In editors such as vi and emacs, a user can mark a line in a file with
a shortcut key and afterwards jump back to that line using the shortcut.
The idea is extended to opened windows. A user can assign a keyboard
shortcut to an opened window. Afterwards, the shortcut can be used to
switch focus back to the marked window.
Such shortcuts save the user from pressing "alt+tab" multiple times to
cycle through windows until the desired one is found.
The following binding is added to file "~/.fluxbox/keys":
Mod1 m ARG :MarkWindow
Mod1 g ARG :GotoMarkedWindow
User enters "alt+m x" to mark the currently focused window with shortcut
key 'x'
User enters "alt+g x" to switch focus to the marked window
- Two new commands were added :MarkWindow and :GotoMarkedWindow
- Keys.cc was modified:
- addBinding() method supports parsing an argument placeholder where
the user can pass in a shortcut key
- doAction() method forwards the shortcut key to the command to execute
- Class Keys::t_key was modified to recognize a placeholder key
- New class ShortcutManager was added to maintain mapping of shortcut
keys to marked windows