janela Quando Ativa
+4 Foco na Janela Quando Clicada
+7 Foco na Ultima Janela Da Area de Trabalho
+8 Modelo de Foco
+9 Foco em Novas Janelas
+10 Maximiza��o Total
+11 Simula��o de Cores em Imagens
+12 Movimento Opaco de Janelas
+13 Semi Sloppy Focus
+14 Foco na Janela Quando Apontada
+15 Workspace Warping
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 Sair
-0x4 Icones
-0x7 Posicionamento
-0x9 Reiniciar
-0xa xterm
+3 Sair
+4 Icones
+7 Posicionamento
+9 Reiniciar
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Dire��o
-0x7 Posicionamento
-0x8 Slit
+4 Dire��o
+7 Posicionamento
+8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 Renomear Area de Trabalho
-0xa Posicionamento
-0xb Toolbar
+1 Renomear Area de Trabalho
+10 Posicionamento
+11 Toolbar
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Sem Nome
+1 Sem Nome
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Fechar
-0x2 Minimizar
-0x4 Desfocalizar
-0x5 Maximizar
-0x6 Focalizar
-0x7 Enviar Para ...
-0x8 Encolher
-0x9 Sempre Visivel
+1 Fechar
+2 Minimizar
+4 Desfocalizar
+5 Maximizar
+6 Focalizar
+7 Enviar Para ...
+8 Encolher
+9 Sempre Visivel
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Area de Trabalho %d
-0x2 Areas de Trabalho
-0x3 Nova Area de Trabalho
-0x4 Remover Ultima
+1 Area de Trabalho %d
+2 Areas de Trabalho
+3 Nova Area de Trabalho
+4 Remover Ultima
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: erro: necessario especificar um dos seguintes argumentos: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: erro: necessario especificar um dos seguintes argumentos: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        conex�o com display\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             modula pattern\n\
 -foreground, -fg <color> modula foreground color\n\
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           cor solida\n\n\
 -help                    mostra essa ajuda e sai\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 erro: '-display' requer um argumento\n
-0xb erro: '-rc' requer um argumento\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 erro: '-display' requer um argumento\n
+11 erro: '-rc' requer um argumento\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string>\t\tusar conex�o com o display.\n\
 -rc <string>\t\t\tusar arquivo alternativo de recursos.\n\
 -version\t\t\tmostrar versao e sair.\n\
@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\tmostrar esta ajuda e sair.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/pt_PT/Translation.m b/nls/pt_PT/Translation.m
index 23dcd49..72f9284 100644
--- a/nls/pt_PT/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/pt_PT/Translation.m
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-1
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 Em Baixo e no Centro
-0x2 Em Baixo na Esquerda
-0x3 Em Baixo a Direita
-0x4 Horizontal
-0x6 Na Esquerda em Baixo
-0x7 Na Esquerda e no Centro
-0x8 Na Esquerda em Cima
-0xb Direita em Baixo
-0xc Direita e no Centro
-0xd Direita em Cima
-0xe Em Cima e no Centro
-0xf Em Cima na Esquerda
-0x10 Em Cima na Direita
-0x11 Vertical
+1 Em Baixo e no Centro
+2 Em Baixo na Esquerda
+3 Em Baixo a Direita
+4 Horizontal
+6 Na Esquerda em Baixo
+7 Na Esquerda e no Centro
+8 Na Esquerda em Cima
+11 Direita em Baixo
+12 Direita e no Centro
+13 Direita em Cima
+14 Em Cima e no Centro
+15 Em Cima na Esquerda
+16 Em Cima na Direita
+17 Vertical
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 Esconde autom�ticamente
+2 Esconde autom�ticamente
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x2 Sobrepor Janela Quando Ativa
-0x4 Foco na Janela Quando Clicada
-0x7 Foco na Ultima Janela Da Area de Trabalho
-0x8 Modelo de Foco
-0x9 Foco em Novas Janelas
-0xa Maximiza��o Total
-0xb Simula��o de Cores em Imagens
-0xc Movimento Opaco de Janelas
-0xd Semi Focus Desordenado
-0xe Foco na Janela Quando Apontada
-0xf Alternando Workspace
+2 Sobrepor Janela Quando Ativa
+4 Foco na Janela Quando Clicada
+7 Foco na Ultima Janela Da Area de Trabalho
+8 Modelo de Foco
+9 Foco em Novas Janelas
+10 Maximiza��o Total
+11 Simula��o de Cores em Imagens
+12 Movimento Opaco de Janelas
+13 Semi Focus Desordenado
+14 Foco na Janela Quando Apontada
+15 Alternando Workspace
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 Sair
-0x4 Icons
-0x7 Posicionamento
-0x9 Reiniciar
-0xa xterm
+3 Sair
+4 Icons
+7 Posicionamento
+9 Reiniciar
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Dire��o
-0x7 Posicionamento
-0x8 Slit
+4 Dire��o
+7 Posicionamento
+8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 Editar o nome de Area de Trabalho
-0xa Posicionamento
-0xb Toolbar
+1 Editar o nome de Area de Trabalho
+10 Posicionamento
+11 Toolbar
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Sem Nome
+1 Sem Nome
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Fechar
-0x2 Minimizar
-0x4 Desfocalizar
-0x5 Maximizar
-0x6 Focalizar
-0x7 Enviar Para ...
-0x8 Encolher
-0x9 Sempre Visivel
+1 Fechar
+2 Minimizar
+4 Desfocalizar
+5 Maximizar
+6 Focalizar
+7 Enviar Para ...
+8 Encolher
+9 Sempre Visivel
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Area de Trabalho %d
-0x2 Areas de Trabalho
-0x3 Nova Area de Trabalho
-0x4 Remover Ultima Area de Trabalho
+1 Area de Trabalho %d
+2 Areas de Trabalho
+3 Nova Area de Trabalho
+4 Remover Ultima Area de Trabalho
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: erro: necessario especificar um dos seguintes argumentos: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: erro: necessario especificar um dos seguintes argumentos: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        conex�o com display\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             altera pattern\n\
 -foreground, -fg <color> altera foreground color\n\
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           cor solida\n\n\
 -help                    mostra esta ajuda e sai\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 erro: '-display' necesita um argumento\n
-0xb erro: '-rc' necesita um argumento\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 erro: '-display' necesita um argumento\n
+11 erro: '-rc' necesita um argumento\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string>\t\tusar conex�o com o display.\n\
 -rc <string>\t\t\tusar arquivo alternativo de recursos.\n\
 -version\t\t\tmostrar versao e sair.\n\
@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\tmostrar esta ajuda e sair.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/ru_RU/Translation.m b/nls/ru_RU/Translation.m
index 2441893..b6d35f1 100644
--- a/nls/ru_RU/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/ru_RU/Translation.m
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
 $ codeset=KOI8-R
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 ����� �� ������
-0x2 ����� �����
-0x3 ����� ������
-0x4 �� �����������
-0x6 ����� �����
-0x7 ����� �� ������
-0x8 ����� ������
-0xb ������ �����
-0xc ������ �� ������
-0xd ������ ������
-0xe ������ �� ������
-0xf ������ �����
-0x10 ������ ������
-0x11 �� ���������
+1 ����� �� ������
+2 ����� �����
+3 ����� ������
+4 �� �����������
+6 ����� �����
+7 ����� �� ������
+8 ����� ������
+11 ������ �����
+12 ������ �� ������
+13 ������ ������
+14 ������ �� ������
+15 ������ �����
+16 ������ ������
+17 �� ���������
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 �����������
+2 �����������
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x2 ������������
-0x4 ����� �� ������
-0x7 ����� �� ��������� ���� �������� �����
-0x8 ������ �����������
-0x9 ���������� ����� �� ����� ����
-0xa ������ ������������
-0xb ���������� �����������
-0xc ����������� ����������� ����
-0xd �������� �����
-0xe ����� �� �����������
-0xf ����������� ���� ����� �������� �������
+2 ������������
+4 ����� �� ������
+7 ����� �� ��������� ���� �������� �����
+8 ������ �����������
+9 ���������� ����� �� ����� ����
+10 ������ ������������
+11 ���������� �����������
+12 ����������� ����������� ����
+13 �������� �����
+14 ����� �� �����������
+15 ����������� ���� ����� �������� �������
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 �����
-0x4 ��������� ����
-0x7 ������������
-0x9 ����������
-0xa Xterm
+3 �����
+4 ��������� ����
+7 ������������
+9 ����������
+10 Xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 ���������� ������
-0x7 �������������� ������
-0x8 �����
+4 ���������� ������
+7 �������������� ������
+8 �����
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 ������������� ��� �������� �������� �����
-0xa ������������ ������ ������������
-0xb ������ ������������
+1 ������������� ��� �������� �������� �����
+10 ������������ ������ ������������
+11 ������ ������������
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 ����������
+1 ����������
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 �������
-0x2 �������� �� ������ ������������
-0x4 �� ������ ����
-0x5 ���������������
-0x6 �� �������� ����
-0x7 ��������� ���� �� ...
-0x8 �������� � ���������
-0x9 ���������
+1 �������
+2 �������� �� ������ ������������
+4 �� ������ ����
+5 ���������������
+6 �� �������� ����
+7 ��������� ���� �� ...
+8 �������� � ���������
+9 ���������
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 ������� ���� %d
-0x2 ������� �����
-0x3 ����� ������� ����
-0x4 ������� ���������
+1 ������� ���� %d
+2 ������� �����
+3 ����� ������� ����
+4 ������� ���������
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: ������: ���������� ������ ���� �� ��������� ������: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: ������: ���������� ������ ���� �� ��������� ������: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        ���������� � ��������\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             ����� ������\n\
 -foreground, -fg <color> ���� ��������� ����� ������\n\
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           �������� ����\n\n\
 -help                    ������� ��� ��������� � �����\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 ������: '-display' ������� ������� ���������\n
-0xb ������: '-rc' ������� ������� ���������\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 ������: '-display' ������� ������� ���������\n
+11 ������: '-rc' ������� ������� ���������\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string>\t\t������������ �������� �������.\n\
 -rc <string>\t\t\t������������ �������������� ���� ��������.\n\
 -version\t\t\t������� ����� ������ � �����.\n\
@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\t������� ��� ��������� � �����.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/sl_SI/Translation.m b/nls/sl_SI/Translation.m
index d975ece..5c324f7 100644
--- a/nls/sl_SI/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/sl_SI/Translation.m
@@ -1,114 +1,114 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-2
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 Na dnu in osredinjeno
-0x2 Na dnu in levo poravnano
-0x3 Na dnu in desno poravnano
-0x4 Vodoravno
-0x6 Levo spodaj
-0x7 Levo v sredini
-0x8 Levo zgoraj
-0xb Desno spodaj
-0xc Desno v sredini
-0xd Desno zgoraj
-0xe Na vrhu in osredinjeno
-0xf Na vrhu in levo poravnano
-0x10 Na vrhu in desno poravnano
-0x11 Navpi�no
+1 Na dnu in osredinjeno
+2 Na dnu in levo poravnano
+3 Na dnu in desno poravnano
+4 Vodoravno
+6 Levo spodaj
+7 Levo v sredini
+8 Levo zgoraj
+11 Desno spodaj
+12 Desno v sredini
+13 Desno zgoraj
+14 Na vrhu in osredinjeno
+15 Na vrhu in levo poravnano
+16 Na vrhu in desno poravnano
+17 Navpi�no
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 Samodejno skrivanje
+2 Samodejno skrivanje
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x1 Glajenje pisav
-0x2 Samodejno odkrivanje
-0x4 Za fokus kliknite
-0x7 Spremenjeni fokus okna na namizju
-0x8 Na�in fokusiranja
-0x9 Novo okno dobi fokus
-0xa Najve�je okno
-0xb Prelivanje slik
-0xc Premikanje prosojnih oken
-0xd Napol povr�no fokusiranje
-0xe Povr�ni fokus
-0xf Premikanje oken na druge delovne povr�ine
+1 Glajenje pisav
+2 Samodejno odkrivanje
+4 Za fokus kliknite
+7 Spremenjeni fokus okna na namizju
+8 Na�in fokusiranja
+9 Novo okno dobi fokus
+10 Najve�je okno
+11 Prelivanje slik
+12 Premikanje prosojnih oken
+13 Napol povr�no fokusiranje
+14 Povr�ni fokus
+15 Premikanje oken na druge delovne povr�ine
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 Izhod
-0x4 Ikone
-0x7 Lega
-0x9 Ponovni zagon
-0xa xterm
+3 Izhod
+4 Ikone
+7 Lega
+9 Ponovni zagon
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Smer re�e
-0x7 Lega re�e
-0x8 Re�a
+4 Smer re�e
+7 Lega re�e
+8 Re�a
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 Uredi ime trenutnega namizja
-0xa Lega orodne letve
-0xb Orodna letev
+1 Uredi ime trenutnega namizja
+10 Lega orodne letve
+11 Orodna letev
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Neimenovano
+1 Neimenovano
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Zapusti
-0x2 Pomanj�aj
-0x4 Zakrij
-0x5 Pove�aj
-0x6 Prika�i
-0x7 Na delovno povr�ino...
-0x8 Zastri
-0x9 Prilepi
+1 Zapusti
+2 Pomanj�aj
+4 Zakrij
+5 Pove�aj
+6 Prika�i
+7 Na delovno povr�ino...
+8 Zastri
+9 Prilepi
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Delovna povr�ina %d
-0x2 Delovne povr�ine
-0x3 Nova delovna povr�ina
-0x4 Odstrani zadnjo
+1 Delovna povr�ina %d
+2 Delovne povr�ine
+3 Nova delovna povr�ina
+4 Odstrani zadnjo
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: napaka: dolo�iti je treba eno: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: napaka: dolo�iti je treba eno: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 (c) 2001-2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\n\
 -display <string>        prika�i povezavo\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             vzorec\n\
@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           enotna barva\n\n\
 -help                    prika�i ta navodila in kon�aj\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 napaka: '-display' zahteva argument\n
-0xb napaka: '-rc' zahteva argument\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 napaka: '-display' zahteva argument\n
+11 napaka: '-rc' zahteva argument\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <string>\t\tuporabi prikazovalnik.\n\
 -rc <string>\t\t\tuporabi nadomestno datoteko z viri.\n\
 -version\t\t\tprika�i oznako razli�ice in kon�aj.\n\
@@ -132,5 +132,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tzapi�i dnevnik v datoteko.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\prika�i ta navodila in kon�aj.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/sv_SE/Translation.m b/nls/sv_SE/Translation.m
index 68c6725..7a693d7 100644
--- a/nls/sv_SE/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/sv_SE/Translation.m
@@ -1,114 +1,114 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-1
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 Nere i mitten
-0x2 Nere till v�nster
-0x3 Nere till h�ger
-0x4 Horisontell
-0x6 Till v�nster nere
-0x7 Till v�nster i mitten
-0x8 Till v�nster uppe
-0xb Till h�ger nere
-0xc Till h�ger i mitten
-0xd Till h�ger uppe
-0xe Uppe i mitten
-0xf Uppe till v�nster
-0x10 Uppe till h�ger
-0x11 Vertikal
+1 Nere i mitten
+2 Nere till v�nster
+3 Nere till h�ger
+4 Horisontell
+6 Till v�nster nere
+7 Till v�nster i mitten
+8 Till v�nster uppe
+11 Till h�ger nere
+12 Till h�ger i mitten
+13 Till h�ger uppe
+14 Uppe i mitten
+15 Uppe till v�nster
+16 Uppe till h�ger
+17 Vertikal
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 G�m automatiskt
+2 G�m automatiskt
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x1 Kantutj�mning
-0x2 H�j automatiskt
-0x4 Klicka f�r fokus
-0x7 Fokusera f�nster vid skrivbordsbyte
-0x8 Fokusmodell
-0x9 Fokus p� nya f�nster
-0xa Full maximering
-0xb Bilddithering
-0xc Ogenomskinlig f�nsterf�rflyttning
-0xd Halv hafsig fokus
-0xe Hafsig fokus
-0xf Dra f�nster mellan arbetsytor
+1 Kantutj�mning
+2 H�j automatiskt
+4 Klicka f�r fokus
+7 Fokusera f�nster vid skrivbordsbyte
+8 Fokusmodell
+9 Fokus p� nya f�nster
+10 Full maximering
+11 Bilddithering
+12 Ogenomskinlig f�nsterf�rflyttning
+13 Halv hafsig fokus
+14 Hafsig fokus
+15 Dra f�nster mellan arbetsytor
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 Avsluta
-0x4 Ikoner
-0x7 Placering
-0x9 Starta om
-0xa xterm
+3 Avsluta
+4 Ikoner
+7 Placering
+9 Starta om
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 W: %4d x H: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 W: %4d x H: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Slitriktning
-0x7 Slitplacering
-0x8 Slit
+4 Slitriktning
+7 Slitplacering
+8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 �ndra namn p� skrivbordet
-0xa Verktygslistens placering
-0xb Verktygslist
+1 �ndra namn p� skrivbordet
+10 Verktygslistens placering
+11 Verktygslist
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 Inget namn
+1 Inget namn
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 St�ng
-0x2 Ikonifiera
-0x4 S�nk
-0x5 Maximera
-0x6 H�j
-0x7 Skicka till...
-0x8 Skugga
-0x9 Klibbig
+1 St�ng
+2 Ikonifiera
+4 S�nk
+5 Maximera
+6 H�j
+7 Skicka till...
+8 Skugga
+9 Klibbig
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Skrivbord %d
-0x2 Skrivbord
-0x3 Nytt skrivbord
-0x4 Ta bort sista
+1 Skrivbord %d
+2 Skrivbord
+3 Nytt skrivbord
+4 Ta bort sista
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s: fel: m�ste specifiera en av: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
-0x3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s: fel: m�ste specifiera en av: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
+3 %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <string>        sk�rmanslutning\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             modulam�nster\n\
 -foreground, -fg <color> f�rgrundsf�rg f�r modulam�nster\n\
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <color>           solid f�rg\n\n\
 -help                    visa denna hj�lptext och avsluta\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 fel: '-display' kr�ver ett argument\n
-0xb fel: '-rc' kr�ver ett argument\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 fel: '-display' kr�ver ett argument\n
+11 fel: '-rc' kr�ver ett argument\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <str�ng>\t\tanv�nd sk�rmanslutning.\n\
 -rc <str�ng>\t\t\tanv�nd alternativ resursfil.\n\
 -version\t\t\tvisa version och avsluta.\n\
@@ -131,5 +131,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filenamn>\t\t\tloggar utskriften till en fil.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\tvisa denna hj�lptext och avsluta.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
diff --git a/nls/tr_TR/Translation.m b/nls/tr_TR/Translation.m
index 4075cd8..c6db38f 100644
--- a/nls/tr_TR/Translation.m
+++ b/nls/tr_TR/Translation.m
@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
 $ codeset=ISO-8859-1
-$set 0x1 #Align
+$set 1 #Align
-0x1 Alt orta
-0x2 Sol alt
-0x3 Sa� �st
-0x4 Yatay
-0x6 Orta sol
-0x7 Sol orta
-0x8 Sol �st
-0xb Sa� orta
-0xc Orta sa�
-0xd Sa� �st
-0xe �st orta
-0xf Sol �st
-0x10 Sa� �st
-0x11 Dikey
+1 Alt orta
+2 Sol alt
+3 Sa� �st
+4 Yatay
+6 Orta sol
+7 Sol orta
+8 Sol �st
+11 Sa� orta
+12 Orta sa�
+13 Sa� �st
+14 �st orta
+15 Sol �st
+16 Sa� �st
+17 Dikey
-$set 0x2 #BaseDisplay
+$set 2 #BaseDisplay
-$set 0x3 #Common
+$set 3 #Common
-0x2 Otomatik Gizle
+2 Otomatik Gizle
-$set 0x4 #Configmenu
+$set 4 #Configmenu
-0x2 Otomatik G�ster
-0x4 Hizalamak i�in t�kla
-0x7 Masa�st� de�i�iminde pencereyi hizala
-0x8 Hizalama
-0x9 Yeni Pencereleri Hizala
-0xa Ekran� Kapla
-0xb Resim olu�turulmas�
-0xc Donuk Pencere Ta��nmas�
-0xd Ayn�lar� Hizala
-0xe Yava� Hizala
-0xf Masa�st� Sapmas�
+2 Otomatik G�ster
+4 Hizalamak i�in t�kla
+7 Masa�st� de�i�iminde pencereyi hizala
+8 Hizalama
+9 Yeni Pencereleri Hizala
+10 Ekran� Kapla
+11 Resim olu�turulmas�
+12 Donuk Pencere Ta��nmas�
+13 Ayn�lar� Hizala
+14 Yava� Hizala
+15 Masa�st� Sapmas�
-$set 0x5 #Ewmh
+$set 5 #Ewmh
-$set 0x6 #FbTkError
+$set 6 #FbTkError
-$set 0x7 #Fluxbox
+$set 7 #Fluxbox
-$set 0x8 #Gnome
+$set 8 #Gnome
-$set 0x9 #Keys
+$set 9 #Keys
-$set 0xa #Menu
+$set 10 #Menu
-0x3 ��k
-0x4 �konlar
-0x7 Yerle�im
-0x9 Yeniden Ba�lat
-0xa xterm
+3 ��k
+4 �konlar
+7 Yerle�im
+9 Yeniden Ba�lat
+10 xterm
-$set 0xb #Remember
+$set 11 #Remember
-$set 0xc #Screen
+$set 12 #Screen
-0x2 Y: %4d x E: %4d
-0x5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
-0x6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
+2 Y: %4d x E: %4d
+5 X: %4d x Y: %4d
+6 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
-$set 0xd #Slit
+$set 13 #Slit
-0x4 Slit y�n�
-0x7 Slit yerle�imi
-0x8 Slit
+4 Slit y�n�
+7 Slit yerle�imi
+8 Slit
-$set 0xe #Toolbar
+$set 14 #Toolbar
-0x1 Masa�st� ismini de�i�tir
-0xa Ara� �ubu�u Yerle�imi
-0xb Ara� �ubu�u
+1 Masa�st� ismini de�i�tir
+10 Ara� �ubu�u Yerle�imi
+11 Ara� �ubu�u
-$set 0xf #Window
+$set 15 #Window
-0x1 �simsiz
+1 �simsiz
-$set 0x10 #Windowmenu
+$set 16 #Windowmenu
-0x1 Kapat
-0x2 K���lt
-0x4 K���lt
-0x5 Ekran� Kapla
-0x6 G�ster
-0x7 G�nder ...
-0x8 �ekillendir
-0x9 Yap��t�r
+1 Kapat
+2 K���lt
+4 K���lt
+5 Ekran� Kapla
+6 G�ster
+7 G�nder ...
+8 �ekillendir
+9 Yap��t�r
-$set 0x11 #Workspace
+$set 17 #Workspace
-0x1 Masa�st� %d
-0x2 Masa�stleri
-0x3 Yeni Masa�st�
-0x4 Son Masa�st�n� Kald�r
+1 Masa�st� %d
+2 Masa�stleri
+3 Yeni Masa�st�
+4 Son Masa�st�n� Kald�r
-$set 0x12 #bsetroot
+$set 18 #bsetroot
-0x1 %s : hata : -solid, -mod yada -gradient'den en az birisini belirlemek zorundas�n�z\n
-0x3 %s 2.0 : Telif hakk� (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
+1 %s : hata : -solid, -mod yada -gradient'den en az birisini belirlemek zorundas�n�z\n
+3 %s 2.0 : Telif hakk� (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
 -display <metin>         ba�lant�y� g�ster\n\
 -mod <x> <y>             yerle�tirme\n\
 -foreground, -fg <renk>  �nplan rengi\n\
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ $set 0x12 #bsetroot
 -solid <renk>            tek renk\n\n\
 -help                    bu yard�m iletisini g�sterir\n
-$set 0x13 #main
+$set 19 #main
-0x1 hata : '-display' bir arg�man gerektirir\n
-0xb hata : '-rc' bir arg�man gerektirir\n
-0xc Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
+1 hata : '-display' bir arg�man gerektirir\n
+11 hata : '-rc' bir arg�man gerektirir\n
+12 Fluxbox %s: (c) %s Henrik Kinnunen\n\n\
 -display <metin>\t\tekran ba�lant�s� kullan.\n\
 -rc <metin>\t\t\talternatif bir ayar kaynak dosyas� kullan.\n\
 -version\t\t\ts�r�m� g�ster.\n\
@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@ $set 0x13 #main
 -log <filename>\t\t\tlog output to file.\n\
 -help\t\t\t\tyard�m ekran�.\n\n
-$set 0xd #mainWarnDisplay
+$set 13 #mainWarnDisplay
cgit v0.11.2